Avicus Archive

Mini-game comitee... by Whale__Warrior June 3, 2014 at 7:06 PM UTC

Where are they , whoever they are they need be more active i've had a mini game idea out for a bit and no official people like funky whos been on lods hasn't even comented on it and it even said : 'Funky please read'

Can someone give me a clue or tell me something about my minigame

Aydran June 3, 2014 at 7:06 PM UTC

Back when there was still a game committee, it was said that with the arrival of Avicore it would become extremely easy to add new game modes and that was when our approved games would be added. However, we never got a reply from funky so the committee eventually died.

Whale__Warrior June 3, 2014 at 7:06 PM UTC

Well it really needs to be re-introduced like the kit comitee