Avicus Archive

PlugDJ Friday! Rap Night! by Numberz_ March 13, 2015 at 2:03 AM UTC

Welcome back to another Plug.DJ session. This week's theme will be Rap.

When is it?
EST: 6:00 PM
PST: 3:00 PM

There is no specific end time.

I have a profile. Now what?
You can start a pre-party, maybe tell a few friends to come along and have a good time!
Remember that the link is:

I don't have an account :c
If this is your first time ever using plug.dj, you will need to sign up. Go to their page here:

https://plug.dj/dashboard you also can register at https://plug.dj/avicus

Follow the instructions to create a profile.
Keep in mind that once you create a username, you cannot change it in the future, so do not impersonate others.


Once you "plug" into the hangout (haha), create a playlist of songs by searching up your favourites on YouTube, and then join the wait list! Once it's your turn to DJ, everyone in the hangout can dance, listen, and have a good time to your song!

Cool. Any rules?
Basic behavior rules apply. Don't be rude to others in chat, try to limit the amount of inappropriate language you use in the chat. Any person found doing this will receive a warning.

Basic video rules apply. Please do not play any videos that may contain gory/sexual/racist/homophobic/violent content. Any person found playing such content will receive a warning, followed by a ban.

Have fun!

Also any suggestion for themes would be great!

Emmaye March 13, 2015 at 2:03 AM UTC


Tarheelkiwi March 13, 2015 at 2:03 AM UTC

I'll be der!

Dyspa March 13, 2015 at 2:03 AM UTC

Please change the time, Robo UHC is starting at 6 and rap is my favourite music gender ;c

JUBBINATOR March 13, 2015 at 4:03 AM UTC

Every day is rap day
let the 2pacalypse come
Death Row

FrostedCupcakez March 13, 2015 at 5:03 AM UTC

Ooo! I'll try my best to hop on, hope to see you guys there! <3

Vobaseball12 March 13, 2015 at 11:03 AM UTC

Ooo, nice, I have some great rap songs! :D I'll definitely be there!

Sevoo March 13, 2015 at 7:03 PM UTC

Please change the time, Robo UHC is starting at 6 and rap is my favourite music gender ;c
Just play while having it on

If you lag just use another PC

StewieFG March 13, 2015 at 7:03 PM UTC

Yee :D
I will try my best to be there, and thanks for making these events :D I am sure it connects the community and make them know eachother better and have fun togethers, thanks for making these events :)

Sevoo March 13, 2015 at 8:03 PM UTC

Ill be there probs

TheMasterClock March 13, 2015 at 9:03 PM UTC

Sounds great! I'll be there!