Avicus Archive

Funny School Thing by ctdggd June 3, 2014 at 7:06 PM UTC

OK so I was in art class and I found this in my portfolio.  Take a look and have a laugh.
Also, post your annoying things to do in school/class and I will add them!!!                                               
                                          Funny/Annoying Things to do in Class
                                                          (Do these.  It is hilarious) 
1.  Ask to go to the bathroom.  Stay in your seat, and when asked if you are going, say “I just did” 2.  Raise your hand and point to a person on the other side of the room.  Insist that that person is cheating off you.
3.       Say that someone across the room is using their telepathic powers to cheat off you.
4.  Ask to go to the bathroom.  Get up and walk into the wall.  Furrow your brow, glare at the wall, and walk into it again.  Smile sheepishly and walk out the door.
5.  When coming back from the bathroom, walk through the door.  Then ask how you got there.
6.  Raise your hand and ask if you can be excused to skip class.
7.  Meow and bark randomly. 
8.  Hold your head and groan, then tell your teacher your multiple personalities are fighting. 
9.  Walk into class and look around confused.  Ask where you are, then say that you thought that this was McDonalds.
10.   Read a book, and when class starts, raise your hand and say that they are interrupting your reading.
11.   Stumble into class, slur your words, and tell your teacher “I swear to Drunk, I’m not God”
12.   Bring handcuffs to class and wear a police badge (fake).  Inform your teacher that he/she is under arrest.
13.   Walk into class with handcuffs on your wrists and say “Sorry for being late, I just broke out of prison (even if you aren’t late).
14.   Meow to answer a question.
15.   Raise your hand and introduce the class to your imaginary friend “Carl”.  Then loudly whisper to Carl that this class sucks.
16.   Chew gum loudly.  When the teacher says, “I hope you brought enough for everyone”, take out packs of gum and start passing them out.
17.   Smack gum loudly.  When told to take it out, put it on your finger and insist that you have no gum.  Put it back in and repeat.
18.   Stand up and introduce yourself at the start of class (even if everyone knows you).  Inform everyone you’ve had the ‘problem’ for 3 years now.  Then act confused and ask if the class is alcoholics anonymous.
19.   Shove the heaviest book off your desk.  Repeat.  Glare at somebody every time the teacher looks.
20.   Cry out randomly that everyone is against you.
21.   Tell your teacher that there is a disturbance in the force.
22.   Make a cone shaped hat out of paper and glue.  Draw red, orange, and brown all over.  Wear it on your head and tell everyone you are a volcano.
23.   Tell your teacher that you don’t need to do homework- you are skipping school tomorrow.
24.   Tell your teacher you are going to be sick tomorrow.
25.   Speak a foreign language class (not in a foreign language class).
26.   Write ‘Gullible’ on a piece of paper.  Tape it anywhere in the classroom.  Then tell everyone that there is ‘Gullible’ on wherever you put it.  If they don’t believe you, point and then say “MADE YOU LOOK!!!”
27.   Randomly laugh hysterically (no reason).
28.   Yell out “STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!” 29.     Tell your teacher to evacuate the building, as you are going to pull a fire alarm.    
                                                     ***PLEASE  DO THESE***
                                   ***MUCH REWARD FOR YOU IF YOU DO THESE***

_BillGates June 3, 2014 at 7:06 PM UTC

2 weeks ago I did the 10 in the french class.

ctdggd June 3, 2014 at 7:06 PM UTC

ive done 10, 16, and 26.
I know a kid in my school that has easily done all of these, and I think that this is his.

fazer153 June 3, 2014 at 8:06 PM UTC

Too bad the schools in my country don't allow chewing gum :/

ViceTechnicolour June 3, 2014 at 9:06 PM UTC

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