Avicus Archive

Just so that I understand by Polar_Express July 30, 2014 at 3:07 PM UTC

If I want to post a random thread about food in off topic or post a thread about " show your face" or  talk about any of the other random things I can, but If i want to ask a map dev a question, the forums are not the place? Why do I have to have Skype to ask a question, when Avicus has a Forum? It was not posted a 10000 times, it was a question.

Seriously. Locked?

MLGtino July 30, 2014 at 3:07 PM UTC

Because its such a small question dedicated to just one person. The forums is for major discussion, not small talk. 

Do not make any more threads about this situation, or just asking a simple question to one person please.


ViceTechnicolour July 30, 2014 at 3:07 PM UTC

The forums are an environment where all users are involved in discussions that pertain to larger and more relatable topics. They are meant to be inclusive rather than oriented around a single person.