Avicus Archive

New Rank¬? by XtraMajestical March 13, 2015 at 10:03 AM UTC

I understand there's a new referee rank, but for there to be a new one with matched abilities of a Jr Mod. This is like a chat mod almost just to keep things clean in the chat. Maybe a staff rank named 'Invigilator' that has the /warn /kick but maybe /tempban for max of 1 day? This would be good as like a permanent Jr Mod just to come and make sure games are running smooth and patrol chat!
Let me know if its a good idea and just if you think well what if theres a hacker -They can watch them and tell a MOD about it in StaffChat! Let me know...
If its a stupid idea then just say below V

SnowSX3 March 13, 2015 at 11:03 AM UTC

We don't need a new staff rank. 
Also, if we implemented this new staff rank that you're suggesting, it would make the Jr.Mod rank obsolete.

MLGtino March 13, 2015 at 11:03 AM UTC

We don't need a new staff rank. 
Also, if we implemented this new staff rank that you're suggesting, it would make the Jr.Mod rank obsolete.

Pelpelajax March 13, 2015 at 7:03 PM UTC

There isn't an "Official" Referee tag.

RightSide March 13, 2015 at 7:03 PM UTC

We don't need a new staff rank. 
Also, if we implemented this new staff rank that you're suggesting, it would make the Jr.Mod rank obsolete.

Hacktivism March 13, 2015 at 11:03 PM UTC

We don't need a new staff rank. 
Also, if we implemented this new staff rank that you're suggesting, it would make the Jr.Mod rank obsolete.