Avicus Archive

► |Map Reassessment| Over by Ogrey August 30, 2015 at 4:08 AM UTC

The Map Development Team brings to you the Fourth Map Reassessment of the Avicus Network.
This time we have decided to involve the community more, and thus, you guys will play an important part in deciding which maps stay and which maps go.
If you're willing to participate in this reassessment, please make sure to abide by the following:

» You are allowed to post more than once, however, if you happen to want to add a minimal amount of feedback or comment, you are advised to edit your first post instead.
» Please refrain from posting any troll, off-topic or inappropiate comments.
» Be polite. We won't tolerate any rudeness towards a map and/or its creator. Remember, people who make maps do it to help the server.
» Be detailed and clear when giving feedback. We want serious opinions and inputs that will be useful to us while discussing maps privately. The better you word your feedback, the better the outcome.
» You can pick as much maps as you wish from the given list. You're not forced to give feedback for all of them, just pick the ones you find yourself more familiar with. That's up to you.

We will cycle through sessions that contain different maps to give feedback to. We shall proceed through this list as our level of comfort dictates (which should be around 4-7 days per session), so submit feedback while you still can.
» Throwback (Done)
» TDM01 (Done)
» Nexus (Done)
» Walls (Done)
» DTM01 (Done)
» DTM02 (Done)
» DTM03 (Done)


Please consider each map carefully, even maps that would be considered your "favourite". This plays a huge part in the final judgement, mainly because we need maps that have good gameplay and stand out from the rest.

JCoIe August 30, 2015 at 4:08 AM UTC

You want us to just give you a list?
Here are the maps that NEED to stay, anything else can go because they either suck, or they arent "old" enough to be considered throwback.
- Quintus
- Divines
- Senex 1
- Ternio
- Venomous: DTM
- Zalidor
- Venomous: TDM 
- Rigor Mortis
- Rendezvous 1
- Fissura
- Decay
- Dust Devils
- Frostbite
- Fantasy
- Luar
- Volcano
- Halcyon

ProfessorUtonium August 30, 2015 at 4:08 AM UTC

You want us to just give you a list?
Here are the maps that NEED to stay, anything else can go because they either suck, or they arent "old" enough to be considered throwback.
- Quintus
- Divines
- Senex 1
- Ternio
- Venomous: DTM
- Zalidor
- Venomous: TDM 
- Rigor Mortis
- Rendezvous 1
- Fissura
- Decay
- Dust Devils
- Frostbite
- Fantasy
- Luar
- Volcano
- Halcyon

Name why the specific maps you didn't include in your reply shouldn't be kept

ImRaging August 30, 2015 at 6:08 AM UTC

- Frostbite
- Quintus
- Senex 1
- Venomous: DTM
- Ternio
- Rigor Mortis (maybe there could be more monuments, since this is has good pvp gameplay but the games are always quick).
- Rendezvous 1
- Fissura
- Crusade
- Rendezvous 2
- Dust Devils
- Justice 1
- Teres (like rigor, it has good pvp gameplay, but is also quick. Maybe the positions of the monuments could be changed? Maybe to the side of the castle?)
- Luar
- Volcano
- Clay Wars

The remaining maps i left out, because they simply don't stick in my mind. This is mostly because they lack gameplay. I'm pretty sure all of the maps that are on that list have great aesthetics, but mapdev's need to stop worrying too much about the map looking pretty. 

dilpickel August 30, 2015 at 6:08 AM UTC

- Quintus Fan fav.
- Divines Classic but way to fast game time.
- Senex 1 Stalemates all the time. Fun at times.
- Ternio Fan fav
- Venomous: DTM. Classic.
- Zalidor Boring game play at times. but a classic.
- Venomous: TDM Fun but not well liked.
- Rigor Mortis Bad all around. Way to big, way to fast. Looks bad.
- Senex 2 Alright.
- Rapture (Don't know never played) 2 tho is REALLY fun if you know what you are doing.
- Rendezvous 1 Classic.
- Castle Adventure Classic
- Fissura Fun, good games, classic.
- Crusade Boring game play at times but fun at times also. Stalemates.
- Decay Boring slow game play. Classic. (Would like to see a remake)
- Rendezvous 2 Alright. Not much to it. Boring at times.
- Dust Devils Stalemates but that's the map. Fun.
- Frostbite Stalemates. Fun at times not at times also. Snow problems.
- Fantasy (Not sure)
- Diamond Shore (Haven't played enough)
- Honeycomb  (Haven't played enough)
- Justice 1 Stalemates. Its alright. Classic.
- Teres Classic.  Fast games. Fun at times.
- Luar Fan fav, classic.
- Mystic Boring, to big. Classic.
- Stained Pastures (Not sure)
- Wasteland  (Haven't played enough)
- Volcano  ( I only defend so not sure)
- Halcyon Fan fav, classic. Fun.
- Sandstorm Stalemates. Big, fun at times.
- Nordic Holiday  (Haven't played enough)
- Haunted Hallows  (Haven't played enough)
- Proelium Bad map all around. To big, way to much void. Stalemates Every game. 
- Clay Wars Fan fav.
Sorry for bad selling/ 
gamer on a small laptop :P.
EDIT: I remembor now Proelium

Robin_DD_J August 30, 2015 at 6:08 AM UTC

Remove the server and have a throwback month every now and then.

smitdalt August 30, 2015 at 8:08 AM UTC

All I have to say is remove Nordic Holiday because it is super stalematey and not even a fun map to play on. Also, rapture 2 is basically people just getting full dia, god apples, and strength 2 every time it comes on.

Numberz_ August 30, 2015 at 9:08 AM UTC

Throwback Maps that should be in the rotation:
Venomous: DTM - A classic map that is really quick and easy to finish usually ends within 5 - 10 minutes.
Luar - Man this map can be a real stalemate, but its still a well respected and loved map by all Nebula players and its prefect for rushing and kill farming.
Volcano - Another really quick and easy map that doesn't get stalemated for hours (since the extra obsidian was removed), people don't mind it since it has decent gameplay.
Crusade - Its over in 5 minutes or in an hour, great map that plays really well IMO. You can either kill farm off the start or rush pretty simple.
Castle Adventure - Personally this is my favourite Avicus map, I love it because you can always defend well on it. It's also a great map for kill farming with the punch bows.
Rendezvous 1 - Pretty sure everyone that plays Avicus loves this map, it was my first map I played and its still amazing. The gameplay is extremely balanced nothing that is too overpowered just simple iron.
Ternio - Another really classic map that really makes me think back to when I first started playing. Only thing I want to see changed is the diamonds re added to make the gameplay a bit more interesting.
Senex 1 - It has great gameplay if the flame bows were removed once again (I know it makes it the old way but too OP), rushing on this map is always amazing, I remember this was once the hardest map to get monuments on.
Halcyon - Ideal map for pingers, nuff said.
Quintus - This map has basically become apart of Avicus' history, the spawn killing/kill farming has been handled well making this map enjoyable once again.
Rigor Mortis - Quick and easy map to rush on with a great amount of space for PvPing.
Justice 1 - Has great gameplay even though I don't think it should be in the Throwback server since it isn't that old, still a great map.
Mystic - Ends in under five minutes, this map never stalemates because there is no supplies that allow it to prefect gameplay IMO.
Fissura - Decent PvP map and very easy to rush on. Does get stalemated from time to time.

Maps I don't want in the Throwback Rotation:

Divines - The gameplay is very poor, it shouldn't even be a CTW map it played much better as a DTM map (I know it was originally a CTW map).
Zalidor - Wayyy too laggy, along with a ton of spawn killers and team griefers digging out all the snow. This map has always had very poor gameplay mainly because of the lag.
Venomous: TDM - No, just no. Avicus can't support 1-hit TDM and this just ruins the greatness of the original map. Put in a TDM rot or burn it I don't really care.
Senex 2 - Gameplay is horrible, way too stalemate, I dislike the fact of PvPing in gold armour for an hour from the lack of iron supplies. 
Rapture - I'm not exactly sure if this is the correct map I think it is, I believe its the one with the large amount of diamonds, strength potions and gapples. This map is way too overpowered to be back in the rotations it was removed for a reason.
Decay - Too stalemate, no iron supplies. I was perfectly fine with this map when boats still worked so it could end quickly.
Rendezvous 2 - Put this map where it belongs in a Mix rotation or CTW. It's just not much of a classic and the gameplay isn't the best IMO.
Frostbite - Same reasons as Zalidor, just way too laggy, overpowered and stalemate. Also this map was bad and stalemate when  it was first made now its even worse with the newer monument placements, please just kill it.
Fantasy - Poor gameplay, heck it was even made in to a pot PvP map at one point that just proves how useless it is.
Diamond Shore - Really bad gameplay, confusing to new players, lots of lag and too overpowered.
Honeycomb - Poor gameplay, very easy to make god apples and lots of lag.
Teres - Monuments need to be moved to different locations, way too easy.
Stained Pastures - Just a ping war race to mid not enjoyable one bit.
Wasteland - Don't even know why this was in the Throwback sever to begin with not even that old. Gameplay is poor, too much diamond and very stalemate.
Sandstorm - Darude Sandstorm, just bad gameplay, way too much diamond and insanely laggy.
Nordic Holiday - I was glad when this map was removed, its really, really bad. The gameplay is so laggy its not even enjoyable, plus for new players they wouldn't be able to find the monuments (I've played it six times I still don't know where they are).
Haunted Hallows - Make this a seasonal map only. I don't enjoy having Halloween all year long, also the annoying sounds every time I get a kill piss me off.
Proelium - I can't even describe in words how bad this map is.
Clay Wars - Keep it on another server rotation the gameplay is good, but just not old enough to be Throwback IMO.

Well that took a while sorry for my shity spelling and grammar I got bored a 5AM... ;-;

jracer15 August 30, 2015 at 12:08 PM UTC

I'm confused, so will there be another post of walls reassessments?

AsianPear August 30, 2015 at 12:08 PM UTC

- Quintus
- Divines
The redo is okay... not a big for or against
- Senex 1
Remove all the bows in the middle for good
- Ternio
Add a freaking height limit
- Venomous: DTM
all is well
- Zalidor
Height limit, add some source of diamond to each team, downsize the large tree
- Venomous: TDM
Ping wars. 

- Rigor Mortis
nuthin here
- Senex 2
maybe make the monuments slightly closer?
- Rapture
Either remove this map or remove the potion shack.
- Rendezvous 1
Enlarge the iron source. Way too easy for people to teamtroll.
- Castle Adventure
- Fissura
Make this a CTW..
- Crusade
Less diamond.
- Decay
Add iron source, downsize the mushrooms at the monuments to make defending easier
- Rendezvous 2
Add water
- Dust Devils
Do something, anything, that makes this map less stalematey
- Frostbite
Height limit of 150 would be dandy.
- Fantasy
- Diamond Shore
Either remove this or revamp it so it's harder. Way too easy of a map, not enough time to utilize it's full potential.
- Honeycomb
- Justice 1
Height. Limit.
- Teres
Remove the OP bows
- Luar
- Mystic
Add those crappy bridges back again. Way too stalematey without them. 
- Stained Pastures
- Wasteland
less diamond
- Volcano
take away the lava from aliens
- Halcyon
less diamond, monuments closer to land
- Sandstorm
less diamond
- Nordic Holiday
chill map
- Haunted Hallows
edit the monument rooms
- Proelium 
Height limit, make mons easier
- Clay Wars, please do something with this map

AsianPear August 30, 2015 at 12:08 PM UTC

Also, for Fantasy, revamp so the spawns are closer together, make the midfield more congested so people will start utilizing the forest areas on the sides of the map

Add defense materials to all maps too, please.

Fouled August 30, 2015 at 12:08 PM UTC

I'm confused, so will there be another post of walls reassessments?
No, there will not. After this session is over, we will update the title of the thread with the new server (TDM01, Nexus and so on).

ProfessorUtonium August 30, 2015 at 2:08 PM UTC

- Quintus - Keep
- Divines - This map is rushed very quickly. This really isn't a good map to me.
- Senex 1 - Keep
- Ternio - Keep
- Venomous: DTM - Keep
- Zalidor - The void between the spawn and the monument is too big. The map can stalemate. Players cause lag by using shovels and breaking over 10k entities of snow
- Venomous: TDM -
- Rigor Mortis - Very big for a match that can Fit usually 30-40 players. 
- Senex 2 - Keep
- Rapture - Too OP - Killfarm - Strength/God apples need to go
- Rendezvous 1 - Keep
- Castle Adventure -  Keep
- Fissura - Keep
- Crusade - Keep
- Decay - Plain map. It's really not that good. The only way you can win is my immediately sky bridging to the top of the enemies mushroom then bridging out.
- Rendezvous 2 - Keep
- Dust Devils - Keep
- Frostbite - Players cause lag by breaking a bunch of snow and it gets annoying (keep though)
- Fantasy - Keep
- Diamond Shore - keep
- Honeycomb - keep
- Justice 1 - Punch bows are Op (lower the amount of them or remove completely)
- Teres - Monument placement makes it easy to get all 3 monuments 
- Luar - keep
- Mystic - keep
- Stained Pastures - Race to center . Easy to rush if you get the ender pearls. 
- Wasteland - Never seen
- Volcano - Never seen 
- Halcyon - Keep
- Sandstorm - The Saplings are OP and the god apples are bad (remove center apples)
- Nordic Holiday - Never seen 
- Haunted Hallows - Keep
- Proelium - Never seen 
- Clay Wars - Stalemate

will update this later. Writing This on my phone and these are the things that pop into my head when I think of the map. (Give me 4 hours to actually look through the map)

BoldAndBrash August 30, 2015 at 3:08 PM UTC

- Quintus - Keep, community favorite. 
- Divines - Remove/edit, too quick, rusher maps and players don't like that.
- Senex 1 - Keep, community favorite.
- Ternio - Keep, community favorite.
- Venomous: DTM - Keep, community favorite.
- Zalidor - Remove/edit, long matches which can be good, snowball lag, middle island is a bit too far.
- Venomous: TDM - Keep/edit, many players love it, but some say it's just a matter of ping.
- Rigor Mortis - Keep, fun game that lasts different amounts of times, community likes it
- Senex 2 - Keep, community favorite.
- Rapture - Null, played it long ago, but hardly remember anything about it.
- Rendezvous 1 - Keep, community favorite.
- Castle Adventure - Keep/edit, Maybe make the clouds a little bigger.
- Fissura - Keep, fun game that lasts different amounts of time, community enjoys it most of the time.
- Crusade - Keep, classic map, unique.
- Decay - Keep, fun, medium sized games, big, and a favorite to many.
- Rendezvous 2 - Keep, community favorite.
- Dust Devils - Keep, community favorite.
- Frostbite - Keep/remove/edit, many people want the classic Frostbite back, and snowball lag.
- Fantasy - Remove, not many people like it, I believe the terrain is uneven giving 1 team an advantage?
- Diamond Shore - Keep/remove/edit, many dislike it, takes awhile to finish.
- Honeycomb - Keep, Fun game, lasts different amounts of times, many people like it.
- Justice 1 - Keep, community favorite. 
- Teres - Keep/edit, can be a stalemate, but people love it.
- Luar - Keep, community favorite. 
- Mystic - Keep/edit, in my opinion, you should add the chain links at the bottom of the map again, please.
- Stained Pastures - Keep, very old map from what I remember, people enjoy it
- Wasteland - Remove, it's a boring map to a lot of people, although it is kinda unique.
- Volcano - Keep, community favorite. 
- Halcyon - Keep, community favorite. 
- Sandstorm - Keep, people love it, medium sized or small sized games most of the time.
- Nordic Holiday - Keep, unique, fun, and has a special feeling to it.
- Haunted Hallows - Keep, fun, unique, special feeling to it.
- Proelium - Keep, unique, community likes it, well-made.
- Clay Wars - Remove/edit, many members of the community hate it due to long matches that sometimes take more than an hour to finish.

kycrafft August 30, 2015 at 3:08 PM UTC

Keep rapture but remove the strenght and God apples, as Zerkk said.

piratewithgun August 30, 2015 at 3:08 PM UTC

You want us to just give you a list?
Here are the maps that NEED to stay, anything else can go because they either suck, or they arent "old" enough to be considered throwback.
- Quintus
- Divines
- Senex 1
- Ternio
- Venomous: DTM
- Zalidor
- Venomous: TDM 
- Rigor Mortis
- Rendezvous 1
- Fissura
- Decay
- Dust Devils
- Frostbite
- Fantasy
- Luar
- Volcano
- Halcyon

I completely agree

piratewithgun August 30, 2015 at 3:08 PM UTC

- Quintus - Keep, community favorite. 
- Divines - Remove/edit, too quick, rusher maps and players don't like that.
- Senex 1 - Keep, community favorite.
- Ternio - Keep, community favorite.
- Venomous: DTM - Keep, community favorite.
- Zalidor - Remove/edit, long matches which can be good, snowball lag, middle island is a bit too far.
- Venomous: TDM - Keep/edit, many players love it, but some say it's just a matter of ping.
- Rigor Mortis - Keep, fun game that lasts different amounts of times, community likes it
- Senex 2 - Keep, community favorite.
- Rapture - Null, played it long ago, but hardly remember anything about it.
- Rendezvous 1 - Keep, community favorite.
- Castle Adventure - Keep/edit, Maybe make the clouds a little bigger.
- Fissura - Keep, fun game that lasts different amounts of time, community enjoys it most of the time.
- Crusade - Keep, classic map, unique.
- Decay - Keep, fun, medium sized games, big, and a favorite to many.
- Rendezvous 2 - Keep, community favorite.
- Dust Devils - Keep, community favorite.
- Frostbite - Keep/remove/edit, many people want the classic Frostbite back, and snowball lag.
- Fantasy - Remove, not many people like it, I believe the terrain is uneven giving 1 team an advantage?
- Diamond Shore - Keep/remove/edit, many dislike it, takes awhile to finish.
- Honeycomb - Keep, Fun game, lasts different amounts of times, many people like it.
- Justice 1 - Keep, community favorite. 
- Teres - Keep/edit, can be a stalemate, but people love it.
- Luar - Keep, community favorite. 
- Mystic - Keep/edit, in my opinion, you should add the chain links at the bottom of the map again, please.
- Stained Pastures - Keep, very old map from what I remember, people enjoy it
- Wasteland - Remove, it's a boring map to a lot of people, although it is kinda unique.
- Volcano - Keep, community favorite. 
- Halcyon - Keep, community favorite. 
- Sandstorm - Keep, people love it, medium sized or small sized games most of the time.
- Nordic Holiday - Keep, unique, fun, and has a special feeling to it.
- Haunted Hallows - Keep, fun, unique, special feeling to it.
- Proelium - Keep, unique, community likes it, well-made.
- Clay Wars - Remove/edit, many members of the community hate it due to long matches that sometimes take more than an hour to finish.
They made zalidor into dirt instead of snow to reduce snowball lag but then they made it snowy again for some reason

BoldAndBrash August 30, 2015 at 3:08 PM UTC

They made zalidor into dirt instead of snow to reduce snowball lag but then they made it snowy again for some reason
Yeah, I remember that. :P

DaFrozenBlaze August 30, 2015 at 4:08 PM UTC

They made zalidor into dirt instead of snow to reduce snowball lag but then they made it snowy again for some reason
I liked it :(

Jahaj August 30, 2015 at 4:08 PM UTC

Maps that you guys should keep:
- Quintus
Best kill farm map.
- Divines
- Senex 1
Classic map with great gameplay.
- Ternio
- Venomous: DTM
This map is a really fun map to play on, as well as the first map i ever played on.
- Zalidor
- Rigor Mortis
- Rendezvous 1
Classic with great gameplay.
- Castle Adventure 
- Fissura
- Crusade
- Decay
One of my favorite maps of all time, many different options for rushing.
- Rendezvous 2
If I remember correctly, this is a really old map that has been changed recently. I personally liked it better before it was changed.
- Frostbite I like this map and its another kill farm map.
- Justice 1
This map is a bit small, but it's one of those maps that size doesn't matter and it is unique in that way. 
- Teres
Another one of my favorites, it has so many different ways it can be played.
- Luar
Classic map, it brings back so many memories and you should keep it.
- Wasteland
I really love this map with all of it's hidden secrets, please keep it.
- Volcano
This map is one of the most troubling maps for me. It's so easy for the humans to win because it is tipped in their favor, but I do love it when I'm on the humans side and it brings back many memories.
- Halcyon
I really like this map.
- Haunted Hallows
This is a really unique map and so much fun.
- Proelium
- Clay Wars
Please DO NOT remove or change this map, it is my another one of my favorite maps and it brings really unique gameplay, as well as lasting pretty long, which is a good thing.

Okiba August 30, 2015 at 4:08 PM UTC

Yeah, I remember that. :P
I thought it was some seasonal thingy :p

Creanetor September 6, 2015 at 12:09 PM UTC

Woah lots of maps around but I can't even play the old maps in 2013-2014.
Exepcpt i played Castle Seige

jracer15 September 6, 2015 at 1:09 PM UTC

Looks like TDM is next!

Fouled September 6, 2015 at 9:09 PM UTC

Final judgement for session 1 (throwback):

Remove one of them
Divines: Remove
Senex 1: Keep
Ternio: Keep (add a height limit)
Venomous: DTM: Keep
Zalidor: Remove
Venomous: TDM: Remove on throwback
Rigor Mortis: Keep
Senex 2: Keep
Rapture: Already been removed
Rendezvous 1: Keep
Castle Adventure: Keep
Fissura: Keep
Crusade: Keep
Decay: Remove or edit
Rendezvous 2: Keep
Dust Devils: Keep
Frostbite: Remove or edit
Fantasy: Keep
Diamond Shore: Remove
Honeycomb: Keep
Justice 1: Keep
Teres: Keep and edit
Luar: Keep
Mystic: Remove
Stained Pastures: Remove
Wasteland: Remove
Volcano: Keep
Halcyon: Keep
Sandstorm: Remove
Nordic Holiday: Remove (move to storage)
Haunted Hallows: Keep
Proelium: Remove
Clay Wars: Keep, but not on throwback

Next up is session 2 (TDM01), be sure to read the main post for the map list.

Numberz_ September 6, 2015 at 9:09 PM UTC

Final judgement for session 1 (throwback):

Remove one of them
Divines: Remove
Senex 1: Keep
Ternio: Keep (add a height limit)
Venomous: DTM: Keep
Zalidor: Remove
Venomous: TDM: Remove on throwback
Rigor Mortis: Keep
Senex 2: Keep
Rapture: Already been removed
Rendezvous 1: Keep
Castle Adventure: Keep
Fissura: Keep
Crusade: Keep
Decay: Remove or edit
Rendezvous 2: Keep
Dust Devils: Keep
Frostbite: Remove or edit
Fantasy: Keep
Diamond Shore: Remove
Honeycomb: Keep
Justice 1: Keep
Teres: Keep and edit
Luar: Keep
Mystic: Remove
Stained Pastures: Remove
Wasteland: Remove
Volcano: Keep
Halcyon: Keep
Sandstorm: Remove
Nordic Holiday: Remove (move to storage)
Haunted Hallows: Keep
Proelium: Remove
Clay Wars: Keep, but not on throwback

Next up is session 2 (TDM01), be sure to read the main post for the map list.
Anyway to disable the sounds for Haunted Hallows?

As for Frostbite there isnt a point in editing it anymore, the map itself just has bad gameplay.

xMasterSlayer September 6, 2015 at 9:09 PM UTC

Anyway to disable the sounds for Haunted Hallows?

As for Frostbite there isnt a point in editing it anymore, the map itself just has bad gameplay.

Fouled September 6, 2015 at 9:09 PM UTC

Anyway to disable the sounds for Haunted Hallows?

As for Frostbite there isnt a point in editing it anymore, the map itself just has bad gameplay.
I removed the sounds.

Numberz_ September 6, 2015 at 9:09 PM UTC

I removed the sounds.
Thank you c;

dilpickel September 7, 2015 at 12:09 AM UTC

- KnucklesAndBrokenGoggles: Not the most fun map, not much to it
- Zao1: The only good TDM now that venomous is removed.
- Spookghetto: Not sure
- IllegalOffice: Different not the most fun, but ok 
- Zao2: Its alright not the best. bit big.
- Periculum: Not sure
- GoldRush: Its alright also little bit confusing at times.
- Azeron: Not sure
- Harena: Not sure
- Raptors: Not sure
- Actrix: Not sure
- Scizor: Kinda boring, not much to it.
The tdm rot doesn't get played alot :P.

Numberz_ September 7, 2015 at 1:09 AM UTC

So first off my opinions on TDM are simple. Avicus can not properly support the one hit TDM maps as I said in this post. So I suggest make the maps that are one hit TDM and turn them into regular TDM, so people like me don't need to rage every time they get ghost killed by lag. My list of maps I want left in rotations will be short because of that reason. Also If I really want TDM I just go play CTH or Nexus.

Maps I want in rotations:
Scizor - Map with fair gameplay, small amounts of diamonds/OP items. Also its the closest thing left that reminds me of Gladiator. 
Actrix - Fun map low score limit and good gameplay. Please re add the point boxes by spawn.

Maps that need changes/removed:
Zao1 - One hit ping wars. Plus glitches.
Zao2 -  One hit ping wars. Plus glitches.
Periculum - The map itself isn't bad, but the TNT bows are a real pain in the ass.
GoldRush - One hit ping wars. Plus glitches.
IllegalOffice - Wayyy too laggy for a TDM map, was much better when it was made a DTM map. Just find a way to get rid of the lag or remove it completely.
KnucklesAndBrokenGoggles - I don't know why this map is still in the  rotations :/ The gameplay is and always has been poor.
Spookghetto Same as KnucklesAndBrokenGoggles, the map isn't the best too laggy (all the water), one hit kills. Gameplay is poor from the massive size of the map, please remove it.

Not sure what the rest of the maps are like... Never played them.

jracer15 September 12, 2015 at 2:09 PM UTC

So first off my opinions on TDM are simple. Avicus can not properly support the one hit TDM maps as I said in this post. So I suggest make the maps that are one hit TDM and turn them into regular TDM, so people like me don't need to rage every time they get ghost killed by lag. My list of maps I want left in rotations will be short because of that reason. Also If I really want TDM I just go play CTH or Nexus.

Maps I want in rotations:
Scizor - Map with fair gameplay, small amounts of diamonds/OP items. Also its the closest thing left that reminds me of Gladiator. 
Actrix - Fun map low score limit and good gameplay. Please re add the point boxes by spawn.

Maps that need changes/removed:
Zao1 - One hit ping wars. Plus glitches.
Zao2 -  One hit ping wars. Plus glitches.
Periculum - The map itself isn't bad, but the TNT bows are a real pain in the ass.
GoldRush - One hit ping wars. Plus glitches.
IllegalOffice - Wayyy too laggy for a TDM map, was much better when it was made a DTM map. Just find a way to get rid of the lag or remove it completely.
KnucklesAndBrokenGoggles - I don't know why this map is still in the  rotations :/ The gameplay is and always has been poor.
Spookghetto Same as KnucklesAndBrokenGoggles, the map isn't the best too laggy (all the water), one hit kills. Gameplay is poor from the massive size of the map, please remove it.

Not sure what the rest of the maps are like... Never played them.

From what it looks TDM lag issues may be a problem with the gamemode itself and many of the maps just causes ghost kills

Numberz_ September 12, 2015 at 4:09 PM UTC

From what it looks TDM lag issues may be a problem with the gamemode itself and many of the maps just causes ghost kills
The maps aren't the best to begin with though.

jracer15 September 16, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

Bumping so the map devs get more feedback for TDM

Fouled September 16, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

Final judgement for session 2: TDM01

KnucklesAndBrokenGoggles: Remove
Zao1: Keep (edit to normal TDM)
Spookghetto: Keep (edit: remove water) 
IllegalOffice: Keep (edit)
Zao2: Remove
Periculum: Keep
GoldRush: Remove
Azeron: Remove
Harena: Remove
Raptors: Keep
Actrix: Keep
Scizor: Keep

Next up is session 3 (Nexus), be sure to read the main post for the map list.

Numberz_ September 16, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

Final judgement for session 2: TDM01

KnucklesAndBrokenGoggles: Remove
Zao1: Keep (edit to normal TDM)
Spookghetto: Keep (edit: remove water) 
IllegalOffice: Keep (edit)
Zao2: Remove
Periculum: Keep
GoldRush: Remove
Azeron: Remove
Harena: Remove
Raptors: Keep
Actrix: Keep
Scizor: Keep

Next up is session 3 (Nexus), be sure to read the main post for the map list.
Is there anyway Gladiator could make a come back?

BoldAndBrash September 16, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

Is there anyway Gladiator could make a come back?

jracer15 September 23, 2015 at 12:09 AM UTC

Bump so they can get some feedback for Nexus
(Did they even change the TDM rotations?)

Fouled September 24, 2015 at 10:09 PM UTC

Final judgement for session 3: Nexus

Travincal1: Keep
Canyon: Keep
FeralParadise: Keep
DesertedParadise: Keep
Scorpio: Keep
Archange1: Keep
Coniculum: Remove
Candoria: Keep
Travincal2: Keep
DragonblazePeaks1: Keep
MajesticSkies: Keep
Arkashia: Keep
WorldsEnd: Keep
TropicThunder: Remove
BlockFort: Keep
Vallis: Keep
Orion: Remove
Travestia: Keep
Autumn: Remove
Archange2: Remove
Oeilvert: Keep
NewHeaven: Keep

Next up is session 4 (Walls), be sure to read the main post for the map list.

Professor_Jonble September 25, 2015 at 12:09 AM UTC

- TetrisJungle - Good map, keep this one.
- Lands - Looks really cool, keep.
- Mesoplanet - I don't like the fact there's a fortune 2 pickaxe + many (hidden) diamonds to go along with a not needed strength potion. Remove
- TheVale - I don't mind this map, although it's not my favorite. I don't like the thorns on the hidden gold armor. Keep
- GrunKaskade - Hidden protection 4 diamond armor is certainly not needed, but even if it does get removed/nerfed I never liked this map. Plus strength 2? Seriously? Remove.
- Springwood - I like the idea of a 2-team walls map, keep.
- Oz - The map looks and plays decently, but I don't like the hidden diamonds. Keep. (remove some diamonds?)
- TetrisWinter - A nice, snowy map. Keep.
- Vanilla - Nice map with no diamonds. I'd nerf the slowness potions in the middle, though. Slowness 3 for 45 seconds seems kind of crazy. Keep
- Neirus - I haven't played this map too many times, but the few times I played it I didn't mind it... Keep
- BlueCove - Ehhh.... 90% water pvp isn't always that fun, so I wouldn't mind it being removed...
- WildWest - This map has always sucked in my eyes. Another unnecessary (hidden) strength potion to go with powerful (hidden) items. Remove.
- PiratesCove - This map looks good and plays very well. Definitely keep
- KnightsTower - Never liked this map. While it looks cool, the gameplay is pretty awful. Hidden OP armor makes it even worse. Remove
- Garden - I don't mind the gameplay, but it's a boring map. Too many diamonds too. Remove
- Overworld - I liked the original version of this map much more.... Looks decent, but I don't think it plays all that well considering there are 4 instant health 2 potions in each quad. Remove
- TheVillage - I've never been a fan of this map, especially since you can get full diamond. Remove a majority of the diamonds and add more iron and then I'll like it. Remove
- TetrisSwamp - Might be one of my favorite maps.... I love the idea of not giving each team an enchantment table, plus it looks cool. Keep
- Ascent - Hated this map. Tons of unnecessary items. With stomper being the supreme walls kit it makes it very easy to use it on this map. Remove
- TropicalFalls - Only played this once, but I can't remember anything bad about it. Keep
- MiniMushrooms - I didn't find anything appealing about this map, honestly. Remove.
- Tinyjungle - It's a nice map for the mini rotations. Keep
- Smallcrypt - Again, it's a nice map for the mini rotations, but poison potions can get a little annoying... Keep.
- MiniWalls - Nothing bad or too great about this map, keep.
- Hawaii - I can't think of anything bad to say about this map. Best mini map in my opinion. (Someone needs to fix this YML, btw). Keep.

NutMeggs September 25, 2015 at 1:09 AM UTC

-TetrisJungle Good gameplay good map. Keep.
- Lands Nice aesthetics, fun to play but all the diamonds are really annoying especially since they are all hidden and only walls players know where they are. This gives a disadvantage to new players (new players being new to walls or the server). Keep
- Mesoplanet I don't mind playing this map but all the hidden diamonds and the strength are really annoying. The concept is cool though. The strength and full diamond really makes for bad gameplay. Remove.
- TheVale This map's kinda boring to play but I don't mind it too much. Keep.
- GrunKaskade The strength in the middle is completely unnecessary along with the armor that only few people know about (which happens to be prot 4 full diamond armor which gives a huge advantage and the players who have it are almost guaranteed  a win). Other than that overall good aesthetics, not too much of a fan of gameplay. Remove.
- Springwood This map is absolutely great. Definitely one of the best walls maps. Keep.
- Oz Aesthetics are awesome gameplay is decent enough. Keep.
- TetrisWinter This map has too many potions but it's okay. Keep.
- Vanilla I think something's wrong with this yml or something because I (and others) lag a ton on it. It would be a really fun map with great gameplay but the lag is just absolutely horrible. I say if it doesn't get fixed then remove but if it does then keep.
- Neirus Great map, great aesthetics and gameplay. Keep.
- BlueCove This map is always interesting to play because it is a bow-oriented map. A lot of people don't like it because of this but I think that's what makes it unique. Also the bow battles are really fun. Keep.
- WildWest - Looks cool but with strength and full diamond it makes for horrible gameplay. This map is not fun at all. Remove.
- PiratesCove- probably my favorite map. Beautiful aesthetics and the best gameplay this map is just awesome. Keeeep.
- KnightsTower In contrast to Pirates Cove, this is my least favorite map. It has super overpowered items along with a really overpowered armor set that a lot of people don't know about/where it is. This map is really just not good even the maker of the map (polar) said he didn't like it anymore and removed it then it was at some point put back by another mapdev. Please remove.
- Garden The gameplay on this map is okay but it's a really boring map to play. Remove.
- Overworld- Like Vanilla this map can be super laggy but it's an okay map. Keep/Remove doesn't really matter.
- TheVillage Everyone seems to love this map but to be honest I don't really like it. Would be so much better without all the hidden diamonds (The Village and Lands have the same mine so see my opinion on Lands)
- TetrisSwamp One of the best maps. Keep.
- Ascent Haven't played this one too much but stomper really ruins this map. (Would be much better if stomper was removed but that obviously won't happen). Stomper makes this map have pretty bad gameplay.
- TropicalFalls- NIce looking map, pretty good gameplay. Pretty new and different. Keep.
- MiniMushrooms Too many enchantment bottles. Looks nice but idk too many enchantment bottles.
- Tinyjungle Keep
- Smallcrypt Keep
- MiniWalls Keep
- Hawaii This is my map :). The yml needs to be changed because it's a minimap it's supposed to start with 1 person on each team but the yml was messed up so it needs 2 on each team (8 people) to start which is like a regular map. Please change this. Keep:)

ClubberNugget September 25, 2015 at 1:09 AM UTC

- TetrisJungle Keep, love the gameplay and it provides a great fight each time.
- Lands Remove, Aesthetics are cool, but the map is laggy and it doesnt have very good gameplay
- Mesoplanet  remove, its a neat idea, but the gameplay is bad, and the strength and fortune isnt very cool.
- TheVale Keep, good gameplay, par aestheitcs, love it
- GrunKaskade Not gonna give an opinion because its my map, but i did post an update with nerfed armor and added nausea to the strength in the center and last i played it, it wasn't changed.
- Springwood keep, one of the best maps, great gameplay, love the 2 team concept
- Oz remove, kinda boring gameplay and the aesthetics are alright.
- TetrisWinter Keep, great gameplay, just like every other tetris map
- Vanilla keep, in my opinipn, this map has the best gameplay out of any walls map
- Neirus no opinion, havent played it enough
- BlueCove remove, water pvp is awful, it makes the game take way too long
- WildWest remove, poor gameplay, nobody really likes this map, Sorry itaity, bashing on alot of your maps XD
- PiratesCove remove, i dont like water pvp, plus this map is huge, which causes alot of time just searching for players, which makes it kinda boring to play.
- KnightsTower remove, just like pirates cove, its huge, hard to find that last player, plus, the map is stacked, and the gameplay is not optimal.
- Garden Keep, aesthetics are okay, i like the gameplay, overall decent map
- Overworld Keep, okay aesthetics, but love the gameplay
- TheVillage Keep,too many people love this map, and i like it fair enough
- TetrisSwamp keep, great gameplay, great gameplay, did i mention great gameplay?
- Ascent No opinion, being its my map.
- TropicalFalls Keep, i like it, havent gotten to play it alot though
- Mini maps Remove them all, I liked the concept at first, but they take away two more rot variations for the regular maps, they took away everybody's patience for a regular map and the gameplay is not optimal on any of these maps, loved the idea, but a good walls match needs 8 players

TheColdCrafter September 25, 2015 at 1:09 AM UTC

- TetrisJungle One of the best maps, fun gameplay, balanced map, keep.
- Lands Decent map, looks good but doesn't play well, plus too many chests, remove.
- Mesoplanet way too many diamonds and a strength potion and just bad gameplay, remove.
- TheVale Too overpowered, boring gameplay, remove.
- GrunKaskade WAYYY too overpowered and not fun to play on. Remove.
- Springwood really fun map, 2 teams and balanced sides, keep.
- Oz Annoying map that doesn't really have anything but aesthetics. Remove
- TetrisWinter Once again, really fun map to play on with a good survival element. Keep.
- Vanilla Best map imo. Very challenging, and fun to play on. Maybe nerd the things in middle though? ;3 Keep
- Neirus never played it
- BlueCove fun map, even though water pvp gets a little irky, just make a boat/bow and you'll be good. Keep
- WildWest - overpowered, bad gameplay, remove.
- PiratesCove can be fun, but boring gameplay imo, good aesthetics, not balanced, remove.
- KnightsTower once again, all its got is aesthetics. Remove.
- Garden fun map, but needs a nerf to all the diamonds. Keep
- Overworld no, just no. Awful gameplay, please remove this.
- TheVillage Would be best map, but needs a huuge nerf to all the diamonds. Keep
- TetrisSwamp another awesome fun map. Keep
- Ascent never played it
- TropicalFalls never played it
- TheVale boring map, not fun to play on, remove.
- MiniMushrooms - decent mini map, but way too many enchanting bottles, keep
- Tinyjungle best mini map imo, keep.
- Smallcrypt fun map with good gameplay, keep.
- MiniWalls keep, good mini walls game, keep.
- Hawaii not very good gameplay, decent aesthetics, remove.

Ogrey September 25, 2015 at 2:09 AM UTC

  1. Tetris Jungle: Keep. All Tetris maps have outstanding looks and excellent gameplay. Please consider bringing back Tetris Plains, as well.
  2. Lands: Keep. Fun map, unique concept.
  3. Mesoplanet: Remove.
  4. The Vale: Keep. Nice concept, well-built map.
  5. Grun Kaskade: Remove.
  6. Springwood: Keep. One of the best maps there is.
  7. Oz: Remove.
  8. Tetris Winter: Keep. All Tetris maps have outstanding looks and excellent gameplay. Please consider bringing back Tetris Plains, as well.
  9. Vanilla: Keep. Simple yet shocking.
  10. Neirus: Never played.
  11. Blue Cove: Remove.
  12. Wild West: Keep.
  13. Pirate's Cove: Keep. Absolutely mesmerizing map, fantastic gameplay. (plus I spent like a hundred hours with Polar trying to fix it so help saving my efforts).
  14. Knight's Tower: Remove.
  15. Garden: Remove.
  16. Overworld: Keep.
  17. The Village: Keep. Big time classic and very loved map.
  18. Tetris Swamp: Keep. All Tetris maps have outstanding looks and excellent gameplay. Please consider bringing back Tetris Plains, as well.
  19. Ascent: Remove.
  20. Tropical Falls: Keep.

jracer15 September 25, 2015 at 2:09 AM UTC

Tetris Jungle: Ascetically great, great gameplay: Keep
Lands: I like the concept and and it has decent gameplay: Keep for now
The Vale: The maps landscape adds to gameplay and I never found the gold armor to over powered: Keep
MesoplanetMe personally have had an issue with the map but the chest layout is built for one player so thats a no no, the strength potion is unnecessary, and the cave doesn't have too many ores: Remove
Grun Kaskade: The map has many over powered stuff but the map maker made updates to map to fix that, the map devs just need to respond to them(I have let them know before :) Update it and keep it
Springwood: really fun map, the two teams make for a more team oriented and strategic gameplay.  The chest layout is really good too: Keep
Oz: I've played this map many times and still don't know where the cave is.  Lack of food, hard to navigate: Remove(his was a map that was removed before and brought back)
Tetris Winter: Ascetically great, great gameplay: Keep
Vanilla: I've learned to love this map, its balanced out for a more skilled pvp fights: Keep
Neirus: The map is has a medieval, yet futuristic look to the map(probably the only one who sees it)the gameplay is pretty good as well: Keep
Blue Cove: Even with the water pvp the gameplay is pretty fun and the sky cave is awesome: Keep
Wild West: Use to love this map but since everyone knows this map its a race to get items and someone usually ends up with nothing: Remove
Pirates Cove: Nice ascetics, navigation is fun, chest layout is decent.  The map is pretty big making for long gameplay: I would still keep though
Knights Tower:  The map is too big making the harder to navigate and learn the map.  Many of these things  on the map are hard to find.  Has this op diamond armor: Remove(Polar removed it when he was map dev, dunno why its back...)
Garden: Classic map, beautiful to look at and gameplay is usually good: Keep
Overworld:  Like the spooky feeling to the map.  The gameplay is decent: Keep
The Village: The map is what Quintus is to Nebula: Keep unless you want some riot
Tetris Swamp: Ascetically great, great gameplay: Keep(Notice the trend?)
Ascent: The few times I played it everyone always has a blast.  From the second you spawn your excited to see where you landed and the second floor adds unique dimension: Keep
Tropical Falls: People seem to like it( But I saw issues with the walls drop so can a map dev actually respond to me on the updated map download?)
All the Small Maps:  Hmm, the good thing about these maps is that when there isn't many on you can easily get a small match started, but I also find them repetitive.  Keep them for now

Some Additions?
Camelot: Was never sure why it was removed, players seemed to love it and had nice ascetics 
Mt Blizzard: Been tested many times and players loved it.  If there is any edits you want to make let me know.

Rotation Idea:  You should make two walls rotation in the maps in alphabet order and its evenly split.  Seems a bit picky but I get crazy OCD seeing one map on both rotation, lets get organized!

kycrafft September 25, 2015 at 2:09 AM UTC

  • Tetris Maps: Keep the all, good gameplay
  • Lands: A nice twist on the village. It's better for veteran players, but still fun.
  • Mesoplanet: Remove, not enough resources compared to OP items
  • The Vale: Keep, but think about limiting the OP gold armor, as it pretty much sets you up to win if you have it. 
  • Grun Kaskade: Not sure, haven't played it much
  • Springwood: Keep. Lots of fun. 
  • Oz: It's fine I guess. 
  • Vanilla: Keep but edit it so there is more to do. I often spend half the time waiting untill the walls fall
  • Neirus: Never played.
  • Blue Cove: Remove, chests are too repetitive and while I like the interesting ore-tree design, water makes this map frustrating to play
  • Wild West: Good map, keep it. 
  • Pirate's Cove: A bit big but other than that a good map. 
  • Knight's Tower: Too many chests all in one place and nothing very interesting other than that. Remove. 
  • Garden: One of the better maps and it's well balanced, please keep it. 
  • Overworld: Keep it, there is a good variety of items and resources. 
  • The Village: Keep. It has stood the test of time so far and people like it. 
  • Ascent: Haven't played
  • Tropical Falls: ^

  • Will do mini maps later

  • ProfessorUtonium September 25, 2015 at 3:09 AM UTC

    - TetrisJungle - All Tetris maps are great (Keep)
    - Lands - (Forgot what this map looked like)
    - Mesoplanet - Personally, I feel this map is just a race to see who gets the chests first (Remove)
    - TheVale - Great Map. The Hidden armor isn't OP, which is good, and an overall A+ (Keep)
    - GrunKaskade - Never Played
    - Springwood - Amazing Map! Never really thought of any cons for this.
    - Oz (Never Played)
    - TetrisWinter (See Tetris Jungle)
    - Vanilla - Good O'l Vanilla! (Keep)
    - Neirus - Never Played
    - BlueCove - Amazing Map, Love the concept of the ores (Keep)
    - WildWest - Race to Chests and Poor gameplay, Strength Potion and Jump Boost potion. (Remove)
    - PiratesCove - (Forgot what the map looked like)
    - KnightsTower - Race to get chests but overall, This map could be better by just removing chests. (Keep but Tweak the amount of chests)
    - Garden (Never Played)
    - Overworld (Never Played)
    - TheVillage - Good Original Map. Concept is great.
    - TetrisSwamp (See Tetris Jungle)
    - Ascent - I tested this map and I loved the Gameplay. The only downside to this I really see now, is the stomper Kit that's used. Personally, This map would be better off with the top part removed
    - TropicalFalls - I tested this map and it was great. It wasn't too cluttered, the chests weren't too op, overall, the map was outstanding.
    - All Mini rotations maps: Great to play when only 4 players are playing walls (Keep)

    Goodnighht September 25, 2015 at 9:09 PM UTC

    Was checking back to see if my post had gotten any comments and saw this. I may as well help. :)

    I'm just going to go through all the maps I can think of for now, and say what I think of each map. (I don't know if all of these maps are in rotations or not.)

    - Tetris Swamp: Great map in all, but for new players it's not a fun map, there are too many diamonds that regular players know, that new players don't.
    - Tetris Winter: One of the best maps, only a few diamonds, so new player's don't just get ran over.
    - Tetris Jungle: Love the map, but as with Tetris Swamp, too many diamonds. 
    - The Vale: Map itself is very well drawn out. Stomper kit is way too overpowered in the map though. People will build sky bases above spawn, and when you drop down to get the bow, you die instantly, bad for gameplay. Also for new players, they don't know any of the special armor.
    -Oz: As far as I know this is back in rotations, I like the map, but Stomper is a kit has an advantage on this map.
    -Tetris Plains: I know this is not in rotations, but it was one of the best maps I have ever played. Great gameplay, may have too many diamonds as I said with Tetris Swamp and Tetris Jungle. (I personally like the diamonds, but for new players, this is a very bad thing. This may be another reason there are not as many people playing walls.)
    -Wild West: I love this map. For players like me that know a lot of diamonds, it is amazing, but for new players, this is not a good thing. A lot of maps have this, I don't know what is more important to you, players or maps that take skill to learn. I would love to find a way to do both, but I'm not a builder. :p
    Any other maps that I have missed, or not put in, I have not played them enough to give information on. 


    Coco_stag September 26, 2015 at 7:09 AM UTC

  • Tetris Maps: Keep
  • Lands: Keep
  • Mesoplanet: Keep
  • Grun Kaskade: Now that there is no op items remove
  • Springwood: Not a fan of this map
  • Oz: Keep
  • Vanilla: Delete
  • Neirus: Remove
       Blue Cove: Remove
  • Wild West: Keep
  • Pirate's Cove: Keep
  • Knight's Tower: Remove
  • Garden: KEEP
  • Overworld: Remove
  • The Village: Keep
  • Ascent: Keep
  • Tropical Falls: Keep

  • jracer15 October 2, 2015 at 1:10 AM UTC

    Bump for any more walls feedback

    Numberz_ October 2, 2015 at 1:10 AM UTC

    TetrisJungle: Great map but too much diamonds. Keep but remove some diamonds.
    - Lands: Very little amounts of iron supplies, too much diamond. Remove it like Village. 
    - Mesoplanet: Really bad map, lags, glitches, lack of supplies. Remove.
    - TheVale: Same reasons as Mesoplanet. Remove.
    - GrunKaskade: Never played it.
    - Springwood: I really enjoy this map, bit too much op gear and diamonds. Keep but edit/remove op gear and diamonds.
    - Oz: I love this map but its really confusing and has little access to cave systems. Remove.
    - TetrisWinter: Perfect gameplay IMO. Keep.
    - Vanilla: Not sure if I've played this map.
    - Neirus: Never played it.
    - BlueCove: Too much water but it has fair gameplay and interesting features. Keep.
    - WildWest: Too op, remove the strength please. Keep.
    - PiratesCove: Not sure which map this is.
    - KnightsTower: Really boring map, too big hard to find good gear. Remove.
    - Garden: Boring map. Remove.
    - Overworld: Its a decent map gameplay is pretty fair. Keep.
    - TheVillage: I know its a classic but I hate this map, too many diamonds it becomes a race for them every time. It also doesn't have very much iron supplies so you die fairly quickly if you're new to the map. Remove.
    - TetrisSwamp: Decent gameplay, tad too many diamonds. Keep but remove some of the diamonds.
    - Ascent: Never played it.
    - TropicalFalls: Never played it.
    - MiniMushrooms: Fair gameplay, but a bit confusing imo. Keep, but make some changes.
    - Tinyjungle: Good gameplay for mini walls map. Keep.
    - Smallcrypt: I really hate playing this map, too much poison, really bad height limit. Remove.
    - MiniWalls: Confusing but decent. Keep.
    - Hawaii: Pretty good map but I dislike all the water. Keep but reduce some of the water.

    Fouled October 2, 2015 at 2:10 AM UTC

    Final judgement for session #4 (Walls)

    Lands: Keep
    Mesoplanet: Remove
    TheVale: Remove
    GrunKaskade: Remove
    Springwood: Keep
    Oz: Keep
    TetrisWinter: Keep
    Vanilla: Keep
    Neirus: Remove
    BlueCove: Remove
    WildWest: Keep 
    PiratesCove: Keep
    KnightsTower: Remove
    Garden: Keep
    Overworld: Keep
    TheVillage: Keep
    TetrisSwamp: Keep
    Ascent: Remove
    TropicalFalls: Keep
    MiniMushrooms: Remove
    Tinyjungle: Keep
    Smallcrypt: Remove
    MiniWalls: Keep
    Hawaii: Keep

    Next up is session #5; DTM01. Please look at the main post for the map list

    Fouled October 2, 2015 at 2:10 AM UTC

    Readded Gladiator to rotations - Mix01 and TDM01

    Numberz_ October 2, 2015 at 3:10 AM UTC

    Readded Gladiator to rotations - Mix01 and TDM01
    I love you.

    iiDarudePvP October 3, 2015 at 12:10 AM UTC

    Senex 1 & 2 (3 is bad, nerd armor/remove)
    Rendezvous 1 & 2 (3 is bad, nerf armor /remove)
    Justice 1,  and 3

    Those are my favs, keep em. There are some maps (zalidor and a few others) are Bow spammers dream, and I hate now spamming.

    Edit: I hate Decay, its so boring

    BoldAndBrash October 3, 2015 at 12:10 AM UTC

    Readded Gladiator to rotations - Mix01 and TDM01
    I love you map devs.

    jracer15 October 3, 2015 at 12:10 AM UTC

    1. Tetris Jungle: Keep. All Tetris maps have outstanding looks and excellent gameplay. Please consider bringing back Tetris Plains, as well.
    2. Lands: Keep. Fun map, unique concept.
    3. Mesoplanet: Remove.
    4. The Vale: Keep. Nice concept, well-built map.
    5. Grun Kaskade: Remove.
    6. Springwood: Keep. One of the best maps there is.
    7. Oz: Remove.
    8. Tetris Winter: Keep. All Tetris maps have outstanding looks and excellent gameplay. Please consider bringing back Tetris Plains, as well.
    9. Vanilla: Keep. Simple yet shocking.
    10. Neirus: Never played.
    11. Blue Cove: Remove.
    12. Wild West: Keep.
    13. Pirate's Cove: Keep. Absolutely mesmerizing map, fantastic gameplay. (plus I spent like a hundred hours with Polar trying to fix it so help saving my efforts).
    14. Knight's Tower: Remove.
    15. Garden: Remove.
    16. Overworld: Keep.
    17. The Village: Keep. Big time classic and very loved map.
    18. Tetris Swamp: Keep. All Tetris maps have outstanding looks and excellent gameplay. Please consider bringing back Tetris Plains, as well.
    19. Ascent: Remove.
    20. Tropical Falls: Keep.
    I talked to itzjust4fun, there was some issue with the map that could have been fixed...but he lost the download :0

    Coco_stag October 3, 2015 at 1:10 AM UTC

    - AlphaComplex
    Not really an interesting map, Its pretty decent but it gets quite boring. Remove
    Gameplay 6/10, Aesthetics: 5/10

    - RendezvousRedux Keep
    Ugh, Well. The only thing I like about this map is kill farming. For some reason it is easier than the original version "Rendezvous" Keep
    Gameplay: 7.8/10, Aesthetics: 8/10 

    - Towers
    Remove, It's not fun at all and looks like another normal pavlo map Remove
    gameplay: 6/10,  Aesthetics: 8/10

    - Yellowstone
    An enjoyable map :D. I love the gameplay and aesthetics. Keep
    Gameplay: 8/10, Asthetics: 7.5/10

    - Infernus
    An alright map, Not many issues! Keep
    Gameplay: 7.9, Aesthetics: 7.5

    - VerdonFortress
    Not really a fun map :P Remove
    Gameplay: 4/10, Aesthetics: 6.7/10

    - SectorSix 
    I love this map! It has amazing gameplay! Keep
    Gameplay: 8.9, Aesthetics: 7.9

    - Formorgar2
    1 of my favourite maps! Keep
    Gameplay: 8.7, Aesthetics: 9.8

    - Clearmont1
    Pretty good map!
    Gameplay: 7.6, Aesthetics: 8.9  Keep

    - KingsFortress2
    A really fun map! I love the idea of 4 team. Keep
    Gameplay: 8.6, Aesthetics: 8.1

    Ogrey October 3, 2015 at 1:10 AM UTC

    Senex 1 & 2 (3 is bad, nerd armor/remove)
    Rendezvous 1 & 2 (3 is bad, nerf armor /remove)
    Justice 1,  and 3

    Those are my favs, keep em. There are some maps (zalidor and a few others) are Bow spammers dream, and I hate now spamming.

    Edit: I hate Decay, its so boring
    I deeply advice you to take a couple minutes of your time to read the main post thoroughly, that way you'll actually understand how this thread works and your input will succeed in making sense in consonance with the actual purpose of the post and its respective instructions.

    jracer15 October 3, 2015 at 2:10 PM UTC

    Final judgement for session #4 (Walls)

    Lands: Keep
    Mesoplanet: Remove
    TheVale: Remove
    GrunKaskade: Remove
    Springwood: Keep
    Oz: Keep
    TetrisWinter: Keep
    Vanilla: Keep
    Neirus: Remove
    BlueCove: Remove
    WildWest: Keep 
    PiratesCove: Keep
    KnightsTower: Remove
    Garden: Keep
    Overworld: Keep
    TheVillage: Keep
    TetrisSwamp: Keep
    Ascent: Remove
    TropicalFalls: Keep
    MiniMushrooms: Remove
    Tinyjungle: Keep
    Smallcrypt: Remove
    MiniWalls: Keep
    Hawaii: Keep

    Next up is session #5; DTM01. Please look at the main post for the map list
    I saw Grun Kaskade was removed but was the update Random made (update was to resolve many of these issues) taken into account for the decision?

    Ogrey October 3, 2015 at 3:10 PM UTC

    1. Alpha Complex: Keep. The map is unique in many aspects and offers various styles of gameplay not seen much before. The gameplay is good, it's fairly challenging while not leaving it impossible.
    2. Rendezvous: Redux: Never played thoroughly.
    3. Towers: Never played thoroughly.
    4. Yellowstone: Keep. Somewhat old and reasonably entertaining. I consider it to be well built and it has just the correct amount of resources and buildings on it.
    5. Infernus: Keep. Its shine has kind of worn off but I consider it to be a pretty fun map and it's sort of old. Many players seem to enjoy how gameplay goes and I say so myself as well.
    6. Verdon Fortress: Never played.
    7. Sector Six: Keep. One of my best maps. It offers spectacular gameplay while holding alright aesthetic features to it. It's quite challenging while at the same time fun and enjoyable. Watch out for the TNT traps, yo.
    8. Formorgar II: Keep. Successful sequel of Formorgar I. Fun gameplay, okay aesthetics.
    9. Clearmont I: Only issue with this map is that it ends quickly. Other than that, it's fine. Keep, I guess.
    10. King's Fortress II: Keep. I don't think I even need to elaborate.

    ProfessorUtonium October 3, 2015 at 3:10 PM UTC

    1. Alpha Complex: Keep. The map is unique in many aspects and offers various styles of gameplay not seen much before. The gameplay is good, it's fairly challenging while not leaving it impossible.
    2. Rendezvous: Redux: Never played thoroughly.
    3. Towers: Never played thoroughly.
    4. Yellowstone: Keep. Somewhat old and reasonably entertaining. I consider it to be well built and it has just the correct amount of resources and buildings on it.
    5. Infernus: Keep. Its shine has kind of worn off but I consider it to be a pretty fun map and it's sort of old. Many players seem to enjoy how gameplay goes and I say so myself as well.
    6. Verdon Fortress: Never played.
    7. Sector Six: Keep. One of my best maps. It offers spectacular gameplay while holding alright aesthetic features to it. It's quite challenging while at the same time fun and enjoyable. Watch out for the TNT traps, yo.
    8. Formorgar II: Keep. Successful sequel of Formorgar I. Fun gameplay, okay aesthetics.
    9. Clearmont I: Only issue with this map is that it ends quickly. Other than that, it's fine. Keep, I guess.
    10. King's Fortress II: Keep. I don't think I even need to elaborate.
    I agree with this ^^^

    Ogrey October 8, 2015 at 12:10 AM UTC

    Final judgement for Session #5 - DTM01:

     Alpha Complex
     Rendezvous: Redux
    ✗ Towers
    ✓ Infernus
    ✗ Verdon Fortress
    ✓ Sector Six
    ✓ Formorgar II
    ✓ Clearmont I
    ✓ King's Fortress II

    Next up is Session #6 - DTM02. Take a quick look at the main post for the map list.

    Ammar_Thunder October 10, 2015 at 6:10 AM UTC

    Dry Heaven I- Not a fan of this map too much space between the spawn and the monument- Remove
    - Good maps and fun for rushing but can be frustrating if it takes too long to finish.- Keep
    Jungle Warfare- One of my favourite maps because of how fun and fast it escalates and can be very fun for rushing.- Keep
    Sunbeam Temple- Another one of my favourite maps another fun map for rushing and you have to be smart to be able to break a monument- Keep
    Mistrock- Not bad but we already have other maps like this one- Remove
    Candyland II- Remove very frustrating map and takes a lot of time to end with the fact that are a lot of defenders- Remove
    Senex III- Another map that takes a lot of time to end I hate this map there are no bedrock under the monument and there are always a lot of defenders defending plus you can't break the monument from under the ground or something like that- Remove
    Bermuda- One of my favourite three maps. Simply because it ends quickly and it is fun to rush on- Keep
    Unix- I hate this map always takes a long time to end and there can be a lot of kill farming- Remove
    Embers II- A lot of lava and it is hard to break the mon on this map if there are a lot of players- Keep
    Graylands- Another fun map to rush on just like Tunnels and even if there are defenders you can still break the mon on this map- Keep
    Planks- I hate this map so much it always takes time to end and there can be a lot of defenders.- Remove

    Thanks for your time.
    P.S. Can somebody please tell me what happened to Northern Omens?
    P.S.S. Will Zalidor be removed forever?


    Subscriptor October 10, 2015 at 6:10 AM UTC


    Bermuda: crappy gameplay, only water in the map and usually ends in less than a minute.

    Graylands: rushed too fast and lacks gameplay

    Fouled October 12, 2015 at 10:10 PM UTC

    Final judgement for Session #6 - DTM02:

    Dry Heaven I
    ✗ Tunnels
     Jungle Warfare
    ✓ Sunbeam Temple
    ✗ Mistrock
    ✓ Candyland II
    ✓ Senex III
    ✓ Bermuda
    ✓ Unix
     Embers II
    ✗ Graylands
    ✓ Planks

    Next up is Session #7 - DTM03. Take a quick look at the main post for the map list.

    Coco_stag October 13, 2015 at 6:10 AM UTC

    Final judgement for Session #6 - DTM02:

    Dry Heaven I
    ✗ Tunnels
     Jungle Warfare
    ✓ Sunbeam Temple
    ✗ Mistrock
    ✓ Candyland II
    ✓ Senex III
    ✓ Bermuda
    ✓ Unix
     Embers II
    ✗ Graylands
    ✓ Planks

    Next up is Session #7 - DTM03. Take a quick look at the main post for the map list.
    Wait? Does the tick mean its staying?

    I am taking it both ways like tick for removing.

    Ammar_Thunder October 13, 2015 at 11:10 AM UTC

    Wait? Does the tick mean its staying?

    I am taking it both ways like tick for removing.
    I am pretty sure tick means it is staying

    Ammar_Thunder October 13, 2015 at 1:10 PM UTC

    DTM #03-
    Maps that I don't want:
    -Fossil Canyon

    More specific:
    Hyper Paradise
    - Very good map and definitely one of the bests maps on DTM. - Keep
    Crescent: Subtle- I like this map just because it is fun to rush on.- Keep
    Rendezvous 3- I love this map. The gameplay is fantastic and it is always a challenge to destroy the mon on.-Keep
    Port Town 2- Fun map and takes quite a while to break the mon on- Keep
    Clearmont II- Exciting map and it is always a challenge to break the mon on- Keep
    Sketch Vapor- Annoying small map and always gets overcrowded and takes a long time to break the mon but still it is a fun challenge to destroy the mob on this map.- Keep
    Curabitur- Terrible map you always get caught when trying to build to the mom the space between the mon and the spawn is close. - Remove
    Justice 2- Fun map to challenge on definitely a challenge- Keep
    Wonderland- Good map and it is very good overall again a challenge to break the mon on- Keep
    The Hallow- Another good map and I love this map because you need to use your mind skills to break the mon on also it is very fun for rushing and can improve your ninja bridge skills- Keep.
    Fossil Canyon- Annoying map with a lot of water- Remove
    King Fortress I- Very good map and is different from the other maps it has 4 teams which is something special and it is fun to rush on and it will be a challenge for people not to see you, has that something special- Keep

    DaFrozenBlaze October 13, 2015 at 4:10 PM UTC

    Maps to be removed: Fossil Canyon: Lots of water, rushed very quickly.

    The others are fine, most have decent or good gameplay.

    Mehrp October 13, 2015 at 8:10 PM UTC

    In my opinion the only map that should be removed is fossil canyon as I literally have not seen a game on there last over 5 mins

    Fouled October 15, 2015 at 1:10 AM UTC

    Final judgement for Session #7 - DTM03:

    ✓ CrescentSubtle
    ✓ Rendezvous3
    ✓ PortTown2
    ✗ Clearmont2
    ✗ SketchVapor
    ✗ Curabitur
    ✓ Justice2
    ✗ Wonderland
    ✗ TheHallow
    ✓ FossilCanyon
    ✓ KingsFortress1

    The map reassessment is now over.