Happy Friday,
Our update is a little different today because this isn’t a developer update; this is an update for the server.
Starting this Sunday, there will be a Nebula server that will open up and will play a 100% throwback maps rotation. This rotation will change slightly every week to include other favorite maps or long and forgotten maps. The server itself will open at 12 Pm EDT and close in six hours after at 6 Pm EDT. If this proves to be a popular event we will add more hours and even expand the days. Here is the first week rotation:
Quintus Origins
Castle Adventures
Luar Origins
Bleened Rings
Abandoned Park 1
Rigor Mortis
Also, our great streamer dev_revs will be streaming the first day which is this Sunday. He will also be hosting giveaways on his stream. You can win 5 map setting gadgets, 5 map voting gadgets, and the final prize of a month gold rank (If you already have a donator rank you get to choose who gets it).
I can’t wait to help this grow and hopefully have great events with the community because of this.