Avicus Archive

Considering Time (players and staff included) by BourbonBonobo April 10, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

  I have always been thinking of how everyone has so much time to play, and how the staff have so much time to moderate/develop maps/code stuff! Iv'e been in the search for needing help with managing my time. How do you guys manage the time to play on avicus, moderate and do certain things such as coding for the server?
I'm just curious ! Please don't consider this as spam :P


Rainstruck April 10, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

Well I just want to be the first to say that, IRL stuff should always come before Gaming. ALWAYS! I mean one of the things that will help especially is the fact if you can manage your time well. For Example, I know that I have Jazz Band after school every weekday from 2:30-4:30 so, I should plan on doing hmwk after that. Now hmwk is different every night, so sometimes it can be as much as 5 hours, or as little as 10 minutes. It just depends on the day. Another thing that you might want to factor in is that people all around the world play Avicus. Not just the US or EU or AU people, everyone plays on this server. I mean I want to have as much time as I can to help with this server, but to me ALWAYS put IRL stuff before Avicus or anything.

SirCyaniide April 10, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

I'm on spring break rn. But I usually come from school, to the rec. then I get home at like 6. Usually if you have a study hall finish ur homework before u get home ;D.

MLGtino April 10, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

I have nothing to manage.

badgg April 10, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

On a rather normal week, I spend about 4+ hours on Avicus per day. I still manage to complete all my school work as well as maintaining sufficient exercise, social life, family related events and whatnot.  If you want to improve your time management, sit down for a couple of minutes and draw out a timetable.