Avicus Archive

Confirming some stuff by gavinzachluke September 30, 2014 at 8:09 PM UTC

Okay, so this is bmbrocks321 here. This account has had password info leaked or cracked whatever multiple people are using this account lots. I have reason to believe that dagoldbrick is one of them either that or someone imitating him. I managed to get on this account between 8:50-9:00 pm GMT today (September 30th 2014). I spoke with glitchy, sunrise, aracadonic and notal. No one else. Any actions prior or later than that time was not me. As people are constantly changing the forums password as well staff make sure to check the archived section of this. Any other forum threads are not me either, i will only use the forums on this thread until the account crisis has been resolved for clarification purposes. Anyone pretending to be me or just messing about on the server or forums is not me. Staff any further complications message me on skype (b.banno321) and i will respond sometime tomorrow. Sorry for any grammar or typos this was done on a phone. Good day to all bmb out.

Arachadonic September 30, 2014 at 8:09 PM UTC

You called me dumb when I suggested it was DaGoldBrick using the account. You were also in the same match as the "hacked" account yet showed no signs of being concerned that you know.. someone was on your other account.

Sunrise also said on TS that he wondered who it was now on the account as in was it Kiwi, Bmb, Trail or DaGold were the exact names so to be honest.. the attempt at covering yourself up is pathetic at best. I assume it is because you are set to have your Moderator interview coming up soon and don't want it too look bad. Probably should have thought of that before hand.

ballzi September 30, 2014 at 8:09 PM UTC

Wow this is just... Really you guys? Hack his account?

S3M3L September 30, 2014 at 8:09 PM UTC

Lol DaGoldBrick, what a joke (If you don't understand me, DaGoldBrick is the joke) xD

garsdef September 30, 2014 at 8:09 PM UTC


BmB September 30, 2014 at 8:09 PM UTC

You called me dumb when I suggested it was DaGoldBrick using the account. You were also in the same match as the "hacked" account yet showed no signs of being concerned that you know.. someone was on your other account.

Sunrise also said on TS that he wondered who it was now on the account as in was it Kiwi, Bmb, Trail or DaGold were the exact names so to be honest.. the attempt at covering yourself up is pathetic at best. I assume it is because you are set to have your Moderator interview coming up soon and don't want it too look bad. Probably should have thought of that before hand.
Okay so one no more posts on Gavin are me, i will reply as bmb. Two, Gavin is not my account, the details were given to me by notal and kiwi. At the time i assumed that we were the only ones with access to the account. Today when i was saying its not dgb that's because i thought that he didn't have acess to the account. The game in which he insulted you was clearly not me as i was playing and typing while he was being rude. As you very well know. this time i was also in a skype call with kiwi and he swore that it wasn't him and i trust him. Me and kiwi came to a conclusion it was notal trolling until he started to insult you majorly at which point i was led to believe it was dgb along with everyone else. So no this is not a "pathetic cover up" and i understand why you are angry because gold was pretty nasty towards you but i can assure you that i am not the right person for you to be mad at. Anything further contact me on skype and we can discuss it.

Arachadonic September 30, 2014 at 8:09 PM UTC

Okay so one no more posts on Gavin are me, i will reply as bmb. Two, Gavin is not my account, the details were given to me by notal and kiwi. At the time i assumed that we were the only ones with access to the account. Today when i was saying its not dgb that's because i thought that he didn't have acess to the account. The game in which he insulted you was clearly not me as i was playing and typing while he was being rude. As you very well know. this time i was also in a skype call with kiwi and he swore that it wasn't him and i trust him. Me and kiwi came to a conclusion it was notal trolling until he started to insult you majorly at which point i was led to believe it was dgb along with everyone else. So no this is not a "pathetic cover up" and i understand why you are angry because gold was pretty nasty towards you but i can assure you that i am not the right person for you to be mad at. Anything further contact me on skype and we can discuss it.
I have an idea of the gang that were behind it to be honest. DGB while he was in the account told me that everyone in ts was in on it and laughing at me. So I went onto TS and wrote down every single username that were in the chat so I can finally see who is in the crew. Interesting to see the staff members that were either aware of this and did nothing or the ones that were laughing along. Pissed doesn't begin to describe my mood and I am genuinely sorry if you are unintentially caught up in this and seeing it from your point of view, I do believe you.

MajestysDream September 30, 2014 at 9:09 PM UTC

Let's stay on topic.

Sunaye September 30, 2014 at 9:09 PM UTC

Allright got it.

BmB September 30, 2014 at 9:09 PM UTC

I have an idea of the gang that were behind it to be honest. DGB while he was in the account told me that everyone in ts was in on it and laughing at me. So I went onto TS and wrote down every single username that were in the chat so I can finally see who is in the crew. Interesting to see the staff members that were either aware of this and did nothing or the ones that were laughing along. Pissed doesn't begin to describe my mood and I am genuinely sorry if you are unintentially caught up in this and seeing it from your point of view, I do believe you.
Thankyou for being mature and if you would like any further help in the matter please don't hesitate to messed me on skype, i would be happy to assist you with any extra details if you are going to be filing a report. Interesting about the staff i would think and hope they wouldn't be involved although from what you have said i am begging to grasp who was involved and which staff members you mean. But in the meantime i am goddamn shattered so I'll be off to sleep. Hope this can be done and dusted asap but yeah well catch you later.

Emmaye September 30, 2014 at 10:09 PM UTC

Compromised nooo gavin rip

SnowSX3 October 1, 2014 at 12:10 AM UTC

Perhaps you should email support so you can get your old account suspended until you can get it back.

BmB October 1, 2014 at 2:10 PM UTC

Perhaps you should email support so you can get your old account suspended until you can get it back.
No need as whoever was using that account seems to have done the job for me >:(

Notalgicular October 1, 2014 at 3:10 PM UTC

No need as whoever was using that account seems to have done the job for me >:(
You're an idiot.
Why would you do that.
Greedy much.