Avicus Archive

Friends requests? by Robin_DD_J August 16, 2014 at 2:08 PM UTC

So I've soon on peoples profiles that they got friends, and I couldn't find a button to request people. So adrianosborne told me they are working/developing it. Is there any date that this friend system will be back? I would really like to know tho I can't msg people 'n stuff in-game.

TheMasterClock August 16, 2014 at 2:08 PM UTC

It might take a while because the developer of the server (IvyCode) is currently busy with his high school work. Once he gets more time he can get that on.

awesome_apricot August 16, 2014 at 2:08 PM UTC

You could go onto the old site (www.old.avicus.net) and friend request them there.. THen they'd have to accept from there too... But yes, it should be back soon, I hope, however I haven't heard anything regarding it lately.

Robin_DD_J August 16, 2014 at 3:08 PM UTC

You could go onto the old site (www.old.avicus.net) and friend request them there.. THen they'd have to accept from there too... But yes, it should be back soon, I hope, however I haven't heard anything regarding it lately.
Ever thought off getting a 2nd developer?