Avicus Archive

Senior Departments by gobernment December 26, 2015 at 10:12 PM UTC

The senior departments are established to be more efficient in certain reaches of the server. The senior departments were established by the current administration (though gilletteracer74 did a variation of this in the past) for it to be split into several different categories that are deemed the most important by the server. Keep in mind, this may be an old revision: there still needs to be reconsideration of some of these roles.

Department of Training*                 = GrapeSmoothie / sessp / Theoretical
- Manages mentors
- Manages training docs
- Works close with staff

Department of Feedback and Staff Consistency*                 = Theoretical / Fouled / Zeusy
- Works on improving the staff team constantly 
- Partakes in forwarding feedback
- Consistent with the rubric system
- Works close with ALL staff members
- Regulates the Moderator Testing Team

Department of Appeals*                 = Zeusy / timaeusTestified / sessp
- Expected to be final man for all appeals
- Expected to be final man for all reports
- Can overturn final ap/rep/em decision from moderators
- Expected to actively handle emails

Department of Staff Recruitment*                 = GrapeSmoothie / Fouled / timaeusTestified
- Manages staff applications
- Manages referrals

Acceqted December 26, 2015 at 11:12 PM UTC

Thank you Vice. I think this will really show certain players who to contact in the case of a problem. Very useful :P!

DaFrozenBlaze December 27, 2015 at 4:12 AM UTC

Confusing but nice

Zedther December 27, 2015 at 4:12 AM UTC

I always figured the Senior staff did relatively the same thing, thanks, Para!

hasl December 27, 2015 at 7:12 AM UTC

I remember hearing this in a staff meeting, it's a nice move forward for Jozz's idea where you are given a job weekly, but now each senior/admin has their role(s) it might become rather tedious overtime...

Howsie December 27, 2015 at 9:12 AM UTC

Damn, I'm almost impressed. My quarrel isn't so much with the idea of breaking up the senior staff into roles but with the roles you're giving.  Staff Management & Community Relations covers most of these. Sponsoring isn't be something worth worrying about and teamspeak is something that should be managed by everyone.

Sevoo December 27, 2015 at 4:12 PM UTC


NolanDalton December 27, 2015 at 7:12 PM UTC

Damn, I'm almost impressed. My quarrel isn't so much with the idea of breaking up the senior staff into roles but with the roles you're giving.  Staff Management & Community Relations covers most of these. Sponsoring isn't be something worth worrying about and teamspeak is something that should be managed by everyone.
I think Jozz had this idea at some point

Howsie December 28, 2015 at 2:12 AM UTC

I think Jozz had this idea at some point
Thats likely. We had a lot of late night conversations talking about stuff like this. Actually the sistahood chat was a breading ground for that sort of stuff, so we all probably contributed

Administrafer December 28, 2015 at 2:12 AM UTC

yay glad this was finally implemented ;D

rinn December 28, 2015 at 2:12 AM UTC

Damn, I'm almost impressed. My quarrel isn't so much with the idea of breaking up the senior staff into roles but with the roles you're giving.  Staff Management & Community Relations covers most of these. Sponsoring isn't be something worth worrying about and teamspeak is something that should be managed by everyone.
Well, while I was on the senior staff team, we tried both methods, and I found that it was more difficult to just have community and staff positions. The role was so broad that there were a lot of times where there were several focus points that were ignored. This elaboration also gives Senior Mods more distinct roles.

Posighdun December 31, 2015 at 6:12 PM UTC

Updated, added a new department.

Howsie January 1, 2016 at 5:01 PM UTC

Well, while I was on the senior staff team, we tried both methods, and I found that it was more difficult to just have community and staff positions. The role was so broad that there were a lot of times where there were several focus points that were ignored. This elaboration also gives Senior Mods more distinct roles.
I think the issue lay more in the issue of not having those two, I agree very broad, but all-encompassing roles. I should probably point out that towards the end of my tenure the roles were changed to Director of Staff and Admin/Director of Community and Support which better defined what these roles actually were. To be honest I got lazy towards the end. None of really had the motivation or the time to effectively implement anything and didn't really try enforcing our version of the department system.

Arigenn January 6, 2016 at 2:01 PM UTC

One last update to the departments.

Iron January 24, 2016 at 5:01 PM UTC

Updated with my addition.

ImNotYourTiger January 24, 2016 at 10:01 PM UTC

Awesome, makes things less confusing but I know who to contact in what, thanks.

Arigenn February 17, 2016 at 3:02 AM UTC

Updated once again.

JUBBINATOR February 17, 2016 at 4:02 AM UTC

Updated once again.
Yes, so now the department heads have revised roles the inactive one's'll do their jobs and not be lazy bums?
Or is that just a pipe dream these days?

Arigenn February 17, 2016 at 4:02 AM UTC

Yes, so now the department heads have revised roles the inactive one's'll do their jobs and not be lazy bums?
Or is that just a pipe dream these days?
The lazy bums will do their job :)

DonaldMyTrump February 17, 2016 at 11:02 AM UTC

The lazy bums will do their job :)

gobernment March 8, 2016 at 7:03 AM UTC

I suggest the return of the email department. I think Michael was handling some, but it doesn't hurt to have it as an assignment. Even though I am not able to view the email anymore, there were still tons of emails from 4 months ago, and players have been requesting that I forward email checks to the seniors, as well as most varying from help requests, to password resets, to bugs, and (I believe) a few complaints.

Howsie March 8, 2016 at 11:03 AM UTC

I suggest the return of the email department. I think Michael was handling some, but it doesn't hurt to have it as an assignment. Even though I am not able to view the email anymore, there were still tons of emails from 4 months ago, and players have been requesting that I forward email checks to the seniors, as well as most varying from help requests, to password resets, to bugs, and (I believe) a few complaints.
The entire senior staff should manage the support email. Its not a difficult thing to stay on top of, if you actually stay on top of it.

Iron March 8, 2016 at 11:03 AM UTC

I suggest the return of the email department. I think Michael was handling some, but it doesn't hurt to have it as an assignment. Even though I am not able to view the email anymore, there were still tons of emails from 4 months ago, and players have been requesting that I forward email checks to the seniors, as well as most varying from help requests, to password resets, to bugs, and (I believe) a few complaints.
I have done every email in the support box, so unless it was in the last 3 days its been handled. Anyways, the department of appeals are still the same as the old one. Alas, from now on having 10 seniors makes us a lot more efficient. We are doing them quite regularly now!