Avicus Archive

new staff by dcrising2002 July 6, 2014 at 3:07 PM UTC

glitchy1, Ingigo, ParaSpider, Mooch24, itzdylan115, zeus449, Cupcake1241 and Princezz_Dubstep. I just joined today and saw many of you playing and enjoying your time as junior mods.  It is a really great role. Can't wait to see you guys contributing to this already awesome server.
Good Luck, and congratulations for becoming junior moderators.

Yum_FriedChicken July 6, 2014 at 3:07 PM UTC

Again, congratulations!
TheoLucy there have already been several threads about this:

There are a few more, but I cannot find them right now.
Very nice of you to write about this though.

dcrising2002 July 6, 2014 at 3:07 PM UTC

thx i have decided to start doing this