Avicus Archive

The hackers... by NewVoltdrive June 3, 2014 at 1:06 PM UTC

I swear to god, every Nexus game I go to, there is at least one hacker. The one I was just in had two people using God Mode and Forcefield. Seriously, get more moderators in the Nexus games. That is where the big hacks.

FazeOfKnight1 June 3, 2014 at 1:06 PM UTC

Well, ./report, or ./leave and record yourself. I do that, more efficient than having more moderators in the Nexus games. I'd rather have a even spread out number than all focus'd on one gm. 

KalinD June 3, 2014 at 1:06 PM UTC

Don't worry, I recorded the both, theye are uploaded and reported on forums :)

NewVoltdrive June 3, 2014 at 2:06 PM UTC

Well, ./report, or ./leave and record yourself. I do that, more efficient than having more moderators in the Nexus games. I'd rather have a even spread out number than all focus'd on one gm. 
It's funny how no one ever comes when I do /report. Plus, I don't have a video recorder, and my computer probs couldn't handle it anyway.

ParthDarthVader June 3, 2014 at 2:06 PM UTC

You don't see them because when you are in game, you do t see the players that are just spectating and they don't appear when you do the tab thing. You have to do /who and then you will see everyone that is on that game server.

ViceTechnicolour June 3, 2014 at 2:06 PM UTC

God Mode doesn't exist on Avicus, it's been patched for a very long time. I kind of feel that you are a bit butthurt because you were just killed.

Glitchaye June 3, 2014 at 3:06 PM UTC

Para, ive seen some players use regen, all of their armor broke and they were still getting hit from 4+ people. So REGEN works, but not God.

awesome_apricot June 3, 2014 at 3:06 PM UTC

There ain't no God mode :P

And a Moderator's work is hard.. I personally have a few mock exams this week in prep for next year, I want to make sure my revision is up to schedule, so when I do come on, it's for maybe 10-15 minutes at a time as a break. 

The best way for YOU to make a difference is to file an on line report with clear and sufficient evidence, that way we can ban them easier, 

ViceTechnicolour June 3, 2014 at 3:06 PM UTC

Glitchy, you're wrong. Sorry.

I've toyed with many clients and I can't find working regen that works in Multiplayer as of late. See wizardhax site and try finding one yourself.

NewVoltdrive June 3, 2014 at 3:06 PM UTC

Then prepare to wear glasses, because it will be the blurriest resolution possible in human mankind.