Avicus Archive

Video idea? by SGMC September 24, 2014 at 12:09 AM UTC

In the next... while, I'm gonna start uploading avicus videos... I'm definitely gonna do basic minigames, but I also had an idea to do videos of me spectating nebula matches and very sarcastically commentating the wonders that go on. You'd be surprised at how many *interesting* things could happen. 

"And there, friends, is the rare and spectacular flying boat! It appears to be performing its annual migration to the other hemisphere's monument. As it gracefully lands and begins to salvage a nest from the nearby material-- Oh. Nope, nevermind, someone just shot it. Need to work on those gun laws." 

"Oh my! Look at that! It's the amazing and famous PeachyYas, swooping in to take down an opposing gladiator! Their swords meet with a sickening clang, and our Peachy hero uses this moment to quickly stab his opponent, knocking him to the ground! But what's this? Another person challenges our savior and Lord! YES! YES HE CAN! DOUBLE KILL! HE FLIES OFF THE EDGE AND INTO THE VOID! WTF OMG THERES ANOTHER GUY! STUPID NOOBS... OMFGGGGGG HE DIED TOO WOMBO COMBO WOMBO COMBO!!!!!!!"

"Well, what have we here? It appears a sneaky spy has crawled through the enemy patrols and made it to their most beloved possession, a perfectly pixelated cuboid obsidian rock! He slams his brightly shining diamond pickaxe to the igneous rock and creates a small hole. He continues soiling the monument that thousands and thousands of hours produced, oblivious to the work of art he is destroying. Finally, the deed is done, and the rock is destroyed. Well whatever back left is still alive"

Those are some of the best moments from the first video I recorded. Thoughts? Ideas? Share away, my pretties!

TheOpAmerican September 24, 2014 at 1:09 AM UTC

I'd like to invite you to the avicus commentary team ...

puffytrn5751 September 24, 2014 at 1:09 AM UTC

I'd like to invite you to the avicus commentary team ...

SGMC September 24, 2014 at 1:09 AM UTC

I'd like to invite you to the avicus commentary team ...
umm what O_O is that a thing

TheOpAmerican September 24, 2014 at 1:09 AM UTC

yes o.o what's your Skype

SGMC September 24, 2014 at 1:09 AM UTC

SeanGamingMC, the one with a pikachu picture...

S3M3L September 24, 2014 at 7:09 AM UTC

No, no no ... Akward commentary won't get you anywhere.

http://www.troll.me/images/al-bundy/kill-me-now-or-ill-do-it-myself.jpg (Lol! xD Can't add a picture :c )

Eklip_Z September 24, 2014 at 8:09 AM UTC

I don't really mind what people do ^_^. As long as you don't make people feel awkward, you are on a good path!