Avicus Archive

Everyone's Top 5 NEW Maps (nebula) by BourbonBonobo July 7, 2014 at 3:07 AM UTC

Hi guys,

What are your top 5 New favorite nebula maps?
5. Flowdren (love the design!!)
4. Justice 
3. Unix
2. Decay 
1. Wonderland
Above are my favorite maps. What are yours?


Netuxx July 7, 2014 at 3:07 AM UTC

1. Unix
2. Wonderland
3. Senex 2
4. CherrylandMC
5. Rendezvous 3

hpux July 7, 2014 at 3:07 AM UTC

1. Unix
2. Wonderland
3. Senex 2
4. CherrylandMC
5. Rendezvous 3
Fact: Senex 2 is actually an old MC Zone map. So is Decay.

My top 5 would have to be:

1. Campi Erbosi
2. CherrylandMC
3. Wonderland
4. Curabitur
5. Justice