Avicus Archive

Your weirdest nightmare by FrozenSolstice October 14, 2014 at 9:10 AM UTC

Basically, you can post your weirdest nightmare on here. No matter how weird.

I'll start off;

In my nightmare, there was a giant desktop computer jumping on people, and crushing them. It also strangled people with the power cord. Anyway, me and my friends had to go on this quest and stop it. I think I unplugged it from the power cord, and it stopped jumping on people. I woke up hyperventilating, and turned my computer off from the main power.

So, post away!

OPTOBAT October 14, 2014 at 11:10 AM UTC

My worst nightmare was just that girl from the Exorcist - if you haven't seen the Exorcist, the girl is basically a fricken scary demon - and it kept teleporting around me and jump scaring the shit out of me, and i was in the streets alone at night for some strange reason, and it kept popping up right in my face haha 

Robin_DD_J October 14, 2014 at 12:10 PM UTC

I dreamed about jozz, then I woke up.. Couldnt sleep normaly for five days..

StewieFG October 14, 2014 at 12:10 PM UTC

I dreamed about I'm playing basketball
impossiblr wtf
thats the reason it's wierd

jojobloblo October 14, 2014 at 1:10 PM UTC

I have two

One) So I'm at home chilling with my friends the Backyardigans. Then we find a gun. I give it to my mom and she hides it in an air vent, concealing it with pancakes. Suddenly a gunshot comes flying out and hits my brother, who immediately comes back to life. I crawl in the air vent to find and kill George Bush.

Two) So my house is kind of on a slanted hill. I decide, like I apparantly did last year, to make a river flowing down it out of rainbow sherbet, the ice-cream river. Some kid comes up and tried to tell me I can't do it and another comes and says I did it last year. Then the pokemon Mawile eats them and all the ice-cream.

QFrog October 14, 2014 at 2:10 PM UTC

So this happened last night. The world was being attacked by really slow moving zombies. And for some reason I shit an old lady. It was more werid then scary. ._.

SlabSun October 14, 2014 at 2:10 PM UTC

Was playing Avicus except I had Let it go and was going full on rage mode, and therefore I was a total arse to everyone. While playing i was shaking alot like head swaying and I couldn't focus. I was in a dark room and then eventually while playing I raged so much that I melted into a pile of human flesh while screaming horrendously. 

I'd say more but most of my weird dreams are totally suppressed from memory.

Goodnighht October 14, 2014 at 2:10 PM UTC

my worst was one time I had an alligator out side my front door at night (I don't know don't judge me XD)

Goodnighht October 14, 2014 at 2:10 PM UTC

my happy dream though is me and my cousin were running around in a fieald with some hills. well behind one of those hills was a cave... of course being our dumb selves we walk in... well it wasn't bad :D there was pink and purple dinos and I rod a T-Rex :D and sat on a stegosaurus's head :D (again don't judge me XD)

IamSUPERMAN2007 October 14, 2014 at 3:10 PM UTC

my happy dream though is me and my cousin were running around in a fieald with some hills. well behind one of those hills was a cave... of course being our dumb selves we walk in... well it wasn't bad :D there was pink and purple dinos and I rod a T-Rex :D and sat on a stegosaurus's head :D (again don't judge me XD)

Iron October 14, 2014 at 4:10 PM UTC

I had a dream that I was strapped too a chair and had too watch Zombies procede too break a door holding my family and then watch my family die as they were brutally torn apart.

1Theodore1 October 14, 2014 at 4:10 PM UTC

I've stopped dreaming stuff for a few months now...
So yeah thats pretty weird

IamSUPERMAN2007 October 14, 2014 at 5:10 PM UTC

I've stopped dreaming stuff for a few months now...
So yeah thats pretty weird
You dream everynight.

1Theodore1 October 14, 2014 at 5:10 PM UTC

You dream everynight.
Nope c:

IamSUPERMAN2007 October 14, 2014 at 5:10 PM UTC

Nope c:
"If you think you are not dreaming - you just forget dreams."

S3M3L October 14, 2014 at 5:10 PM UTC

I had a dream that I was strapped too a chair and had too watch Zombies procede too break a door holding my family and then watch my family die as they were brutally torn apart.
The Walking Dead - Season 6 Episode 1, starring Ironsoldier2000.

IviFetita October 14, 2014 at 5:10 PM UTC

I didn't know that I was sleeping...
I was hungry. When I went to the door of my "Bodew" ( I called Bodew the kitchen) and when I was opening the door, I heard some strange sounds. It was my mum in the kitchen floor, with blood, and saying "Bad, Bad, Bagghhhness....", and she disappeared. After it, I went to the NYC police office, but it was empty, only a note in the door saying in blood: 
I looked my hands and nothing was happening...... I didn't understand it. All New York was empty. Was in this moment, that I understand that I was crazy.
I went back to my house, but when I saw the ghost. I didn't know it.

Tarheelkiwi October 14, 2014 at 7:10 PM UTC

Loosing a PVP battle to Porky :)

garsdef October 14, 2014 at 8:10 PM UTC

my happy dream though is me and my cousin were running around in a fieald with some hills. well behind one of those hills was a cave... of course being our dumb selves we walk in... well it wasn't bad :D there was pink and purple dinos and I rod a T-Rex :D and sat on a stegosaurus's head :D (again don't judge me XD)
thats liek my dream but the purple dino roded me

Mooch24 October 14, 2014 at 8:10 PM UTC

so i was fukn pand's bich 

o wait this is real xddddddd

cinammoncroc000 October 14, 2014 at 8:10 PM UTC

Dux came to my house, gave me an infraction and started beating me with a stick.

cinammoncroc000 October 14, 2014 at 8:10 PM UTC

Ducks came to my house, gave me an infraction and started beating me with a stick.


IamSUPERMAN2007 October 14, 2014 at 8:10 PM UTC

Ducks came to my house, gave me an infraction and started beating me with a stick.

oh shit

garsdef October 14, 2014 at 8:10 PM UTC

Ducks came to my house, gave me an infraction and started beating me with a stick.

thats liek my dream but it was shrek and his meatstick

Mooch24 October 14, 2014 at 8:10 PM UTC

thats liek my dream but it was shrek and his meatstick
this prple dino roded me. i didnt roded him

garsdef October 14, 2014 at 8:10 PM UTC

this prple dino roded me. i didnt roded him
i fell u :(((

StewieFG October 14, 2014 at 9:10 PM UTC

hi pand

IviFetita October 14, 2014 at 9:10 PM UTC

M.... Ok. Time to count it:
I was in Pto. Madero, Chubut Province, Argentina. There was so cold (1 month ago :P) And Dubby said "I love you, mary me". I was scared, and I said to she "I love you too, but, we are from different worlds". After it, I was on a strange place, with Dubby matched w/ me with a rope, and she crying with a cutter on his left hand. Finally, she kiss me and I stop sleeping (6:00 AM D:)

mustafa October 14, 2014 at 11:10 PM UTC

My dream consisted of me waking up wet in my bed xP

mustafa October 15, 2014 at 12:10 AM UTC

Jk It was actually about me getting shreked by shrek after I watched that whole "shrek is love shrek is life thing :P

Zieno12345 October 15, 2014 at 5:10 AM UTC

M.... Ok. Time to count it:
I was in Pto. Madero, Chubut Province, Argentina. There was so cold (1 month ago :P) And Dubby said "I love you, mary me". I was scared, and I said to she "I love you too, but, we are from different worlds". After it, I was on a strange place, with Dubby matched w/ me with a rope, and she crying with a cutter on his left hand. Finally, she kiss me and I stop sleeping (6:00 AM D:)
This isnt a fanfiction, nor would I consider this a "nightmare"

My nightmare consists of the hunger games in which my friends IRL are the tributes. For the sake of not writing an essay, I'm just gonna say that I won in the end ;o

Princezz_Dubstep October 15, 2014 at 7:10 AM UTC

M.... Ok. Time to count it:
I was in Pto. Madero, Chubut Province, Argentina. There was so cold (1 month ago :P) And Dubby said "I love you, mary me". I was scared, and I said to she "I love you too, but, we are from different worlds". After it, I was on a strange place, with Dubby matched w/ me with a rope, and she crying with a cutter on his left hand. Finally, she kiss me and I stop sleeping (6:00 AM D:)
Sweet lawdy Jesus. xD I can't stop laughing xD

I have so many that I could share, but one would be a "Lucid Dream" Hands down, scariest experience of my life ever. Ever. 

If you don't know what Lucid Dreaming is, it's basically when you wake up in your dream, and you are aware that you are dreaming. You control your dream, by yourself.

Scariest experience of my life ever. 

It just started when it was around 12am, and I was in this giant "haunted" house. I walked up the staircase, and I head to a room. From that point, I see a doll on the bed. *Remeber that I knew that I was dreaming this* I hear noises across the hallway. I check it out, since I'm not that fearful of hearing things. I see that nothing was there, I head back to the room that I was in, and the doll wasn't there... I tried to end this awful dream by sleeping in my dream. Didnt work out so well, I couldn't wake up irl. I was stuck in a horrifying dream, with scary apparations. And I was living it.

It was beyond way worse than I made it sound. I fear that I will lucid dream again x) 

Lucid dreaming can be dangerous too x) Just imagine being stuck in a horror movie, and you couldn't leave.x)

HereIwas October 15, 2014 at 9:10 AM UTC

My scariest Nightmare was when I was bemused and was really optimisticaly playing the game that never should be played.