Avicus Archive

It's been nice knowing you all. by InputIGNHere January 26, 2018 at 4:01 AM UTC

It's been a nice 4+ years with all of you. Since the network is shutting down, I'd like to say goodbye to all of you that I have played alongside with. This final forums thread will be probably my last unless the forums system stays up. I'd like this be a thanks to all of you who played on Avicus. It was nice to see most of the players online at the EOTW.

Here are some people I'd like to thank for my experiences here:
Murphh - Creating the first team I joined
Junr - Helped me learn my way around being a moderator
Acceqted - Brought me in to the staff team, tough choice, but never regretted helping and expanding on what I knew.
Passively - Very friendly staff member
keenanjt and  ALM - Thanks for taking care of the server, you kept it running for us to have fun. Thanks.


and if they exist: {tag=InputIGNThere} and {tag=OutputIGNThere}

If you feel like I forgot about you in this list, tell me. I'm sure there are many people I forgot to add.

HOME & HOEM team - Thanks for the fun experiences.
Staff team - It's been quite a good learning experience being staff in multiple areas. Thanks for the time.
Community - Much <3, thanks for sticking along.

Feel free to AMA!

If you want to stay in touch, feel free to message me on any platform with username "jasoryeh"

The one and only,

InputIGNHere, Input, or Mc_TheCreeperJH

KeewiDood January 26, 2018 at 4:01 PM UTC

fam u quitting team home?