Avicus Archive

Opinions On These YouTubers 2.0 by NuclearDucky June 16, 2014 at 1:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie
  2. UberHaxorNova
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft
  4. Yogscast
  5. NoahcraftFTW
  6. MinecraftUniverse
  7. Setosorcerer
  8. Deadlox
  9. Slyfoxhound
  10. legosean9
  11. BloodZelos
  12. Keralis
  13. Smosh
  14. Shane Dawson
  15. rebecca black
  16. MinnesotaBurns  

steven5703 June 16, 2014 at 1:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie: no
  2. UberHaxorNova: no
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft: no
  4. Yogscast: no
  5. NoahcraftFTW: no
  6. MinecraftUniverse: no
  7. Setosorcerer: yes
  8. Deadlox: no
  9. Slyfoxhound: yes
  10. legosean9: yes
  11. BloodZelos: wut-wut in da butt-butt
  12. Keralis: yes
  13. Smosh: sorta
  14. Shane Dawson: wat
  15. rebecca black: no
  16. MinnesotaBurns: wat  

Numberz_ June 16, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie No
  2. UberHaxorNova Idk who that is
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft Yes
  4. Yogscast No
  5. NoahcraftFTW Who is that
  6. MinecraftUniverse Yes
  7. Setosorcerer Idk him ether
  8. Deadlox Yes
  9. Slyfoxhound No
  10. legosean9 Yep
  11. BloodZelos No
  12. Keralis No
  13. Smosh Hell No
  14. Shane Dawson No
  15. rebecca black No
  16. MinnesotaBurns  No

Aydran June 16, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie: Not funny -.-
  2. UberHaxorNova: Haven't seen videos of him in a while.
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft: Biggest moneywhore ever.
  4. Yogscast: dunno
  5. NoahcraftFTW: Another moneywhore
  6. MinecraftUniverse: ^^^^^
  7. Setosorcerer: Dunno
  8. Deadlox: dunno
  9. Slyfoxhound: Kinda funny
  10. legosean9: Babe <3
  11. BloodZelos: wut
  12. Keralis: A bit of a good builder :)
  13. Smosh: Too immature for my liking.
  14. Shane Dawson: Not funny at all.
  15. rebecca black: Biggest $@@%@$ %%@#%@@ %@#%@%@ ever.
  16. MinnesotaBurns: Used to be good until he started scripting the trolling -.-

vladthegreat100 June 16, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie no
  2. UberHaxorNova wat
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft eh
  4. Yogscast wat
  5. NoahcraftFTW eh
  6. MinecraftUniverse wat
  7. Setosorcerer eh
  8. Deadlox eh 
  9. Slyfoxhound wat
  10. legosean9 ye
  11. BloodZelos wat
  12. Keralis wat
  13. Smosh eh
  14. Shane Dawson wat
  15. rebecca black NU
  16. MinnesotaBurns  YUSH #TROLLMUNCHIES

SpicyTunaRoll9 June 16, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie. NO. Overrated piece of crap. All he does is scream and act immaturely and generate thousands of dollars, stealing the attention away from ACTUAL Youtubers who spend most of their life trying to get recognised. "OH IZ TEH BARRELS BRIFUST!!!!11" <- Every video in a nutshell. Am I jealous? Yeah, of course. If I could make millions of dollars by screaming childishly in a video and playing video games, then yeah.
  2. UberHaxorNova- Yes.
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft- Yes
  4. Yogscast- Yes
  5. NoahcraftFTW- Idk who this is.
  6. MinecraftUniverse- Don't know
  7. Setosorcerer- ehhhhh 
  8. Deadlox- Idk 
  9. Slyfoxhound- Yes
  10. legosean9- Yep
  11. BloodZelos- Idk
  12. Keralis- YUS.
  13. Smosh- Overrated but at least they come up with their own material.
  14. Shane Dawson- He's alright.
  15. rebecca black- SHE'S ACTUALLY A GOOD SINGER. STOP THINKING SHE'S A BAD SINGER BECAUSE ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE SAYING SO. I don't hate JB because he's alright at singing, I hate him because he's flat-out stupid. Don't follow the crowd, follow your consciousness.
  16. MinnesotaBurns- He makes me laugh sometimes, but his scripted ones no.

NuclearDucky June 16, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Pewdiecrap is terrible. His jokes are sooo inappropriate and stupid. :/

San_David June 16, 2014 at 3:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie: No.
  2. UberHaxorNova: Watched his Happy Wheels series, laughed a bit, didn't lke anything else he did.
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft: He's okay, but his fanbase is terrible.
  4. Yogscast: Shadow of Israphel was amazing back way back when. It's amazing to think it's been two or three years...kinda feels like these guys went off the map though, haven't heard of them in a while.
  5. NoahcraftFTW: Who's this?
  6. MinecraftUniverse: Again, who's this?
  7. Setosorcerer: I kinda feel sorry for this guy, getting kicked from Team Crafted for 'business reasons.' I don't have much respect for TC anymore, after that.
  8. Deadlox: Eh.
  9. Slyfoxhound: No.
  10. legosean9: Good guy, haven't seen his videos, though. D=
  11. BloodZelos: Who?
  12. Keralis: Yay.
  13. Smosh: No, their videos seem like they're directed towards a pre-teen fanbase. Ew.
  14. Shane Dawson: Who?
  15. rebecca black: Get out.
  16. MinnesotaBurns: Who? 

MustardMan227 June 16, 2014 at 3:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie: Hilarious
  2. UberHaxorNova: Who?
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft: Eh
  4. Yogscast: I guess
  5. NoahcraftFTW: Don't really watch him
  6. MinecraftUniverse: Eh
  7. Setosorcerer: Who?
  8. Deadlox: Sure
  9. Slyfoxhound: Who?
  10. legosean9: Yaaas <3
  11. BloodZelos: Who now?
  12. Keralis: Wat
  13. Smosh: They are kewl but I don't really like them.
  14. Shane Dawson: Who? Probably would know him if I.... eh never mind
  15. rebecca black: Friday Friday! Good Singer! <3
  16. MinnesotaBurns: k?  

cinammoncroc000 June 16, 2014 at 5:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie - Eh... I mean he has done stuff for charities and drives but... eh?
  2. UberHaxorNova - Never heard.
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft - Used to love, now hate.
  4. Yogscast - Don't watch regularly, but I like :)
  5. NoahcraftFTW - Meh....
  6. MinecraftUniverse - Not bad, I guess...
  7. Setosorcerer - I quite like, better than Sky and the majority of Team Crafted.
  8. Deadlox - Same as Sky
  9. Slyfoxhound - Sure, ok.
  10. legosean9 - Of course Sean xD
  11. BloodZelos - ?
  12. Keralis - Used to love him, still do but I don't watch him as much
  13. Smosh - Controversial..
  14. Shane Dawson - Not really...
  15. rebecca black - lol
  16. MinnesotaBurns  - Eh?
  17. Me - wtf this guy sux balls plz ban account

cguay23 June 16, 2014 at 5:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie. NO. Overrated piece of crap. All he does is scream and act immaturely and generate thousands of dollars, stealing the attention away from ACTUAL Youtubers who spend most of their life trying to get recognised. "OH IZ TEH BARRELS BRIFUST!!!!11" <- Every video in a nutshell. Am I jealous? Yeah, of course. If I could make millions of dollars by screaming childishly in a video and playing video games, then yeah.
  2. UberHaxorNova- Yes.
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft- Yes
  4. Yogscast- Yes
  5. NoahcraftFTW- Idk who this is.
  6. MinecraftUniverse- Don't know
  7. Setosorcerer- ehhhhh 
  8. Deadlox- Idk 
  9. Slyfoxhound- Yes
  10. legosean9- Yep
  11. BloodZelos- Idk
  12. Keralis- YUS.
  13. Smosh- Overrated but at least they come up with their own material.
  14. Shane Dawson- He's alright.
  15. rebecca black- SHE'S ACTUALLY A GOOD SINGER. STOP THINKING SHE'S A BAD SINGER BECAUSE ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE SAYING SO. I don't hate JB because he's alright at singing, I hate him because he's flat-out stupid. Don't follow the crowd, follow your consciousness.
  16. MinnesotaBurns- He makes me laugh sometimes, but his scripted ones no.
Pewdiepie sucks

cguay23 June 16, 2014 at 5:06 AM UTC

What's funny is that most youtubers don't give a shit about subs they want the views to make  money so they can get rich.

Glitchaye June 16, 2014 at 6:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie : No, he can kill himself
  2. UberHaxorNova : eh.
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft : Same as PewDiePie
  4. Yogscast : Enjoyed the Shadow of Israphel, but nothing else.
  5. NoahcraftFTW : Who is this.
  6. MinecraftUniverse : ^
  7. Setosorcerer : ^
  8. Deadlox : Eh.
  9. Slyfoxhound : Kewl ked
  10. legosean9 : No
  11. BloodZelos : Who?
  12. Keralis : Who?
  13. Smosh : Nah, liked food battle, but thats it.
  14. Shane Dawson : No.gif
  15. rebecca black : Bad singer pls no
  16. MinnesotaBurns  : Decent.

Zedther June 16, 2014 at 6:06 AM UTC

Pewdipie - not funny
uberhaxornova - who the hell?
skydoesminecraft - cool guy (met him yo) but his fans are twelvees
yogscast - screw them, their fans are twelvees with alt accounts
deadlox - same as sky and yogscast..
legosean9 - Made an account to get big, i mean srsly.. road to 2k? ADOFIFWE
smosh - cool once, but now they're running outta gags

so many skips

zZJx03Zz June 16, 2014 at 7:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie - your rich! but your a dic. No
  2. UberHaxorNova - no
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft - butter!!! No
  4. Yogscast - no
  5. NoahcraftFTW - gay name. No
  6. MinecraftUniverse - no
  7. Setosorcerer - ye
  8. Deadlox - ye
  9. Slyfoxhound - ye
  10. legosean9 - BEST YOUTUBER EVER!!!
  11. BloodZelos - no
  12. Keralis - no
  13. Smosh - peice of shit. No
  14. Shane Dawson - no
  15. rebecca black - no
  16. MinnesotaBurns - no

ravingpixelz June 16, 2014 at 7:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie: Hate him nuu
  2. UberHaxorNova: nup
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft: goes around shouting: butter!! Screw him
  4. Yogscast: nah
  5. NoahcraftFTW: real bad name. Boring vids
  6. MinecraftUniverse: boring vids
  7. Setosorcerer: not bad
  8. Deadlox: ^^^
  9. Slyfoxhound: ^^^^
  10. legosean9: great vids
  11. BloodZelos: who?
  12. Keralis: nah
  13. Smosh: childish and innapropriate 
  14. Shane Dawson: nup
  15. rebecca black: who?
  16. MinnesotaBurns: nah

ImJeezus June 16, 2014 at 7:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie - Meh i can stand him I guess
  2. UberHaxorNova - Dont watch him much, but he seems a bit funny
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft - I feel bad if you are subbed.
  4. Yogscast - Don't really care about them
  5. NoahcraftFTW - Don't really care about them
  6. MinecraftUniverse - Don't really care about them
  7. Setosorcerer - Seems like a nice guy
  8. Deadlox - Don't really care about them
  9. Slyfoxhound - Never watched
  10. legosean9 - Sorry, ^
  11. BloodZelos - Who is this guy?
  12. Keralis - Good builder
  13. Smosh - Original at least
  14. Shane Dawson - Meh, sometimes can be a bit funny
  15. rebecca black - dafuq?
  16. MinnesotaBurns - Never watched

Zeusy June 16, 2014 at 7:06 AM UTC

Who am I to judge, let them do their own thing.
@cguay2013 Don't say that, everyone has their own opinion.

Buster_U June 16, 2014 at 7:06 AM UTC

As Zeuseh said, everyone has their own opinions, lots of people love all these Youtubers,  lots do not, it depends on ur kind of humour. But don't hate on them even tho some of them are complete idiots in ur minds.

build_high June 16, 2014 at 9:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie No
  2. UberHaxorNova Idk who that is
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft Yes
  4. Yogscast No
  5. NoahcraftFTW Who is that
  6. MinecraftUniverse Yes
  7. Setosorcerer Idk him ether
  8. Deadlox Yes
  9. Slyfoxhound No
  10. legosean9 Yep
  11. BloodZelos No
  12. Keralis No
  13. Smosh Hell No
  14. Shane Dawson No
  15. rebecca black No
  16. MinnesotaBurns  No
Really, yes to sky....

Lawl June 16, 2014 at 10:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie Not bad actually
  2. UberHaxorNova Dunno him
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft Don't watch/care
  4. Yogscast Meh not bad
  5. NoahcraftFTW Naah
  6. MinecraftUniverse Don't watch/care
  7. Setosorcerer Pretty good
  8. Deadlox Don't watch/care
  9. Slyfoxhound Dunno him
  10. legosean9 Ewwwww c:<
  11. BloodZelos Dunno him
  12. Keralis Ya
  13. Smosh Used to like them
  14. Shane Dawson Not really
  15. rebecca black Is this a joke?
  16. MinnesotaBurns  Not too bad


JCoIe June 16, 2014 at 10:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie - No
  2. UberHaxorNova - No
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft - NoNONONONONONO
  4. Yogscast - Yes
  5. NoahcraftFTW- No
  6. MinecraftUniverse- No
  7. Setosorcerer - Yes
  8. Deadlox - Yes
  9. Slyfoxhound - Yes
  10. legosean9 - Yes
  11. BloodZelos- No
  12. Keralis Yes
  13. Smosh- No
  14. Shane Dawson- No
  15. rebecca black- No
  16. MinnesotaBurns  - No


SpicyTunaRoll9 June 16, 2014 at 11:06 AM UTC

  1. Pewdiepie - Eh... I mean he has done stuff for charities and drives but... eh?
  2. UberHaxorNova - Never heard.
  3. SkyDoesMinecraft - Used to love, now hate.
  4. Yogscast - Don't watch regularly, but I like :)
  5. NoahcraftFTW - Meh....
  6. MinecraftUniverse - Not bad, I guess...
  7. Setosorcerer - I quite like, better than Sky and the majority of Team Crafted.
  8. Deadlox - Same as Sky
  9. Slyfoxhound - Sure, ok.
  10. legosean9 - Of course Sean xD
  11. BloodZelos - ?
  12. Keralis - Used to love him, still do but I don't watch him as much
  13. Smosh - Controversial..
  14. Shane Dawson - Not really...
  15. rebecca black - lol
  16. MinnesotaBurns  - Eh?
  17. Me - wtf this guy sux balls plz ban account
Just because he's donated for charity doesn't change the fact that his content is garbage.

carrie_may June 16, 2014 at 3:06 PM UTC

Guys about pewdiepie, what i like about him is he answer his fans and how he reacts to games and some of you dont like it but i do act similarly like him when i'm on skype voice chat and screaming xD. I also like his song his name is pewdiepie but what i dont like about him is some of his inappropriate jokes and in the song, the stanza "a one man show" . But then, he's having a video with his friends

NuclearDucky June 18, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Carrie, you actually blew my mind. You're probably the only PewDiePie fan who doesn't say this to people who dislike his content: OMG LUZZER HATER NOOB U SUX UR JEALOUS LUZER GET A LIF BUTHOL OR I KIL UR FMLY STUPD LUZER NUB HATER BAREL CRAPPER!!!!!11!!!! 

Not even kidding. Thanks for being a human <3

MustardMan227 June 18, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Sethbling anyone?!?!?

Numberz_ June 18, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Sethbling anyone?!?!?
Yus pls where do you think I learn the redstone stuff from.

Aydran June 18, 2014 at 2:06 AM UTC

Yus pls where do you think I learn the redstone stuff from.
Nu, I learn my redstone from Awarriur c: