Avicus Archive

A few tips for getting kills very fast by CreeperJoe62 June 30, 2014 at 6:06 PM UTC

This has many names such as kill farming etc. First of all join a quintus map if it's available. Next get full diamond or full iron (preferably diamond). Next get to the other teams side. Then if there's other people in full diamond on your team there you can stay in the glass cube and kill the leather guys who come into the glass cube. If your by yourself dig a tunnel under ground. Make sure you have lots of wood, a sword and an axe on your hot bar. Next attract leather players or iron players if your in diamond armor. Bring them into the tunnel and block hit and jump against the top of the tunnel and kill them. Repeat this and stack up on kills. If your low on hearts simply spam wood in front of you, run and regenerate your health.

I hope this helps some people :). (This also boosts kd)

NuclearDucky June 30, 2014 at 7:06 PM UTC

I did this on Zalidor yesterday and manage  to get 1 death 48 kills

cinammoncroc000 June 30, 2014 at 9:06 PM UTC

On the map Justice (not Justice v2) get iron/diamond armor and the Punch I Power I Bow. Stand on one side of the middle island and proceed to bow spam as much as possible. It only takes 2 shots to kill someone with standard armor. Also, there is usually only one skinny bridge from their spawn to the middle island, so you'll probably end up shooting them off into the world.
With this I got an 83 kill streak and managed to die because someone else had a punch bow and hit me off into the world xD