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About my condition. by SingleBlackMom February 1, 2016 at 2:02 AM UTC

Hello, I've decided to make a post explaining a little bit about my life and my condition. You will get the answers for: "How is he online all the time" , "Hes homeschooled I think". I'll take it from the beginning so it won't be that hard to follow. When I was in 4th grade  I started to develop some sort of fear for going to school. Not because of bullying cause that actually never has happened to me and never will. But actually just afraid of what people might think of you.  I mean I got up in the morning and though, "but they will think I'm stupid or ugly or something". Even though that would would not happen. The fear was still there and it prevented me from going to school occasionally. In 5th grade it just got worse I'd miss up to 2 - 3 days per week. And at this time I was taking gymnastics 21 hours a week. So that stress building up with anxiety eventually led to depression. After that year I was diagnosed with Autism. Most people know what that is some maybe not but I'm not going to go into detail. Most people use jokes about it and at the same tme know nothing abiht this sydrome. I was diagnosed with a typical aitism meaning that my aitism was very high. Basically the lower the harder and.higher you have more knowledge and are able to do more. According to them... But anyways. After 5th grade I started taking therapy twice a week. I went to multiple different places and camp type things. I had changed school by now and was going in 6th grade. At first it was going fine then 3 months later, boom. Down I go. I started constantly saying I hate my life and I wanted to die. This went on for the rest of 6th grade and eventually I did not go to school for a whole semester. And the same time I had issues at home and gymnastics to worry about. This unfortunetly led up to multiple talks of committing  suicide, and 2 suicide attempts. By then I had been taking an antin depression pill for 1 year. Yet it was still there. I had so much crap going on in my life I did not know what to do with my self. I easily got angry at my family and constantly swearing at them I was violent and sad. When I gt angry I used to climb up onto ourb house and sit there. I had the police come to get me down once not due to the fact that I didn't know how to get down but that I broken two windows at my house. My dad did not know what to do at this point. So the only choice was to call. Back to school, I never knew how to make friends hown to fit in and how to addapt. I never hung out with anyone after school and I never was in contact. I was alone and had nothing but my friends at gymnastics. And at this time I was close to quitting the sport. After becoming second in the second highest class/level in my country.. The sport just got to hard. It helped me cause it diverted lots of my anger into concentration and determenation. It helped me with my depression so after I quit I was so depressed that I just didn't know anymore. I'd randomly wake up at nigbt and start crying for no reason. One thing that helped me with my depression the most were my cats. They made feel good aboht my self and above all calm and relaxed. So by now I have missed a whole year of school. And half of that year I started playing Avicus again. At that time I was either 12 or 13. After summer break 2014 I had changed to another achool by now a private school with 7 students and 4 teachers. All of these students having equal issues of there own. So we arranged something with one of the teachers that he would come home to me and teach me. He said you don't even have to think aboht going to school. Eventually we made progress and started to go 1 day a week 2 days a week and so on. So currently I go to school 4 days a week from 8:30 - around 2:30 - 3:30.. Never felt so  good about my self in a long time. so for once I''m doing Preety good.

Avicus: I was once perm banned on MC zone and did not get unbanned untill that start of Avicus. I became a regular and like the server a lot Allthough I had only made a couple of friends. It was the best feeling I have ever had Thomas_Shoes and Kiawa were one of my first friends to ever have on Avicus. And believe it or not I don't know if I convinced them to join TS or if they convinced me or we just all convinced each otber. During this time I was going through my depression stage and Avicus really helped me . Since it was the only place I actually have any friends. 3 months or so later. I'm 10th on the all time leaderboards, and known player by quite a lot of people. Then I decided to apply for staff. And here I am now. Avicus has made a big impact on my life and I want to thanks everyone in the community for there friendship. At some times it's all I had to hold on to. And now I'm going 4 days a week playing MC with mates and buying shit from IKEA. 

So so yeah that's that you don't have to read this all if you don't want to. Just wanted to explain. I'm not the best with words either and I hope that all of your questions have been answered. If you do have any important ones you can ask me and I'll happily try and answer them the best way I can.

I really love you guys and thank you for everything.

X0X0 February 1, 2016 at 3:02 AM UTC


AIDSquirt February 1, 2016 at 3:02 AM UTC

ily <3

steven5703 February 1, 2016 at 3:02 AM UTC

ILY <3

Thomas_Shoes February 1, 2016 at 3:02 AM UTC

glad you shared!

ImNotYourTiger February 1, 2016 at 3:02 AM UTC

Must have been a lot to keep that inside. Plus I thought you were happy because of the name lol. But for real your doing very well. Things will be harder for you and life, and that's a fact. But the way your heading, it's gonna be good. I currently have al zhemiers trending in my family so I guess we have a relation in a way. You have everyone's support in this, and good luck in life. 
P. S. My suggestion to help with autism/depression is to find an extra curricular activity that you can do with friends. It keeps your mind off things and will benefit you in many ways. Just an option

Oh yeah almost forgot the ily lol

DaFrozenBlaze February 1, 2016 at 4:02 AM UTC


Porkyyy February 1, 2016 at 4:02 AM UTC


GrapeSmoothie February 1, 2016 at 4:02 AM UTC

This seems familiar? https://avicus.net/forums/355feb051 Your topic is being locked.
This is sad.