Avicus Archive

Kinda Confused With the Teams System... by CloudTech January 7, 2016 at 8:01 PM UTC

I just joined the 'Avicus Website' (Way too late of course) and i'm still kinda confused with the teams. Answers to questions like "How do I join teams?", "How do I invite or add people to my teams?" and "How did the #1 team get such a cool description" would be welcomed openly

Coco_stag January 7, 2016 at 9:01 PM UTC

How do I join a team?
You can ask a team, or apply, or go LFT.
How do I invite or add people to my team?
Hit the invite tab and type their username, after creating a team.
How did the #1 team get such a cool description?
Some teams have a HTML page, or just graphic design, or even just a list of their members.

CloudTech January 7, 2016 at 9:01 PM UTC
