Avicus Archive

Your pvping strategies and tactics by aagrant99 August 5, 2017 at 9:08 PM UTC

This discussion hasn't received many threads lately.  Are there any new strategies and tactics that anyone uses that they would like to share?  Always working on expanding strategies and tactics.  I am just wondering if anyone below has anything they use that works well for them and explain it.  Just would like to see what others do.  I have read a few of the last threads but would like to see more input from others.  If you have any strategies you would like to share comment it below.

profbananaslug August 5, 2017 at 9:08 PM UTC


OCDs August 6, 2017 at 12:08 AM UTC

Uhh. I always try and wait for the right moment to rush. A lot of people run straight in and find them selves having to handle a 4v1. Just wait and be patient i guess

Codyno August 6, 2017 at 12:08 AM UTC

Shooting people with a bow:

Fire one shot before engaging with a sword <- great way to gain a little advantage 
Shoot people off bridges and other easy to knock off spots 
Shoot someone to death from a safe distance
Bow spam ( people can find ways to kill you, and you'd look like a noob)

Codyno August 6, 2017 at 12:08 AM UTC

My strategy which I personally don't recommend is to run in into enemy lines and try to knock as much people as you can into the void.. works well if you don't get caught, but very low success rate

My other strategies include:
straight on pvp, with the sword, usually trying to get them stuck in a chain of attacks in a straight line (it can kill the best but its a CAN kill, its mainly luck when I get them stuck in a chain..)

Shooting, run and attack, run away after a few hits, place blocks to try to slow them down (making a quick wall), and repeat

aagrant99 August 6, 2017 at 1:08 AM UTC

Thank you to profbananaslug, OCDs, and Codyno.  All very great and helpful strategies.  Another bonus is that they are were brought to me by very great pvper's who know what they are doing.  I found prof's post very vivid and descriptive. I found codyno's do's and dont's to be a great way to organize his points and  all of his strategies have really proven.very useful.  OCD taught me to avoid rushing into things as I can be quickly overwhelmed.  All feedback on this post is greatly appreciated.  If you came here to see the strategies of other avicus players these are 3 guys you can trust.  I hope to see Absolab, Dev_Revs, and TheFloorisAvicys comment as well.

ytilauxesomoh August 6, 2017 at 2:08 AM UTC


Bowcombo: Its pretty sweaty but basically use your bow as a rod and, as people run towards, fire a bowshot so, and then get a couple free hits.

w-tap: Basically, use labymod or 1.7, and after you get hits, stop holding w while the person's avatar is still red, then once its normal again, hold it again. Youll ifgure it out better as you get used to it.

Jumpcritting: If you hit the person out of your reach you can get them back into it easier by jumping.

Strafing, aiming, and clicking fast are also important but theyre pretty self-explanatory

cincip August 6, 2017 at 3:08 AM UTC


Bowcombo: Its pretty sweaty but basically use your bow as a rod and, as people run towards, fire a bowshot so, and then get a couple free hits.

w-tap: Basically, use labymod or 1.7, and after you get hits, stop holding w while the person's avatar is still red, then once its normal again, hold it again. Youll ifgure it out better as you get used to it.

Jumpcritting: If you hit the person out of your reach you can get them back into it easier by jumping.

Strafing, aiming, and clicking fast are also important but theyre pretty self-explanatory
None of these work on you because it's impossible to combo you.

ytilauxesomoh August 6, 2017 at 3:08 AM UTC

None of these work on you because it's impossible to combo you.

Posighdun August 6, 2017 at 9:08 AM UTC

Kill steal off everyone else around me
my actual strategy is lag. :)

Milki August 6, 2017 at 1:08 PM UTC

I can give bow/anti-bow strats, from my experience.

Bow Strats: 
Anti-Bow Strats:
Wow, this was a lot longer than I thought it would be. That's all I can think of right now. Enjoy!

cellish August 6, 2017 at 1:08 PM UTC

W-Tap - Probably one of the things i do the most, W-Tapping resets your kb and will make you deal more kb to your opponent. 

Strafe - Just go to the left or to the right while fighting someone, probably one of the basics when it comes to pvp. Really easy to do.

Circle-Strafe - This is more advanced and is used more in potpvp. Basically while fighting someone and you get a combo, you walk in a circle around them, you need to have fairly high sensitivity or a HUGE mousepad to do this (i think). Prtty useful in potpvp.

Bow-Combo - When you're about 5-7 blocks away from your opponent running towards you, just simply shoot an arrow, it doesnt have to be fully pulled back, as long as you can shoot an arrow on your enemy. This will knock them back about 1-2 blocks, you run towards them and start comboing them.

Camshake - not really sure about it, just shake your mouse a bit in a fight, you usually camshake while jitterclicking. This doesnt help for everyone but it helps for some.

A&D-Tap - This is also quite complicated, you switch between A & D after every // every second hit while comboing. If you play normal (without speed) switch between every hit, if playing pot (with speed 2) switch between every or every second hit, depends on how coose you are to your enemy.