Avicus Archive

How to add friends and statistics by HadesOMG_0 October 26, 2014 at 9:10 PM UTC

A few days ago I started playing on this server and I loved it , I put effort and started playing seriously and when I wanted to see my statistics is not loading , I do not charge anything for my profile, I have said in the game that put a / stats at the end of the link in my profile and I worked, but I still can see my nemesis and stuff that are also interesting , is there any solution?
Oh and also , I have to make some friends and also saw that I find the button to add them as friends, not as someone tells me?
Thanks in advance! Excellent server :D

PD: Sorry if confunsas words but my English is not very good xD

Porkyyy October 26, 2014 at 10:10 PM UTC

Hello MateOMG_10.

To add friends, go on http://old.avicus.net and find the player that you wish to add as a friend. Then, go on their profile and click "Add Friend".
When they accept you, you will then be friends.

Stats are sometimes glitched for newer players.

Numberz_ October 26, 2014 at 10:10 PM UTC

The stats problem might not get fixed anytime soon :L but to add friends go to the old forums log in and hit the "Add Friend" button. Here's mine. http://old.avicus.net/99250

Phobiaxx October 26, 2014 at 10:10 PM UTC

Welcome to avicus! ^-^
For stats: www.avicus.net/hadesomg_0/stats
For friends: you can follow what the other people said. You can also message players in game with /bukkit:tell ^-^