Avicus Archive

DDoS? by jojobloblo September 24, 2014 at 2:09 AM UTC

Ok, so I'm on my phone atm. I have the Avicus forums bookmarked so when I got out of Rock climbing practice I clicked that bookmark immediately, as usual. Well, it brought up this screen saying "Checking your browser. Please allow up to 5 seconds" then in fine print underneath it says "DDoS protection bye CloudFire" (I can't remember the last part of the protection name). Well this has never happened before. Does this mean the server is being DDoSed right now? Does it mean I am being DDoSed, or at least attempted to be?

Phobiaxx September 24, 2014 at 2:09 AM UTC

nu, its just a security check from CloudFlare, making sure you aren't a DDOSer

Joao_Victor September 24, 2014 at 2:09 AM UTC

No, you are not getting DDoSed, neither is the website.

There could have been an unusual spike in trafifc (which is unlikely), or it could have just been random, i've seen it on lots of other websites as well.

Porkyyy September 24, 2014 at 2:09 AM UTC

I don't think so, it's probably just an ad.
You might have a virus, because these messages are appearing, so I would recommend doing a virus scan.

jojobloblo September 24, 2014 at 2:09 AM UTC

Ah ok :P Thanks guys!

kycrafft September 24, 2014 at 4:09 AM UTC

No, you are not getting DDoSed, neither is the website.

There could have been an unusual spike in trafifc (which is unlikely), or it could have just been random, i've seen it on lots of other websites as well.
Avcus iz ddos must ficks .blAme minplekx 4 nao