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Top 5 Favorite DTM Maps by NopressureV2 April 26, 2017 at 4:04 AM UTC


 I wanted to share my person top 5 favorite DTM maps, most of these are classics and have been on the server for a very long time. Also, remember that this is just my opinion so please do not hate on me for liking a certain map you may not like. Lastly, fill free to comment below your personal favorites. I also apologize for some grammar errors that you might see since I'm writing this late at night.

5. Frostbite

There are so many things I like about this map, it may be because I love where the monuments are placed and that it can be good for rushing or defending. I personally prefer maps with the availability to have iron or diamond gear due to defending being easier so it does make me like the map a lot more, I also think the tree is a really nice touch.

4. Dust Devils 

Many people love this map and also some hate it, however I personally think this map is great, it is a decent size, I like the mountains surrounding the map, I also like to defend and like how it's at a nice place making it easy to defend even though it's annoying sometimes for rushers, depending on how many players are participating in the match

3. Quintus 

Some of the longest games ever have been played on this map, it's truly a fun map for when I'm both defending or rushing, it's perfect sized, love where the monuments are located and I just everything about this map

2. Halcyon 

Everything about this map is just great, the size is good and it's also a good overall gameplay. I find it really fun to defend on this one, like the other maps on this list

1. Rendezvous 

I've never ever heard anyone say bad things about this map, it's just amazing, the gameplay is great, the monuments are at a great location that's all I can really say it's a great classic map that almost anyone loves, what else can I say 

In conclusion, most of the maps are fantastic and these 5 maps are my overall favorite maps to play on, although my description on why I like these maps are a little brief, you can still see at least one reason why I like these maps. Please comment below on your top 5! 

keller183 April 26, 2017 at 5:04 AM UTC

its more than 5 but whatever lol, these are the only maps ive really ever liked (that i remember) from dtm
no particular order
Decay, Venomous, Yellowstone, Sector Six, Dust Devils, Embers II, Rendezvous, Zalidor (Snow Version), Crusade, Justice 2, Rigor Mortis, Crescent:Subtle, Honeycomb, Formorgar 1, Deathlands, Haunted Hallow, Curabitur, Volcano, Sandstorm, Halcyon, Ravanged, Fissura, Teres, Mystic, and Planks

i like most of these because nostolgia

Riilo April 26, 2017 at 8:04 AM UTC

You don't need a top 5 list if there has been

Rendezvous 1
Rendezvous 2
Rendevous 3
Rendevous New CTW
Rendevous 3 TE

NopressureV2 April 26, 2017 at 12:04 PM UTC

its more than 5 but whatever lol, these are the only maps ive really ever liked (that i remember) from dtm
no particular order
Decay, Venomous, Yellowstone, Sector Six, Dust Devils, Embers II, Rendezvous, Zalidor (Snow Version), Crusade, Justice 2, Rigor Mortis, Crescent:Subtle, Honeycomb, Formorgar 1, Deathlands, Haunted Hallow, Curabitur, Volcano, Sandstorm, Halcyon, Ravanged, Fissura, Teres, Mystic, and Planks

i like most of these because nostolgia
That's another reason why I like these maps

ArmamentHaki April 26, 2017 at 12:04 PM UTC

I dont like maps because of Nostalgia. But many of the old maps have basic concepts which often provide good gameplay, nowadays it is harder to find a good playing map which has a different layout than older maps

IzikW April 27, 2017 at 3:04 AM UTC

These are in no specific order, but

Mute City (any of them)
Rendezvous (1 and the old redux with dias)
Senex 1
Justice 1 (with the power bows)

JeTePardonne April 27, 2017 at 5:04 AM UTC

Senex 1
Dust Devils
Halcyon I

Skquid April 27, 2017 at 6:04 AM UTC

5. Senex 
4. Ternio
3. Halcyon
2. Quintus
1. Rendezvous
All of them original version,
mostly because they're the good ol' maps that almost everyone likes.