Avicus Archive

Should I start YT again? by ItsChiddy June 9, 2014 at 7:06 AM UTC

Should I start Youtube again? I had a decent channel, I know... some people... I *MIGHT* be getting better internet, I know how to use after effects and photoshop well but I *MIGHT NOT* get better internet, I probably wont be able to upload regularly freaking school and parents rules... and also out of nothing to upload... I have a variety of games from all of the assassins creed games, titanfall, crysis 3, skyrim, mirrors edge, TF2, PVZ, 8bitMMO, super crate box, MC (-.-) Planetside 2 and lodout, I can get any other free ones and occasionally paid ones, and I recently joined a new community (avicus :D) 
just thought I would let you guys/girls decide

Warundell_12 June 9, 2014 at 8:06 AM UTC

If you have the time and want to do it then yes, :) I only started YT cos I was passionate to do it.

ItsChiddy June 9, 2014 at 8:06 AM UTC

That was the same with me until my internet became really bad and then a friend convinced me to stop, I still am passionate but my internet... telstra had one freaking job...

awesome_apricot June 9, 2014 at 3:06 PM UTC

Just do it, you only get one shot, and if you enjoy it, do it. <3