Avicus Archive

Hoop's Weekly Puzzle (WEEK #2) by Arigenn October 7, 2014 at 2:10 PM UTC

Hiya again! I've worked on another puzzle to be solved for this week.
Before I start, here is the answer to last weeks puzzle:
Holly did it!
Person:         1. Alex 2. Jackie 3. Julieanne 4. Cameron 5. Holly
Milk Flavour:  1. Vanilla 2. Strawberry 3.  Banana 4. Caramel 5. Chocolate
Jar:                1. Mini 2. Brass 3. Tall  4. Square 5. Round
Brand:           1. Coles 2.  Dick Smith 3. Paradise  4. No Frills  5. Arnotts
Cookie:          1. Choc Chip 2. Tiny Teddies 3. 100s and 1000s 4. Oreos 5. Ginger
Place:             1. Lounge 2.  Bedroom 3. Kitchen 4. Closet 5. Table

Congratulations to: FirstSintax, Snowcone202, esl143 and vsplesk101 for giving a correct answer to this puzzle. Now for this weeks puzzle:

It appears that an ingenious or eccentric teacher being desirous of bringing together a number of older pupils into a class he was forming, offered to give a prize each day to the side of boys or girls whose combined ages would prove to be the greatest.

Well, on the first day there was only one boy and one girl in attendance, and, as the boy's age was just twice that of the girl's, the first day's prize went to the boy.

The next day the girl brought her sister to school, and it was found that their combined ages were just twice that of the boy, so the two girls divided the prize.

When school opened the next day, however, the boy had recruited one of his brothers, and it was found that the combined ages of the two boys were exactly twice as much as the ages of the two girls, so the boys carried off the honors of that day and divided the prizes between them.

The battle waxed warm and on the fourth day the two girls appeared accompanied by their elder sister; so it was then the combined ages of the three girls against the two boys, and the girls won off course, once more bringing their ages up to just twice that of the boys'. The struggle went on until the class was filled up, but as our problem does not need to go further than this point, to tell the age of that first boy, provided that the last young lady joined the class on her twenty-first birthday. Now, guess the first boy's age.

Arigenn October 7, 2014 at 2:10 PM UTC

Sorry bout the real messy answer to last weeks puzzle
EDIT: Editing the answer, hopefully it looks better

Arigenn October 7, 2014 at 10:10 PM UTC

Another Puzzle next Tuesday!

Snowcone202 October 8, 2014 at 12:10 AM UTC

Edit: Ok I got 1,276 days ;-;