Avicus Archive

Blue Cove (Walls) - make team names simple! by potatoarmor December 25, 2014 at 7:12 AM UTC

I was trying to join a team on Blue Cove and couldn't figure out the team.

It was a two word team name, let's say "The Scurvy"

The_Scurvy didn't work
The Scurvy didn't work (space between "the" and "scurvy")
TheScurvy didn't work (no space)

(then time ran out)

What is wrong with calling the teams by a color, like "Green"? 

At a minimum, make team names one word so there is no question about the space. 


ViceTechnicolour December 25, 2014 at 7:12 AM UTC

/join <color of scurvy>
/join scurvy

Coco_stag December 25, 2014 at 9:12 AM UTC

Yeah I agree this is annoying but I just do what ParaSpider said
/join Blue or what ever the color of the team is

potatoarmor December 28, 2014 at 8:12 PM UTC

Ah, so no "the".  I also didn't realize that I could just type the color, that was a great idea.

Got it, thanks.