Avicus Archive

Videos? by Alpapi November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

I was wondering since I've been recently playing a lot of the server. I was wondering if I had the permission to record some videos of me playing on Nebula, and maybe some other games on the server. But I will mostly stick to Nebula.

I wouldn't want to do something without the staffs permission. I'm not going to give you my channel because there is really nothing to show. It's relatively small and I don't want to risk the chance of self advertisement on the forum.

Ducksfanwaterloo November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

Of course you can record :D  You can also post your Avicus videos in the "Media" sub-forum when you have uploaded them :)

Alpapi November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

Of course you can record :D  You can also post your Avicus videos in the "Media" sub-forum when you have uploaded them :)
Sounds good. Thank you.