Avicus Archive

Truth of Life by MidnightBeats August 14, 2014 at 2:08 AM UTC

Before I begin, I want to put out that this is NOT a "IM LEAVING" post. 

This may get a little sappy. Sorry.

So I re-watched the "Look Up" video about half an hour ago. I hadn't really paid much attention the first time I saw it but now that I've re-watched it, it really spoke to me.

What are video games, truly? 

Something fun? Yes. Time-wasting? Defiantly. 

But most of all, it's an escape from the life that we live.

See, video games, i believe, is a door to another dimension. We spend too much simulating our life instead of actually living our life. Remember, every single one of us was put on the Earth for a reason. Imagine how many moments you have missed, the people you had the chance to spend with because of you wanting to accomplish something in a virtual, fake world. What does that add to at the end of your life, however? 


Whatever we think we do in video games, never lasts. It will always die. Because somebody better will come along, or time will take its course. But in this life, you can start a revolution. You can be the one person who changes the course of human history forever. It doesn't matter where you start. Remember, Steve Jobs started Apple in his garage! 

However, the sad truth of our society is that we simply don't care. We think that someone else is going to come along and do what we were called to do. Believe it or not, this is called "The Bystander Effect."

Instead of filling our lives with knowledge, or memories, we spend our time filling our lives with video games. It makes me sad to see people spending their whole day on computers, phones, video games, when they could be taking a run, reading a book...

I've always wondered what there was in this world; what was there to explore... 
And then i see people who believe they have nothing to see in this world at all. 

That the app "Google Earth" can show them whatever place they want to see and count that as exploring. 

But exploring the internet is endless. It takes away the ability and the opportunity to be able to explore the real world and not some internet website. 

Thanks for listening.

Please don't hate, this is just my opinion.

BOSS_Turtle98 August 14, 2014 at 2:08 AM UTC


Sphrynax August 14, 2014 at 2:08 AM UTC

+1 This is part of the reason I wanted to leave.

ayy August 14, 2014 at 2:08 AM UTC

In the end the internet has more possibilities than the real world, that 'Look up' video can be applied to the internet too.

MidnightBeats August 14, 2014 at 3:08 AM UTC

In the end the internet has more possibilities than the real world, that 'Look up' video can be applied to the internet too.
Possibilities? Sure. But remember this is the only life you have. Whatever you do on the internet doesn't last, like I said. What you do out here in this real world... That is a different story. A different meaning. A different perspective.

ayy August 14, 2014 at 3:08 AM UTC

Possibilities? Sure. But remember this is the only life you have. Whatever you do on the internet doesn't last, like I said. What you do out here in this real world... That is a different story. A different meaning. A different perspective.
What you do on the internet lasts forever, it stays there until the end of time.

Allen_Iverson August 14, 2014 at 3:08 AM UTC


Aydran August 14, 2014 at 3:08 AM UTC

-1 KFC is love, Futbol is lief.

kycrafft August 14, 2014 at 3:08 AM UTC

"Whatever we think we do in video games, never lasts."

whatever we do in life never lasts. 

"Imagine how many moments you have missed, the people you had the chance to spend with"

Imagine all the fun, sad, weird ,exciting moments I would have missed, not being part of avicus. Imagine all the people, including you guys, that I would have never had the chance to have fun with and spend time with. 

Because somebody better will come along, or time will take its course"

And that's unlike life in which way?

You can be the one person who changes the course of human history forever"

For ever action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

Instead of filling our lives with knowledge, or memories, we spend our time filling our lives with video games."

You can learn things from others or even the games themselves. Games can provide fun and also knowledge, sometimes. And memories. Memories can be from games too, right? 

Shoto_ August 14, 2014 at 3:08 AM UTC

What is life? Is it a dream? Is it fake? Either way, it doesn't matter if we're all going to die one day.
You're not wasting your time if you are enjoying what you're doing.

Porkyyy August 14, 2014 at 3:08 AM UTC

What is life? Is it a dream? Is it fake? Either way, it doesn't matter if we're all going to die one day.
You're not wasting your time if you are enjoying what you're doing.
Yes, but life isn't only about enjoying yourself. You have to pay something back in return, which means working. If you work hard, you will enjoy what you are doing. If you're just wasting all of your time with video games, your future will not be good.

Shoto_ August 14, 2014 at 4:08 AM UTC

Yes, but life isn't only about enjoying yourself. You have to pay something back in return, which means working. If you work hard, you will enjoy what you are doing. If you're just wasting all of your time with video games, your future will not be good.
That's the point of life, basically: Do as many good things that will benefit everyone, while still doing what you want to do.

MidnightBeats August 14, 2014 at 3:08 PM UTC

That's the point of life, basically: Do as many good things that will benefit everyone, while still doing what you want to do.
When i talk about video games, i talk about severe addiction and that people will spend 6 hours + wasting their time. But I have absolutely nothing against video games. You gain experience, you meet friends... But when it turns into an addiction it becomes a problem.

kycrafft August 14, 2014 at 3:08 PM UTC

That's the point of life, basically: Do as many good things that will benefit everyone, while still doing what you want to do.
There is not point to life. Life is like a sandbox game. You can experiment and do whatever you want. Also a popular sandbox game is minecraft

goldenwalrus909 August 14, 2014 at 5:08 PM UTC

I totally agree with all of this. Some people have more free time than others, so they should be able to play more video games. Of course, they should still have fun with their friends and play outside and stuff but if you're not doing anything, why not play some games? It's really about finding your balance of real to fake life. In the summer, I tend to take a giant break from real life, since during school, I have so much reality.. I have tons of friends and activities, it's just I like to take a break and get back into my balance when I have enough time to c:

WordlessGeek August 17, 2014 at 7:08 PM UTC

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor. And throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.