Avicus Archive

Avicus Weekly News by Cezbla June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

If you haven't heard we are having a map-developers  party or a map sneak peek! click the link to see more shout out to para speder and Evocal for doing this for us! http://avicus.net/forums/09271c85c

Congrats  ducksfanwaterloo for being the first to prestige 5 in nexus and for being the top this week over all of all the mini-games on the avicus network!!!! 
Also for weekly top on nexus!! 

Congrats  Rocky_Cuchita for being the top on the leader boards this week in nebula!

Congrats benconsolver for the most deaths on the avicus network in all mini-games on the avicus network!

Finally congrats to MLGtino for the most kills on all the mini-games on the avicus network!

Now if you haven't heard Funkystudios/IvyCode fixed some glitches on the avicus network my favorite was the nexus durability and kit glitch thanks IvyCode.                                                    

Staff applications were just told her made there interview here is a full list of the people accepted for the interview! Remember applications are closed but not forever I think they are back in a month or two!
ParaSpider (TheMasterCow)

Avicus weekly gossip?!
New game modes?!
this is the new thing going on in the avicus network what will we put in those missing spaces in the hub, I guess we will just have to wait and see!!!!

Ideas for game modes?
I have been trying to think of some mini-games that someone may be able to put there, but I cannot find any, do any of you guys have a thought on any good new games!!!! I cannot wait if I am missing some new information about this map devs feel free to comment!

Nebula Maps what about others.... :(
Why don't people make us new maps on everything!!! Walls is getting boring with no new maps only hypixel old maps! I know I am not alone when I say this but Lets add more popularity into walls nexus nebula even!!! lets do this!

                                                                                                                                                                                 New Updates Coming!?
YYYYYYEEESSSSS the best thing's have been happening in avicus we have gotten many new people and as you see we now can vote for avicus and get xp out of it, if you do not know about this you go to this link www.avicus.net/vote , vote for the avicus network now!

Best regards, Cezbla

Keep checking my posts for more weekly! I am wondering if there could be more writers that do different jobs, Like lets say I do a report on nexus and mlgtino does nebula and doozie does avicade etc.


                           THE BIG OPEN SPACE WAS A MISTAKE SORRY! 

Numberz_ June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Yay <3

Numberz_ June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Me tops leader board for CTH D:

Cezbla June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Me tops leader board for CTH D:

smitdalt June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

This is kind of cool. I would be willing to do some writing for these

ViceTechnicolour June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Gonna give some feedback;

There are a ton of grammar errors, formatting errors, and spelling errors, as well as it seems a bit sloppy with bolded + underlined text. There's also it seems personal opinions including this (which is complaining about how walls, nebula, and nexus need more maps when in fact it's CTH and avicade that need more maps overall) which isn't quite news. While it's nice you include your friends, it doesn't exactly correlate to news unless you name other players who get prestige. As for the gossip, it's actually wrong and isn't really gossip. The new "gamemodes" which are in heavily development are in fact for Avicade, and will not be on the main slots of the lobby. When you asked for gamemode ideas to drop below, that generally would be buried in here and should be carried out into it's own thread. You also when giving news reports don't use the word "think". It isn't news, it seems like guessing.

Also, it's "ParaSpider" not para speder ;p but with some improvements and a good format, this might be good.

kycrafft June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Damn that's a lot of interviewees.

kycrafft June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Gonna give some feedback;

There are a ton of grammar errors, formatting errors, and spelling errors, as well as it seems a bit sloppy with bolded + underlined text. There's also it seems personal opinions including this (which is complaining about how walls, nebula, and nexus need more maps when in fact it's CTH and avicade that need more maps overall) which isn't quite news. While it's nice you include your friends, it doesn't exactly correlate to news unless you name other players who get prestige. As for the gossip, it's actually wrong and isn't really gossip. The new "gamemodes" which are in heavily development are in fact for Avicade, and will not be on the main slots of the lobby. When you asked for gamemode ideas to drop below, that generally would be buried in here and should be carried out into it's own thread. You also when giving news reports don't use the word "think". It isn't news, it seems like guessing.

Also, it's "ParaSpider" not para speder ;p but with some improvements and a good format, this might be good.
Oh come on. It's only the first one and must have taken hours to make.

Cezbla June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Gonna give some feedback;

There are a ton of grammar errors, formatting errors, and spelling errors, as well as it seems a bit sloppy with bolded + underlined text. There's also it seems personal opinions including this (which is complaining about how walls, nebula, and nexus need more maps when in fact it's CTH and avicade that need more maps overall) which isn't quite news. While it's nice you include your friends, it doesn't exactly correlate to news unless you name other players who get prestige. As for the gossip, it's actually wrong and isn't really gossip. The new "gamemodes" which are in heavily development are in fact for Avicade, and will not be on the main slots of the lobby. When you asked for gamemode ideas to drop below, that generally would be buried in here and should be carried out into it's own thread. You also when giving news reports don't use the word "think". It isn't news, it seems like guessing.

Also, it's "ParaSpider" not para speder ;p but with some improvements and a good format, this might be good.
;( Ok *slams his computer and cries*

ViceTechnicolour June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Oh come on. It's only the first one and must have taken hours to make.
I'm aware, and wanted to give feedback for improvement. I don't know how long it took to make, but I used to write newsletters for OCN and it was 4x this size and didn't really take that long.

ViceTechnicolour June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

;( Ok *slams his computer and cries*
Don't be sad ;(

Cezbla June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Gonna give some feedback;

There are a ton of grammar errors, formatting errors, and spelling errors, as well as it seems a bit sloppy with bolded + underlined text. There's also it seems personal opinions including this (which is complaining about how walls, nebula, and nexus need more maps when in fact it's CTH and avicade that need more maps overall) which isn't quite news. While it's nice you include your friends, it doesn't exactly correlate to news unless you name other players who get prestige. As for the gossip, it's actually wrong and isn't really gossip. The new "gamemodes" which are in heavily development are in fact for Avicade, and will not be on the main slots of the lobby. When you asked for gamemode ideas to drop below, that generally would be buried in here and should be carried out into it's own thread. You also when giving news reports don't use the word "think". It isn't news, it seems like guessing.

Also, it's "ParaSpider" not para speder ;p but with some improvements and a good format, this might be good.
I am not archiving this if this is what your aiming for

ViceTechnicolour June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

I am not archiving this if this is what your aiming for
What makes you think I want you to archive this..?

TemporaryBan June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Looks awesome! Good idea too!

Cezbla June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Don't be sad ;(
Can you be a writer with me?

ViceTechnicolour June 21, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Can you be a writer with me?
Eh, I don't really do writing much anymore. Thanks for the offer though.

cinammoncroc000 June 21, 2014 at 3:06 AM UTC

Can you be a writer with me?
I'll write with you Cezbla ;)