Avicus Archive

Map Developer updates! by Fouled April 9, 2015 at 12:04 AM UTC

Senior staff members taking on the role of Map Developer?
As you guys must have seen, Michael/Straightened was recently promoted to Map Developer. Currently, the map development team have decided to invite a few members from the Senior staff team to take on the role of Map Developer. If your puzzled, considering some of the senior moderators have no experience in map development. Here's how it worked. We promoted/promote senior moderators on their past reflections with map related content. We will be training them in map making, YML, Github and plenty more! So don't worry. There will be more promotions.

Gamemode assignments?
Me and SkylarCalibrator have decided on assigning map developers to certain game-modes (depending on which gamemode they have the most experience/strength in). Here's how it will work. The Map Developers will be in-charge of their given gamemode to keep it up to date (adding maps to the repository and such). We are allowed to work outside of our gamemode, but we still have to contribute to our given one. Here are the assignments:

Polar_Express / Mango_ / MerlinMaster / triplezko / Skyadia - Legacy
Straightened / Vacuum / BrokenVacuum / timaeusTestified / Hacktivism / Pavlo / jozzmcozz - Nebula
Tanpopo / timaeusTestified / Pelpelajax - Survival Games
Vacuum / triplezko / BrokenVacuum - Arcade (not released yet)
Tanpopo / Pelpelajax / Mango_ - Tournament stuff

This is all for now. If you have any questions regarding any of these topics, feel free to post them below or contact me on Skype - Slicornplaysminecraft

Thanks and have a wonderful day! :D

nintendoboy11 April 9, 2015 at 12:04 AM UTC

Thanks for letting us know!

Dyspa April 9, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

I don't like how you're promoting senior mods to map developers. Yeah, maybe you're kinda right by teaching them how to YAML, that would be ok and good for them as well but.. they don't know what we want, the type of maps we're asking for, unless they make some of the maps with a "real" map developer, the maps will be good but if they don't, the aesthetics will be bad and the general look of the maps will be bad too as most of them don't have any previous experience.
I don't know if you got my idea but it would be good to re-think this.
Thanks for the update anyway.. :) Looking forward for more dedication into the maps!

BoldAndBrash April 9, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

I don't like how you're promoting senior mods to map developers. Yeah, maybe you're kinda right by teaching them how to YAML, that would be ok and good for them as well but.. they don't know what we want, the type of maps we're asking for, unless they make some of the maps with a "real" map developer, the maps will be good but if they don't, the aesthetics will be bad and the general look of the maps will be bad too as most of them don't have any previous experience.
I don't know if you got my idea but it would be good to re-think this.
Thanks for the update anyway.. :) Looking forward for more dedication into the maps!
Overall agreed :)

Thanks for update ^-^

MajestysDream April 9, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

Thank you for the update! :)

MLGtino April 9, 2015 at 1:04 AM UTC

More people for Nebula.

StewieFG April 9, 2015 at 5:04 AM UTC

I don't like how you're promoting senior mods to map developers. Yeah, maybe you're kinda right by teaching them how to YAML, that would be ok and good for them as well but.. they don't know what we want, the type of maps we're asking for, unless they make some of the maps with a "real" map developer, the maps will be good but if they don't, the aesthetics will be bad and the general look of the maps will be bad too as most of them don't have any previous experience.
I don't know if you got my idea but it would be good to re-think this.
Thanks for the update anyway.. :) Looking forward for more dedication into the maps!
Agreed, but in this case it was a good promotion, because Michael is experienced in making maps, he made some good candy land maps with Merlin.

Thanks for the update! :D

JJTheGuy April 9, 2015 at 6:04 AM UTC

Is it really a secret as to who you aren't revealing for Legacy? I mean, it's a tad obvious...