Avicus Archive

Do you have any walls tips for beginners? by CompleteCircuit January 2, 2016 at 7:01 PM UTC

I'm making a guide for new walls players, do you have any tips?

AyyJake January 2, 2016 at 8:01 PM UTC

Don't die. Stick with your teammate

Goodnighht January 2, 2016 at 8:01 PM UTC

- Learn the maps you can download them here (https://avicus.net/forums?topic_id=43&tag=The%20Walls)
-There will be people better than you, know the maps better, don't rage every time you die.
-Kit Stomper is always better. There is no point in trying to test anything else.
-HAVE FUN I can not stress this one enough. If you are not having fun, you will never improve, never make friends, never enjoy your time on Avicus. I, and many other people want Avicus to be a bigger server. (especially walls people, I don't know much of the Nebula players.) We are always willing to invite new players into a conversation, talk to you. Just be nice and enjoy the time you have. This is a great server, that has issues, just like any other server.
- Think of strategies. I am on a lot, and I am willing to help you understand a strategy more. Just message me (Acceptancq) and explain your strategy, and I will help you understand how to take down your strategy, how to defend against those strategies, how they will/won't work, etc..

I will update this post when ever I think of more things, <3 I am glad to help any new players learn maps, learn strategies, what ever they need. :) This is a big problem for the Avicus walls players, we need to help the new players, and accept them into the community. (This is the reason I have changed my name to Acceptancq.)

BoldAndBrash January 2, 2016 at 8:01 PM UTC

Learn the maps. Everyone you play with doesn't actually look for the stuff they know where it is after watch tutorials. :P

Goodnighht January 2, 2016 at 9:01 PM UTC

Learn the maps. Everyone you play with doesn't actually look for the stuff they know where it is after watch tutorials. :P
That may be true, but learning where the stuff is is still part of the game, I learned 90% of what I know from exploring and watching other people mine, I learned 3 diamonds on The Village from Murph's video. Beside that I learned everything, and now I can easily run through and get full armor in under 6-7 minutes on almost any map. Learning the maps is extremely important no matter how you learn them. ;)

Patrikano January 2, 2016 at 9:01 PM UTC

That may be true, but learning where the stuff is is still part of the game, I learned 90% of what I know from exploring and watching other people mine, I learned 3 diamonds on The Village from Murph's video. Beside that I learned everything, and now I can easily run through and get full armor in under 6-7 minutes on almost any map. Learning the maps is extremely important no matter how you learn them. ;)
Or....You can just team with me and win xD

Joking...Anyways. Learning the maps is very important but I think getting/having a good teammate is even more important.

BoldAndBrash January 2, 2016 at 10:01 PM UTC

That may be true, but learning where the stuff is is still part of the game, I learned 90% of what I know from exploring and watching other people mine, I learned 3 diamonds on The Village from Murph's video. Beside that I learned everything, and now I can easily run through and get full armor in under 6-7 minutes on almost any map. Learning the maps is extremely important no matter how you learn them. ;)
Yeye, didn't mean to disrespect the gamemode or whatever, I still find it amazing how people know the exact diamond placements which obviously took time to learn. :)

Sevoo January 3, 2016 at 1:01 AM UTC


FrozenSolstice January 3, 2016 at 1:01 AM UTC

Pick the kit "Stomper."

Build a high skybase.

Camp up there until the game ends, drop near your enemy and finish them off with a sword.

DaFrozenBlaze January 3, 2016 at 4:01 AM UTC

be a Petlas

ItzAidan January 3, 2016 at 5:01 AM UTC

Don't team kill.

Goodnighht January 3, 2016 at 12:01 PM UTC

Pick the kit "Stomper."

Build a high skybase.

Camp up there until the game ends, drop near your enemy and finish them off with a sword.
Stomper doesn't do damage to people anymore ;) But still a good strategy if you use it right xD

Patrikano January 3, 2016 at 4:01 PM UTC

Stomper doesn't do damage to people anymore ;) But still a good strategy if you use it right xD
I'm pretty sure it does. I got quite a couple kills by just jumping on a person from a high place.

potatoarmor March 15, 2016 at 3:03 AM UTC

Get to the mid bow as quickly as possible when the walls drop. then bow spam everyone to death >:D