Avicus Archive

♕Avicus Map Gameplay Survey♕ by ProfessorUtonium October 14, 2015 at 2:10 AM UTC


This is a Poll made by myself to help the Map Developers fix those certain maps where the Gameplay is awful. Please answer truthfully and any Troll Responses will be discarded. Make sure to add your IGN just in case so we can ask you what you mean about a Question if we can't understand what you wrote.

Try to refrain from posting any Tournament map in the document (Contact an Official about those maps).

1 map for every response <----
(multiple responses are allowed)

Hope this helps us in making Avicus Maps better gameplay wise! ^-^


If you have any questions, Post a reply down below.

1v1Me_ October 14, 2015 at 2:10 AM UTC
