Avicus Archive

Avicus Nebula Coming To My Channel. by OPTOBAT July 17, 2014 at 1:07 AM UTC

Hey everyone, below is the very first link i have released to my channel. Today is the point where i would finally like to begin my Subscribers growth on YouTube.
Now, look, there is NO VIDEOS just yet but please bear with me: I am in the making of a trailer for my debut (first) series Nebula which i am going to begin next week, but as i am about to upload my first video, which is the trailer, could you guys PLEASE hit the subscribe button on my channel and be tuned for my first video, i can't explain how grateful i would be :) thanks guys - OPTOBAT.

link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6qZ9vdryr7m-4sS0i9kL3Q