Avicus Archive

Gravatar help by Crazy_ January 14, 2016 at 9:01 PM UTC

How do I set up Gravatar? I want to set a custom pic, but I'm not sure how. I says I need to have a confirmed email. So, how do I confirm my email?

I do apologize if there's a really obvious way to do this, or a thread someplace about this. I could just be stupid.

Veopth January 14, 2016 at 9:01 PM UTC

Go to gravatar official website, and create an account, and upload a pic, then go to edit profile, and in the section "e-mail" write the same email as your gravatar, then go to your gmail to confirm, gg

Javipepe January 14, 2016 at 9:01 PM UTC

  1. Set your email through the edit profile page (on le drop down), we'll send you a confirmation email.
  2. Go to your email inbox and find the confirmation email.
  3. Setup your gravatar.com account and image.Use the same email you just used with Avicus!
  4. Select "Gravatar" in the edit profile page under avatar (once email is confirmed).
It takes up to 10 minutes for Gravatar to update your image.

Crazy_ January 14, 2016 at 9:01 PM UTC

  1. Set your email through the edit profile page (on le drop down), we'll send you a confirmation email.
  2. Go to your email inbox and find the confirmation email.
  3. Setup your gravatar.com account and image.Use the same email you just used with Avicus!
  4. Select "Gravatar" in the edit profile page under avatar (once email is confirmed).
It takes up to 10 minutes for Gravatar to update your image.
I'm getting a 500 error when I try to set up my email from the avicus site. Is this intended?

resepignev January 18, 2016 at 6:01 PM UTC

@kiawa Excuse me?

@Crazy_Creeper521 It's not intended and the email didn't get registered. I don't know how to fix that, but I think the developers are aware of it since someone already posted an Issue at github.