Avicus Archive

Our Retirement. (Evo & Cows) by Ogrey August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

So yeah, if you clicked this, I probably know what you're all expecting to read.

Yes, me, Evocal, and TheMasterCow/ParaSpider are leaving or Map Developing duties as of now. We both quit our Map Developer rank.

ParaSpider / TheMasterCow:
I've been wanting to hang on for a while. I've been trying to feed off of other people's smiles, to give MYSELF a smile. All I want to do for people is make them happy -- give them a sense of enjoyment, even if that means leaving less for me. I have been dragging on as a mapdev to try to help everyone and do as much as I could for the server. I give all I can just to be treated like shit. My tolerance has lowered and my time has expired. I can no longer handle the stress or treatment I get from the community, as I am being thought of as an object and just getting random insults and annoyance. Sure, you expect some "Hey, check out my map" or "___ needs more maps", but not things like having us replaced, our ranks revoked, me being banned, a fuck you, and constant bugging of "update this" "do that" "fix x" or the harassment I receive. I did polls to be interactive, yet those were trolled and I am blamed. Every single thing I put to the table gets showered with hate.I no longer wish to be a map developer. It's not because of time, or just not wanting to do it; I've been forced to. As for your inactivity, Keenan, I know you may be busy but it's too difficult on our own. I feel dropped in the woods and I can't get your support because you're away. I thought I was right about our community, everyone was little angels and helpful and supportive, but that of course ended abruptly as it was just fake sympathy for me. This stress piled upon the shitload of issues I have IRL is not something I want to do.Not only this, but not one person has said thank you in the long run. Maybe once in a while it'll be a thanks, but it's by the same people who harass us and keep annoying us. As a moderator as well, why don't I punish them? Well, they're incompetent and just bugging us, doesn't deserve a punishment. I still want to be a mod, but not a mapdev. I truly want to be one and that rank is everything to me, but I can't take it anymore. Some of the comments/insults of these people... you don't realize how bad they are. They've made me have suicidal thoughts, they've harmed me as a whole, they bring down my emotions into a ghost with no feelings, and I can't do anything but put a fake mask in front of my face acting like I enjoy this. I don't anymore.It's not your fault, Evocal's fault, Howsie's fault, Gill's fault, or anyone's fault -- but it's the community. The ones I do so much for and get so little out of. They're selfish, arrogant, rude, spammy, annoying, and do every single thing I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH. I'm sorry, Keenan. I'm sorry, Mous. Sorry. But if anything ever happens to somehow clear up, I'm still here. I'm going to hopefully always be here. Sitting. Waiting by skype. To get a PM one day that everything's better.That is my rendition of a perfect world -- just to where I can help.I love you.

I'm sorry, I'm quitting my Map Dev rank.
What Para said is true.
Very, very true.
I'm sorry, I just cannot handle it anymore
I cannot keep on doing this
:It doesn't make me happy anymore, knowing that there are way too many people complaining and complaining, all the aesthetic vs gameplay threads, complaints, a lot of stuff.
It's much more that what I'm saying right now but
I swear I'm right now so stressed out, trying not to curse anyone, controlling myself, I just cannot think of any words.
I'm leaving the Map Dev rank alongside Para, thanks for being kind, all of you, during my time as a staff member. Even though it's just a small rank, with no major importance whatsoever.
Thank you all (heart)

Okay, apart from the message above, it's just too much. All most of you do is complain, complain, complain, and never actually give a solution for this. It's driving me mad and it's what made me take my decision.
You're not content with anything, nothing seems right to you. "Stop editing good maps" "This map sucks" "Stop focusing on aesthetics" "Stop this stop that" "Evocal did you see my map" "Evocal Evocal Evocal" Para will my map be in rotations" "Para Para Para".
Seriously guys, when I made Justice 1 I NEVER did any sort of questions. I had to wait like 5 months for it to be put in rotations, and you guys get impatient over ANYTHING.
It's just too much, sorry, but I'm gone.

And to clear things up, TheMasterCow/ParaSpider (Para) will still be a Moderator, though none of us will be a Map Developer anymore.
I'll still be making maps, whenever I wish, whenever I feel like it, without being disturbed all the time...
And there are, of course, people who do show gratitude towards out work, and complain about stuff in a correct way and with civilized manner. You guys, thank you.

- Good luck to everyone. Evocal & ParaSpider.

Awarrior August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

I'd like to say, as the first poster, thanks to both of you for all the hard work and for the solid devotion to Avicus.

You made this server a better place.

Love. <3

Carryinq August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC


StewieFG August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

:O freakin
dangit evo
why u and para
Omg just </3 
so...yea wio will be a mapdev? :o
And evo are u leaving? or just quitting ur rank?

TheMasterCow August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

Fouled August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

I understand everything, and get why this is happening. I would just like to say, thank you guys for the hard dedication... And effort to keep this community happy with the features and such you provided for them with maps. I hope both of you guys have fun outside of being a map dev!

sudekistheboss August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

<3 Thank for service!

JOHN_CENAAAAAAAA August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

I hope you're going to remain Moderator, Para.

Phobiaxx August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

no..... no............no.................
avicus is doomed D:
You two did a great job, its sad what the others did to push you out :c
Personally, I thought you guys did a great  job, I'll miss you guys as mapdevs :c
Have a great life :,c

FrostedCupcakez August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

Nooooooo! ;( You guys did amazing, I'll miss you guys as map devs.

ShiptheBattle August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

I wish both of you the best and I sincerely hope that both of you are going to continue make maps for Avicus. 
Seriously, your maps are amazing, fun and great to play on. 

Although it's sad to see both of Avicus's Map Developers leave, the decision was right if you guys didn't find any joy in doing your job. 
I hope this is a lesson for our community to give some respect to people that work so hard, but get such little love and instead, feedback, that is considered hate to them. 

Thanks for both being great Map Developers for Avicus. ;)

StewieFG August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

dammit i just feel bad like avicus is going down...people leaving, no such a lot of people in 1 day...like 250 (mczone was like 1000) no mapdevs. i hope someone will be a new mapdev..

JKawesome August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

If I ever said any rude things about your maps, which I know I have, I sincerely apologize. I don't expect forgiveness, because some of the things I said about the maps were actually pretty rude. But, on the other hand, you guys have produced some of the best maps as well. So thank you for all the hard work that you guys did for the server. <3

sudekistheboss August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

ya did good, kid

Emmaye August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC


RCMP_Mountie August 28, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

Some people do not realize how Map Devs are quite important in the community. They don't respect the privilege of having Map Devs. Those people are just selfish, judgemental and arrogant. You guys are the ones who add, review, and edit maps. Without you two, who are we to accomplish and complete those tasks? With Funky, being our only Dev, and also really busy, changes to maps and rotations are going to take much longer, thanks to the attitude of some people in the community.

Let this be a lesson learned to the community, how some things can't be accomplished alone, as they require a group of dedicated people to make it happen. Most likely you two have contemplated about resigning as Map Devs, but you two were more worried about the community, and how we would function without you. You guys get such little respect, and only a small amount of gratitude from others. I respect your decisions to both retire as Map Devs.

I wish you two the best, and I thank you both for your hard work you've put into Avicus.

SGMC August 28, 2014 at 5:08 AM UTC

nooooo :c

this is really sad... but the worst part is how bitterly true everything you've said here is...
im really at a loss for words here; i don't personally know either of you, and ive only submitted 3 maps :/ honestly though, the amount of stress it must cause doing all the things you've done must be incredible. no one could last forever doing that. but that's not to say that the things you have done so far have been in vain... really, think about it. without you two, avicus wouldn't exist right now. thank you SO much for the past you've been a part of, and the future you've created. the best of luck to you in your life <3

Arigenn August 28, 2014 at 5:08 AM UTC

Thanks for being great map devs! Its too bad you had to quit as Map devs :(

Riskayyy August 28, 2014 at 5:08 AM UTC

Who's going to be the new Map Developers?
Who is going to work just as hard to make the rotations updated?

ImJeezus August 28, 2014 at 5:08 AM UTC

Well, shit.

JKawesome August 28, 2014 at 5:08 AM UTC

Well, shit.
I like how this guy expressed everything we've been thinking in just 2 words

PieZ August 28, 2014 at 5:08 AM UTC

If you walk away from this, then you are walking off something easy. You have seen it before, everyone complains about change and it usually lasts for 1-2 weeks and then people get used to it. I am not saying you should stay or you should leave but, you did know that it takes rough skin to do something big on the internet? Also, with the rotations I believe the changes have been getting better and better. If you see a post in the polls that even look a little trolling then don't look at it, or even make a warning that a punishment will be filed, even if you can't punish. If you don't think Last,Hypixel,Spu_, and Apple also have this crap on them then you are incorrect. But, they have the rough skin to get threw to the next day. Also if there is threads about gameplay or don't edit the old maps, those threads were really just addressing their concern because they want avicus to be the best that it can. I do not want hate I am just voicing my opinion. I am also thankful for your jobs that you did for the community

build_high August 28, 2014 at 5:08 AM UTC

We're fucked :(

all we have is IvyCode as our map dev.

(not because IvyCode is bad, because he has more important things to do)

cri ;(

_Avy August 28, 2014 at 6:08 AM UTC

Awww no

Thanks guys for all your hard work <3 
I'm sure the community will suffer without you

Joltz_ August 28, 2014 at 6:08 AM UTC

I'll always love yous <3

MajestysDream August 28, 2014 at 6:08 AM UTC

Well, Avicus is pretty much screwed. You two did such an amazing job and I thank you for making Avicus a much better place. I do understand why you guys quit, and I don't blame you. If I ever made any of you upset in any way, I do apologize. I hope at least one of you can
come back. Thank you guys so much. Much love. <3 <3 <3

Arachadonic August 28, 2014 at 7:08 AM UTC

Thanks for eveything you have done. I assume you have people to replace you? As otherwise you are kind of pulling the rug out under our feet... We aren't "screwed" as people have said but still we do need new devs.

ballzi August 28, 2014 at 8:08 AM UTC

Evocal para thank you

Zintenka August 28, 2014 at 8:08 AM UTC

Dammit. Avicus is now officially screwed. Evo and Para, you guys did an awesome job as mapdevs and I consider both of you my friends.

With the amount of maps i made, I hope i wasn't part of the population who annoyed you :'(

Para, keep being a moderator. You do very well as one :) and Evo, keep up with those awesome maps of yours.

Now here is an important question; What happens now?

HereIwas August 28, 2014 at 8:08 AM UTC

Avicus and mczone was once a really good server with more than 1000 players online.. It has been true,, but now it is really dissapointingly down.
But we have less than 300 people everyday with games that are abandoned
Example: Elimination/Control the Hill
Elimination and Control the Hill has been one of the best games that i played on avicus and that excitement made me to play on this server.
And avicus is now going down,, :C
What happend community..?

build_high August 28, 2014 at 9:08 AM UTC

Lawl, I luv the way this happens when the rots fuck itself up and turn into normal world spawn (on some servers)

HereIwas August 28, 2014 at 9:08 AM UTC

Lol I know right

Zintenka August 28, 2014 at 9:08 AM UTC

Who will be the map developers now?

TheMasterCow August 28, 2014 at 9:08 AM UTC

Who will be the map developers now?

HereIwas August 28, 2014 at 9:08 AM UTC

That's how community here works
I hope the server can improve the whole problem from step to step.,.

Zintenka August 28, 2014 at 9:08 AM UTC

<_< >_>... Ummm... Im not good at gifs. Whats that gif? Seriosly though Evo and Para, you guys are awesome ppl. Ddont let other's words get to you. Why do you think I argue with ppl on my posts? Whenever they say overly negative stuff i respond with a mature rebuttal.

HereIwas August 28, 2014 at 9:08 AM UTC

Omg zinteka cow didn't mean that way,,

Zintenka August 28, 2014 at 9:08 AM UTC

Omg zinteka cow didn't mean that way,,
*Chuckles* what way? I was just giving him and evo some encouragement! They really were the best of us...

xxxheraxxx August 28, 2014 at 10:08 AM UTC

bye :3

Synergic August 28, 2014 at 10:08 AM UTC

Sorry about all the people being mean to you. Some people...ugh ;-;

Polar_Express August 28, 2014 at 12:08 PM UTC

Para / Evol - I really hate to see great people not getting the back-end support they need. I know I have been one of the most verbal , but I certainly never put the mods / devs. down. I thought what you guys did with the Map Dev thread was great, and I really enjoyed the effort and communication given to me - It really helped.

I see how much time and effort you guys put into Avicus, and as you two step back from the map dev role, just know that you did a great job and deserve to have been supported in a better fashion. To anyone that cursed the map devs or put down their maps - you should be ashamed. To anyone that helped push them away from the job they were trying to do, or were in a leadership role and did not do as much as you could and should have to help them, you should be ashamed. To anyone that was unkind to the two teenagers trying to support this community and make playing this game and this server better, you should be ashamed and know that the combined negative efforts and neglect worked - and now Avicus is so much less than it was.

Thanks for reading - I hope to see Evol / Para return to the Map Dev role at some point, when they are able to get the back-end support needed. I promise it takes more than a few complainers on the forum to cause this, half if not more than half of the problem comes from the people on the back-end. If Evol/Para would have been given more attention, been given more help, and would have had more of the Admin staff standing up for them on the forums and in-game and regulating the comments that the map devs had to respond to, or even chiming in and squelching the bad forum junk we would not be here.

BoldAndBrash August 28, 2014 at 12:08 PM UTC

Thank you guys. Im sorry you had to deal with so many people whining about how you guys are ruining maps :l hopefully, you guys will have a more peaceful time here. <3

Btw, who are the new map devs?

ImRaging August 28, 2014 at 12:08 PM UTC

Much love dudes. Personally I think your maps are amazing, people say there is always room for improvements; not for your maps.

Love you guys. RL.

ques August 28, 2014 at 12:08 PM UTC

Well, you guys were both truely amazing people. I'm grateful for the difficult jobs you both have done. You got a lot done. And I'm proud and thankful that you guys stuck around for as long as you did. Cows, keep up the gr8 moderating m8. And Evo, now you can expirience Avicus like you used to, as a freaking awesome player. So thanks again for everything. It was a great thing to do for us, and I am truely, truely sorry for what people have said to you. I hope you both have high spirits eventually. Thank you.

Snowcone202 August 28, 2014 at 1:08 PM UTC

Thank you guys! You were both great map devs and you will be great moderators to :D.

TortouseMincer August 28, 2014 at 1:08 PM UTC

Being a moderator drove me insane; I can't think of what a map dev must go through.

You were good map devs; <3

Tortouse Luvv <3

1Theodore1 August 28, 2014 at 1:08 PM UTC

Thanks for all your hard work, and for making Avicus a better place <3

Cytokinesis August 28, 2014 at 1:08 PM UTC

Thanks for all you've done for the server.

Cezbla August 28, 2014 at 1:08 PM UTC

this I was told in advance so I am not surprised there are going to be more mapdevs coming soon IvyCode has to decide who he wants to become mapdev's, the mapdev's gave Ivy a list with frequent map makers and  he will choose 
but still we are screwed 

Para thanks so much for being the only person that would actually answer me on skype when I finished a map

iDiamondPorkchop August 28, 2014 at 1:08 PM UTC

But.... I will miss you so much and cri myself to sleep....

ProfessorUtonium August 28, 2014 at 2:08 PM UTC

Thanks for all the hard work guys!

OPTOBAT August 28, 2014 at 2:08 PM UTC

Evocal, you brought us Decay and Justice and all of these absolutely beautiful maps.
Personally i don't think i complained to the standard you guys are talking about, let alone at all really, but I would like to say you have my thanks, gratitude, sympathy and sheer astonishment for every single block of work you guys have provided us. HUNDREDS of people may not even be at this server if it weren't for you two coming together and constructing these maps that made me absolutely addicted to the game.  Para/Cow i have talked to you a few times, remember? We had a few tiny little niggles over god knows what, i can't even remember, but we came clean, and i do remember you being very logical, calm and detailed throughout our whole little conversation (s). Para, you have been through alot. I do understand this. We barely know each other at all, but i am the type of person who really can understand another persons pain and remorse. I feel you man. Your account was simultaneously hacked, not that long ago, i know the pressure you must have felt to deliver when Avicus really needed a special map to replenish the hunger of those ungrateful, ignorant bastards who didn't care about your work, but what they got out of it, and finally i now understand the horror you faced dealing with these people, and I'm sorry man. I hope they are two.
Maybe, one day, Avicus will blow up BIG time and there will be history going down about how you two sparked off the amazing maps to this server. 
You both deserve more than a sorry and an applause, because your contribution is beyond incredible.
Thanks guys - Fred/ A.K.A, OPTOBAT

smitdalt August 28, 2014 at 2:08 PM UTC

Will you guys still be making maps at least? I love your maps. :c

kycrafft August 28, 2014 at 2:08 PM UTC

We can still thank you for the work you put in. You have made a difference in Avicus.

resepignev August 28, 2014 at 3:08 PM UTC

Evocal, you brought us Decay and Justice and all of these absolutely beautiful maps.
Personally i don't think i complained to the standard you guys are talking about, let alone at all really, but I would like to say you have my thanks, gratitude, sympathy and sheer astonishment for every single block of work you guys have provided us. HUNDREDS of people may not even be at this server if it weren't for you two coming together and constructing these maps that made me absolutely addicted to the game.  Para/Cow i have talked to you a few times, remember? We had a few tiny little niggles over god knows what, i can't even remember, but we came clean, and i do remember you being very logical, calm and detailed throughout our whole little conversation (s). Para, you have been through alot. I do understand this. We barely know each other at all, but i am the type of person who really can understand another persons pain and remorse. I feel you man. Your account was simultaneously hacked, not that long ago, i know the pressure you must have felt to deliver when Avicus really needed a special map to replenish the hunger of those ungrateful, ignorant bastards who didn't care about your work, but what they got out of it, and finally i now understand the horror you faced dealing with these people, and I'm sorry man. I hope they are two.
Maybe, one day, Avicus will blow up BIG time and there will be history going down about how you two sparked off the amazing maps to this server. 
You both deserve more than a sorry and an applause, because your contribution is beyond incredible.
Thanks guys - Fred/ A.K.A, OPTOBAT
Decay is from G_Skippy not from them xD

toketrain August 28, 2014 at 3:08 PM UTC

Thank you both, you're so great. I'm sorry people were being asses.

Princezz_Dubstep August 28, 2014 at 5:08 PM UTC

Thank you both for the work you put into Avicus <3 Happy retirement, Evo & Para. ^~^

Myv August 28, 2014 at 5:08 PM UTC

This is such a shame. As ever, I wish both of you guys the best of luck for the future, but I would love it if you can in some way stick around Avicus - whether it be by the forums or online. This is just another stage, however, showing that Avicus is going down. We've had many important people retiring recently - obviously you 2 guys, and PeachyYas, although he came back. I don't want people thinking that they are retiring because they don't like the server - Avicus deserves so much more than this. But this begs the question - will izjust4fun become a Map Dev now? Now that you guys have gone, maps won't appear as often, admittedly, which may be a good thing because there are too many at the moment, but this is such a blow for Avicus. Evocal, ParaSpider, if you read this, please take this into acoount. I understand that you have to leave - I know that live is more important and you have school to be concerned with, but this is a major blow to this server. Bye guys, best of luck in life - happy retirement, and you will always be remembered for contributing so much to this wonderful server.
You guys brought so many of my favourite maps to life, thank you so much.

iBiZa_MiNeCrAfT. :(.

Precise_ August 28, 2014 at 5:08 PM UTC

Evo para nupls dunz make maps better

MidnightBeats August 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM UTC

You two are the greatest map developers in the Avicus Community. I feel so bad that you got such shitty treatement. Unfortunately, people can't learn to appreciate the work you put into these maps, the small things. They constantly demand for better things, things that will exceed our expectations. But that's the terrible truth of our human nature. You did well as Map Developers. 

No one deserves to be treated poorly. 

Best wishes. 

Midnight <3

Hete August 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM UTC

You guys brought some of my most favorite maps. I would like to thank you for that, and made Avicus a better place.

Myv August 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM UTC

You two are the greatest map developers in the Avicus Community. I feel so bad that you got such shitty treatement. Unfortunately, people can't learn to appreciate the work you put into these maps, the small things. They constantly demand for better things, things that will exceed our expectations. But that's the terrible truth of our human nature. You did well as Map Developers. 

No one deserves to be treated poorly. 

Best wishes. 

Midnight <3
MidnightBeats :D xD

Myv August 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM UTC

Come online Midnight

Princezz_Dubstep August 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM UTC

Come online Midnight
Please don't comment spam replies that has nothing to pertain what this topic is about. Thanks

IviFetita August 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM UTC

I will miss you, Good luck in life!

vladthegreat100 August 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM UTC

come baaaaack!!! gapple run will never get fixed without you

Myv August 28, 2014 at 7:08 PM UTC

Please don't comment spam replies that has nothing to pertain what this topic is about. Thanks
Okay sorry

ayy August 28, 2014 at 7:08 PM UTC

The community is cancerous, I don't blame you for leaving. Have fun with whatever you're doing in the future.

Whoever deleted this, I'll have you know I broke no rules, unless people are not allowed to give their views on the server and community anymore.

WordlessGeek August 28, 2014 at 7:08 PM UTC

The community is cancerous, I don't blame you for leaving. Have fun with whatever you're doing in the future.

Whoever deleted this, I'll have you know I broke no rules, unless people are not allowed to give their views on the server and community anymore.
"The community is cancerous" I find that rude to people who may have cancer and just rude in general.

ayy August 28, 2014 at 7:08 PM UTC

"The community is cancerous" I find that rude to people who may have cancer and just rude in general.
It's a phrase, I'm not even joking about cancer.

itaity August 28, 2014 at 8:08 PM UTC

You two did a great job, we gonna miss you as a map devs.

_Phyre August 28, 2014 at 9:08 PM UTC

I totally understand why you are quitting Dev rank... I respect all opinions. I assure you i know how hard it is being a map Dev... I was one while back maybe in like 2012 .-..
But i wish you both best of luck.. And maybe sometime you will come back.. (I know you will) :')

San_David August 28, 2014 at 9:08 PM UTC

I'm sorry for all of the crap you guys got, even though I did none of it. Heck, I didn't even know about it. I feel rather upset that you two have retired from said positions, (of course, I don't mean 'upset' as in I'm mad at you two or anything. Just sad) and I wish you luck with whatever you choose to do on the server and in life from now on.

I always respected you two for the work you did, and you've both given me a drive on and away from the server. Cow, you taught me to always forgive people, even when they went behind your back and gossiped about you. Evo, you've taught me to always respond with a positive attitude, even when you're feeling stressed, as well as given me the inspiration and confidence to attempt becoming a Moderator when the applications open.

You two are amazing individuals, and I greatly appreciate the work you did for the server. :D

goldenwalrus909 August 28, 2014 at 10:08 PM UTC

I can totally understand where both of you are coming from and I respect your decisions :c
You both were AMAZING map devs and I'm glad you chose the thing that made you most happy.  Just seriously, dudes, thank you so much for all of your hard work and dealing with this for so long.. you're both awesome <3

Polar_Express August 28, 2014 at 10:08 PM UTC

We are so screwed - We finally got map devs fixing maps, creating maps, updating rotations, and now what ...

LeCobalt August 28, 2014 at 10:08 PM UTC

Para: Check skype

Evo: Please come back!

cinammoncroc000 August 28, 2014 at 10:08 PM UTC

Everyone said what I was going to say, so I guess all I can is good luck, and amazing job. There is no way we can ever repay the hard work you've done.


LeCobalt August 28, 2014 at 10:08 PM UTC

Who will be next mapdevs though?

cinammoncroc000 August 28, 2014 at 10:08 PM UTC

Who will be next mapdevs though?
Maybe there will be applications? If not, the staff team (probably Mods/Sr Mods +) will decide what maps will be added and such.

Of course, we'll still get amazing maps from both Evocal and ParaCow :) (maybe, not trying to stress you guys out <3)

LeCobalt August 28, 2014 at 10:08 PM UTC

Maybe there will be applications? If not, the staff team (probably Mods/Sr Mods +) will decide what maps will be added and such.

Of course, we'll still get amazing maps from both Evocal and ParaCow :) (maybe, not trying to stress you guys out <3)
I think Shiro and another mod were in charge of managing maps before the mapdev rank was added.

Phobiaxx August 28, 2014 at 11:08 PM UTC

wow... just wow. I see some of the people who harassed them saying stuff pretty close to "good riddance" on this thread...
R.I.P avicus :c
hopefully, u guys could come back :)

D00ZiE August 28, 2014 at 11:08 PM UTC

Best of luck to both of you <3

ayy August 29, 2014 at 12:08 AM UTC

wow... just wow. I see some of the people who harassed them saying stuff pretty close to "good riddance" on this thread...
R.I.P avicus :c
hopefully, u guys could come back :)
I read through the entire thread and there are exaxtly 0 negative posts, so you can easily disregard 'I see some of the people who harassed them saying stuff pretty close to "good riddance" on this thread...'

ques August 29, 2014 at 12:08 AM UTC

I read through the entire thread and there are exaxtly 0 negative posts, so you can easily disregard 'I see some of the people who harassed them saying stuff pretty close to "good riddance" on this thread...'
He means he sees people who made negative posts regarding Cows and Evo partaking in this thread.

Phobiaxx August 29, 2014 at 12:08 AM UTC

I read through the entire thread and there are exaxtly 0 negative posts, so you can easily disregard 'I see some of the people who harassed them saying stuff pretty close to "good riddance" on this thread...'
its kinda hard to see, but if you dissect the wording of some of the posts.... ;c
(there's very few) they aren't openly negative,but are  acting like they don't really care that much that they're leaving........

MissCarmel August 29, 2014 at 12:08 AM UTC

Aw thanks so much Evo and Cow <3 You guys did a fabulous job and I'm sorry that we didn't show you guys how much y'all mean to us. Thanks so much guys you were awesome doing your job :)

JOHN_CENAAAAAAAA August 29, 2014 at 2:08 AM UTC

Aw thanks so much Evo and Cow <3 You guys did a fabulous job and I'm sorry that we didn't show you guys how much y'all mean to us. Thanks so much guys you were awesome doing your job :)

Reventheous August 29, 2014 at 3:08 AM UTC

Wow. i cri??? You two were the best builders in Minecraft no doubt. Sorry for the stress you two. I hope you can recover from this and just forget it happened. Your maps were by far the bezzzt I have no idea why you'd get negative replies. Although I wish you the best of luck. Your services meant alot here ;).

lulle265 August 29, 2014 at 3:08 AM UTC

The community is cancerous, I don't blame you for leaving. Have fun with whatever you're doing in the future.

Whoever deleted this, I'll have you know I broke no rules, unless people are not allowed to give their views on the server and community anymore.
Why are you still hating on this community? There are many types of bad people, and you seem to be causing lots of flames, hating and stuff and you're saying that the community is cancerous. A little ironic, maybe.

They're leaving... oh dang oh no oh my 

Even though there are a lot of maps on right now, it'll be kinda hard to "improve" and spend hours on all these maps and stuff.

gaboelmejor August 29, 2014 at 6:08 AM UTC

I've always thought that Map Developers were going to be hurt somehow by having such rank... I don't know about now, but when the Map Developer rank was introduced a lot of staffs were pissed(Now I won't be telling names because a)It was quite some time ago and b)I don't want to start anything with any staff, you know who you are) off of introducing the map developers to the staff team in the avicus network's staff team Skype chat. From that day on, I basically knew that becoming a Map Developer was going to become a pain in the ass with the matter of fact that you basically don't have the power to punish those that go further up the lines with their ways of criticizing things. I believe that if we want to polish such rank and earn the respect that this rank needs, it should have more power as of at least have the power to kick or warn people. I know that they have the /s command and what not, but they need to have something to defend themselves for the times a moderator isn't online. I do not blame Evocal or Paraspider for leaving their ranks as Map Developers because 1) I would've done the same thing 2) The way they got discriminated(Not only staff guys... I've seen other people saying that they don't see why they are considered staffs) was unbelievable and they deserve more respect. I am grateful for the hard work you guys have put into Avicus with the rank as a MapDev, and with that being said, thank you guys for everything!

ballzi August 29, 2014 at 9:08 AM UTC

evocal/para thank you for all the maps i understand your situation and the peer pressure you are under. Thank you guys for all your maps! i am sure we all love you and your maps. on behalf of avicus


ayy August 29, 2014 at 10:08 AM UTC

Why are you still hating on this community? There are many types of bad people, and you seem to be causing lots of flames, hating and stuff and you're saying that the community is cancerous. A little ironic, maybe.

They're leaving... oh dang oh no oh my 

Even though there are a lot of maps on right now, it'll be kinda hard to "improve" and spend hours on all these maps and stuff.
I'm not hating on it, I'm giving an opinion, which is well justified. I haven't caused 1 flame war in the 6 months of me being here and you don't understand what ironic means.

IcyCode August 29, 2014 at 11:08 AM UTC

I will like to say on behalf of my small build team a massive thank you. Although at first I did criticize you as I couldn't get my maps accepted but later on I realized you were just doing your job. You both have put in so much work to Avicus i feel that ,although not all the players notice, but the point is Avicus would not be such an amazing pvp server without you. You both are well respected map dev's from me and I understand your decision as I know (from other experiences) to put in hundreds of hours of work and not get thanked only criticized. I for one hope I will never criticise like I have before again and I deeply apologise. I will miss you both and please don't hesitate to ask if you need any favours in the future. With all my respect,
Thanks, subzero110 & samthemenace (Owner's of Fennercraft)

_DC August 29, 2014 at 11:08 AM UTC

Great job guys! Shame but life isn't infinite. Have to stop somewhere

Shoto_ August 29, 2014 at 11:08 AM UTC

Thanks for your duty. D: