[♆] Event #5 - Kornephorus
December 19, 2014 at 2:12 AM UTC
NEW RULE: Judges can help with the map so as long as they don't do enough to be accredited author. It's up to your jurisdiction as a judge to know how much you helped with. Basically, they can be contributors (via YML, a few tweaks such as unevenness, help outlining, fixing theme, etc.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Event #5: Kornephorus This is the fifth official event on the Avicus Network, known as "Kornephorus". You are given some time to construct a map in the nebula CTW gamemode and it can be any design you want, or even your own unique concept. However, it is vital that it contains getting wool, and placing wool! Anything festive works as long as it's wool oriented! There are a few rules however, but it should be fun for everyone!
Who are the judges? ParaSpider and Slvrflash. The judges may change.
What are the rules? You have to follow these rules or your map will be rejected. - You may not have more than 3 authors. - You must have a CTW (Capture the Wool) map. Anything else will not be entered in.
What are the guidelines? Maps are judged in the following aspects; - Gameplay (How do you think the map will play on the servers?) - Aesthetics (How pleasing to the eye does it look?) - Creativity (Is it unique and really stands out?)
YAML will be done by a map developer if you wish, and it will not count against you. We're all here to help!
What gamemodes can I do? You can do anything possible within YAML in Capture the Wool. By the way, if your map doesn't have chests, contact me. I'll need some info on what your concept is exactly.
How do I submit my map? Put a [CONTEST] tag in the title. By doing so, you are entered into the contest and put into a spreadsheet. It contains the map name, authors, thread link, jurisdiction of approval/denial, and it's gamemode. All CTW maps are eligible to be in this contest. You have the permission to post your thread link in the post below so I can see it easier.
1. Do not give inconstructive feedback by knocking others down to build yourself up. 2. Do not steal maps; all maps are your property. Violations of this are a perma ban. 3. Do not ghost produce; don't have other users make a map for you and you take credit. 4. Do not spam judges; patience is a large key. Wait for a response on your map. 5. Do not ghost view; don't tally a ton of thread views in your thread for attention. 6. Do not make joke maps; all maps must be true submissions to the server. 7. Do not submit maps made prior to this; all maps must be "newly produced". 8. Always give credit. No matter what the case, credit everyone who authored.
How can I create YAML? Use our documentation resource at docs.avicus.net.
What is the prize? Possibly none, or maybe a gold rank. Not confirmed.
We are making this contest to have it get "on it's feet". With some maps to supply, the gamemode will be very enjoyable if it does happen to phase out. I can't say the status on it exactly or it's details, but I want to say that helping it out is a great thing to do if you all really want it.
If CTW does not happen to come, they can still be converted into DTM. Try to be original!
Sidenote; Chamaeleon announced winners will be done over the weekend :)
Judges can help with the map so as long as they don't do enough to be accredited author. It's up to your jurisdiction as a judge to know how much you helped with. Basically, they can be contributors (via YML, a few tweaks such as unevenness, help outlining, fixing theme, etc.)
Sorry that the results for the contest came in late, as we had a few issues along the way but, here they are!
In first we have Axaylm by Slicorn! Congratulations! In second is Exode by Sethskye! Thanks for participating in Kornephorus and I encourage you all to participate in future build contests!
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