Avicus Archive

BEN GEBAND by NonStopKills May 14, 2015 at 10:05 AM UTC

MIJn Ig name Dutch_brothers  

Waarom ben je geband ? hacks

Hoelang ben je al geband ? 6 maanden

Ik ben geband voor hacks maar ik hack niet ik vind het heel spijtig dat ik niet meer op jullie coole server mag

BoldAndBrash May 14, 2015 at 10:05 AM UTC

Appeal at the "Appeal an Infraction" tab under "Policy"

vladthegreat100 May 14, 2015 at 10:05 AM UTC

Wut, guessing it's an appeal as I saw "hacks"
go here to appeal bans:https://avicus.net/forums?topic_id=50

vladthegreat100 May 14, 2015 at 10:05 AM UTC

Wut, guessing it's an appeal as I saw "hacks"
go here to appeal bans:https://avicus.net/forums?topic_id=50

SnowSX3 May 14, 2015 at 10:05 AM UTC

Hallo Dutch_Brothers.

Gelieve beroep uw overtreding van de categorie 'beroep een overtreding ". De Avicus lounge is niet de juiste plek om je ban te bespreken. Dankjewel.


Hello Dutch_Brothers.

Please appeal your infraction on the "Appeal an Infraction" category. The Avicus lounge isn't the correct place to discuss your ban. Thank you.