Avicus Archive

Quantity of teams problem on Avicus by tomqss November 13, 2015 at 1:11 PM UTC

We all know that Avicus has got a problem on this topic. As we know Tourney 2 only had 8 teams playing it. 
But is this because of a lack of players? Not really.
A lot of players create teams who get 8 players at the most. And this happens because of the fact that a lot of players create their teams instead of joining one. This also causes a lack of scrimmages. Also a good way of getting people into your team, apart from making a LFM post is answer the LFT posts.
Obviously we won't get more teams if people join the 10 teams that we know. But try merging little teams together, so you can be a considerable amount of members.
 And if you think your team is not good for scrimming, it works quite the opposite. Scrimming helps your team improving, you'll learn from the other team and you will get to know how do your players play. 
I hope that this post will help solving this problem.

PD: If your team wants to scrim but you don't find an opponent, feel free to post your skype for me to add you and I'll add you to the scrimmage chat

Subscriptor November 13, 2015 at 2:11 PM UTC

Im not a leader of my team, so i wont give you my skype, but im sure we will be jspoy to scrim you guys sometime.

DaFrozenBlaze November 13, 2015 at 2:11 PM UTC

Im not a leader of my team, so i wont give you my skype, but im sure we will be jspoy to scrim you guys sometime.
Your skype is on your profile anyway xDDD