Avicus Archive

Just Read by nerfgun2002 November 24, 2014 at 1:11 AM UTC

So it has came to my attention that all the old avicus people are leaving and the new ones are joining. In all maps i go to, i see all new names but not old. this is most likely because of the gameplay although its fun. we should try and make more game modes

_Phyre November 24, 2014 at 1:11 AM UTC

More? we have a ton and nobody plays them -.-

Numberz_ November 24, 2014 at 1:11 AM UTC

Just play the old ones ffs.

nerfgun2002 November 24, 2014 at 1:11 AM UTC

More? we have a ton and nobody plays them -.-
The thing is that new guys love the nebula and nexus gamemode that they neglect the others.

nerfgun2002 November 24, 2014 at 1:11 AM UTC

Just play the old ones ffs.

Porkyyy November 24, 2014 at 1:11 AM UTC

Get rid of the new ones, I hate 80% of them, as do many other people..

nerfgun2002 November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

Get rid of the new ones, I hate 80% of them, as do many other people..
A. I think we are trying to talk about how to solve the problem that old people are leaving.

lulle265 November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

Some of the "old" players are leaving because they're bored, or seem like they've had enough of minecraft/gaming and decide to leave. You're always gonna get old players to leave, because in some point, when they're down or have a bright future, it's time to move on in life. There's also the lag and nostalgia and stuff, some people mature and decide to plant their mark and leave, while new players flow in. It's not too much the gameplay, it's just what I kinda said. The gameplay can be improved though, it's just not that large of a priority.

My ideas are to first remove/revamp Elim, add stuff to Avicade, merge CTH and Nexus. The first three gamemodes have no people playing.

Numberz_ November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

As Porky said the new update was one of the reasons I quit. I just had no more fun playing Nebula or Nexus with the new prestige's.

SnowSX3 November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

You say we need more game-modes but you don't have any suggestions.
It's all good saying we need new things for Avicus but if you're not specific, then there's not point in talking about this.

kycrafft November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

Just play the old ones ffs.
Mczone maps are the best.

Alpapi November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

I am sort of a new player. But I think that getting rid of some of the games might be beneficial, since no one plays a lot of them. The main games I see people playing are usually Nebula and Nexus. But if you want that to happen, you better suggest some new games, because those aren't going anywhere unless so.

I'm speaking in my own opinion and am not trying to be disrespectful towards the server or the hardworking people that have made the current games and have made the server the best it is now.

nerfgun2002 November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

Add ctw.

Ogrey November 24, 2014 at 2:11 AM UTC

Add ctw.
"Add ctw." ...It sounds so simple, right? :/

Anyways, people come and go all the time, old players leave, new players join, new players eventually become old players, and they leave again. We cannot change their way of thinking, can we? If they ever decide to come back (Bluecichlid, TheTNTDude, killerbye22), they will. If they really want to, obviously. If they're in need of more content because they got bored, then just let them go play something else. When I was a kid I used to play Final Fantasy 9 all day. Eventually, I got bored of it, and I stopped playing for a while. Now what? I found the game again, I downloaded it, and I started playing again. I missed it quite a lot. What I'm trying to say is things get repetitive and you cannot expect Ivy to push updates every month or so, he has a rather busy life and he's doing a lot of things for us despite that, however you guys just don't notice it. But when the time comes, good things will arrive. Just be patient.
If you're willing to leave, do it. If you're willing to come back, do it. We can't stop you, that's a choice of your own.

StewieFG November 24, 2014 at 5:11 AM UTC

Elimination + Control the hill = Bye.
Skywars and survival games ( with chests death match and stuff ) will replace it.

JKawesome November 24, 2014 at 12:11 PM UTC

Elimination + Control the hill = Bye.
Skywars and survival games ( with chests death match and stuff ) will replace it.
People high on leaderboards from CTH and Elimination prestiges = Bye.

Numberz_ November 24, 2014 at 12:11 PM UTC

Elimination + Control the hill = Bye.
Skywars and survival games ( with chests death match and stuff ) will replace it.
More then half my xp is from cth :/ so pls nu